Does my partner even like me anymore?

Hi everyone, I need some help. Me and my partner have been together for nearly 3 years and we’ve just welcom our baby boy 6 weeks ago. Since having the baby it’s been hard but we fall out then fix it like we always have, we’re really good with communication. But now he seems to be different, he comes in from work, goes straight to the toilet comes in our room and is on his phone watching tik tok from then onwards. I had an emergency c-section and during my whole labor and after he seemed to be unbothered by the amount of stuff I was going through. I’ve just come out of hospital for the second time as my wound is super infected and isn’t healing due to it. The whole time we were in hospital (we were told it’d be no longer than 24hours) he kept saying he needed to go to work and he just didn’t really wanna be there i could tell. He kept saying how other women will do it alone and how do they manage. But that’s not the point because i’m not alone? so why should i have to be alone? I do have PPD and anxiety so Im not the nicest person to be around right now but I just want him to be there for me like he used to be. He used to do everything for me, literally anything. Now he just wants me to do it all alone and I physically can’t afford to keep doing things alone because i’m so unwell with my c-section complication. There’s just no love there anymore and I feel like he’s just disgusted by me and it’s eating me inside. Before you say talk to him, i have and he says he’ll fix it or he just argues against what I say. So trust me this is just my last resort.
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A lot of guys drop the mask after we give birth. It’s not your fault, nothing you did. You deserve EXTRA care and kindness. Because A) you just gave birth b) the birth was traumatic and hard on your body and c) you are dealing with serious infection. He should be helping with practical things: laundry, groceries, cooking for himself, bringing you meals and making sure you eat and pee and shower in peace without the baby, feeding the baby if/when he can, waking up each night for at least part of the night to take care of his child. He should also be helping by showing extra signs of affection. Sit by you, give kisses with no expectation of sex, never complain about sex, say he loves you and appreciates you for all that you did and are doing. Listen to you, help, and be understanding when you say “I’m so tired.” And not say “I’m tired too.” You deserve those things. Not having that care especially when you are recovering, that hurts deeply.

… I think a lot of men are shit partners when it’s time to step up, honestly.

@Ele Thank you, I’m glad to know it’s not just me being overdramatic. I just don’t know what to do. I sit there and think what have i done wrong? because i just went through all that and still am just to be pushed out. I hope there’s a reason behind it and he can fix it because I wouldn’t have had a baby with him if I knew I’d be treat like i didn’t matter anymore. In another note he never wakes up, he seems to think he has a sleeping condition which is fine but he needs to be diagnosed before i believe it. He doesn’t realise it but i’m sat there at night absolutely knackered from looking after the baby all alone and taking continuous tablets all day shaking my partner and literally screaming to wake him up and there’s just no interest whatsoever. I understand being tired but so am i, and i don’t get to sleep and let someone else handle our baby so why should he? does that make sense or am i just being nasty.

Oooh you have no idea how common is that its like sth turns off in there minds, its horrible i read somewhere sth and it worked for me, i am not sure about your background but you can apply whatever works for you from it, ask god for help no one else he is the one who created us and he is the one that gives us power and strength to do anything, be thankful its good for you before anyone else be thankful for the baby for everything even the hard stuff, forget totally about the entitlement talk and how much you deserve love and these things not because it doesnt matter but because it will hurt you more now just push through a little bit then you think about it as the baby and your wounds cant afford that, if he does anything small thank him from your heart with a smile maybe its fake in the beginning but it will be better later on, stop thinking about leaving or what happens just focus about passing day by day, when you need sth ask for it in the smallest sentence possible, whenever you are mad at him try physi

My other half had to watch me go through a traumatic birth and he was later diagnosed as also having PPD. Could it be possible he's struggling with his owm mental health and seeing the woman he loves go through what you've been through? The hospital especially would then freak him out but he might be too a embarrassed to admit that?

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