
Hi I’m 39 weeks and 3 days so Bubs could come anyday now! I know every pregnancy is different but I wanted to know everyone’s experience that’s given birth like how was it? As I’m terrified of the pain and the unknown I’m not good with pain id say and first time giving birth it’s terrifying me. Hoping for some reassurance of some kind maybe Thanks
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I’m 39 weeks today so commenting to know what people say😅

I gave birth 2 weeks ago now first baby and honestly it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. My main advice would be don’t stress as that only makes it worse, your body knows what to do and just go with it

I loved giving birth!!! I opted to get the epidural. It didn’t work at first but the anesthesiologist was able to mess with it and then it started working. I did a lot of breathing exercises during contractions and it helped me so much.

I didn’t have a epidural just the other pain relief

I was terrified the first time because of the horror stories people told me- do not listen to them! Pick your pain relief, stay calm, listen to your body, focus on your breathing and put all your energy into pushing not screaming, top tip from my mum that really makes sense 🤣 I’m on baby number two and I’m not worried at all this time, your body is built for it!

I personally waited WAY too long to leave for the hospital while I was in labor because the pain wasn’t NEARLY as bad as I thought it should be! Yes it was painful but I thought I’d be like unable to walk completely. Obviously that’s different for everyone and everyone has a different pain tolerance but I hope this eases your mind a little 💗💗 Edit to add: when I say I waited too long to leave, I labored on my moms couch all day, finally decided to go to the hospital and my water broke as I was walking out the front door. My daughter was born within 10 minutes of entering the hospital 🤣💗

I was induced at 41 weeks 3 days. The contractions came on strong and I got to 7cm in 5 hours with no epidural and it was excruciating. I honestly don’t remember the actual pain I was in. I ended up caving and getting the epidural which paralyzed my whole right side from the butt down but I still felt each contraction the same. Ended up getting a second epidural and 20 minutes later it was time to push and I felt NOTHING. I was also high as a kite because they kept pushing meds expecting the first epidural to work. The actual birth of my son is kinda foggy I just remember crying as soon as he came out and saying he looked like his dad but right before and after that it’s a blur.

It’s not as bad. One advice GAS AN AIR will be your best friend ! Good luck with it all we built for this xxx

i know it’s scary, but having a mindset of trust in yourself, your body and your baby can make such a difference. read or listen to some positive birth stories, that may help you feel less nervous and more hopeful! personally i was so excited to give birth. it was of course the hardest thing i’ve ever done but it was also extremely empowering. my baby was born at 40+5 after 24 hours of labor, i declined induction and she came on her own. i chose no pain medication and it was a great experience for me. you go into a different world in your mind during labor. as you wait for baby to come i suggest resting and trying to ease your mind as much as you can. your body was built to birth, you’ll do amazing

I didn’t know i was in labour till my waters went and i was instantly at 10 centimetres and almost didn’t make it to the hospital but i didn’t think i was at 10 because i was expecting worse but 2 hours after my waters breaking baby was out there was no time for any pain relief and yes it hurt but i was expecting a lot worse even with a third degree tear

It was awful I wanted to give u hope lol but I’m very much of saying the true pain wise was awful but the best when I saw my baby it’s bittersweet I guess

Thanks everyone, hoping it goes smoothly for me and all I’m worried about will be for nothing I know it’ll be worth once she’s here, think I’ll only be using gas. Horror epidural stories put me off abit haha ❤️

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