Circumcised boys

Are there any mums here who circumcised their baby boys? And how did you find the whole experience? In my husband culture they circumcise boys and I am a little bit afraid of the whole thing even though I want to do it for him because it is important to him.
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The baby will of course cry because of the pain when it is being done (I told my husband to go rather than myself) but the younger they are the better it is to get it done. You just follow the instructions on taking care of it, apply Vaseline and let the baby sit in a tub of medication provided. Blood will be there but it will not be bad at all, the recovery is quick and you will forget it ever happened. There are many benefits of it mot to forget it is much better and cleaner than an uncircumcised down below, less prone to getting disease or infection.

We did, we decided since my husband is it’s easier to teach his son when it looks similar. It’s minor, it mostly didn’t bother him until he grabbed it during the first diaper change. It bled for a day, was raw for 5 and then completely healed like nothing happened. The hospital I gave birth in uses petroleum, so they said a good trick was to rub the petroleum inside the diaper instead of directly on him and that worked well for us.

It was really easy. My son only cried when they unswaddled him afterwards. Not even during the lidocaine shot to numb him. Then we just kept Vaseline on it til it healed to keep it from sticking to the diaper. It was totally healed in about a week and I never noticed him complaining more about it during diaper changes than before the circ. I’ve also helped as a nurse with many circs and between the lidocaine to numb, a tiny bit of sugar water, and being swaddled, most boys don’t care and then if they do, they nurse right after and are content. I apologize in advance for any nasty comments you’ll be getting from people in this group. There’s one dedicated to circumcision and foreskin care that has a lot of unbiased info and moms who have had to make the choice to circumcise for various issues later in their son’s lives.

Thank you ladies, this makes me feel so much better. At first I was a bit against because it sounds painful and unnecessary but it is important for my husband so I agreed to it.

my boy is circumcised, it wasn’t bad for my boy. the surgeon came in , asked which option we wanted and told us what she was going to do. he wasn’t in any visible pain during the healing process. Nor did we have to give any meds. the white band fell off in 4 days . It healed entirely in 7 days. We applied vaseline on it after every diaper change with a q tip to prevent it from sticking to his diaper and keep it moist. it being dry was the most painful thing to him. hope this helps mama 🫶🏾

@Cristina when it’s done at birth or when they are very young, they really don’t care after the initial pokes. Babies feel pain but their nerve endings are underdeveloped so the lidocaine is enough usually!

Thanks @@Beth that is good to know.

I got my son circumcised and the doctor said he didn’t even cry when his was done (which I believe since he didn’t cry for any of other things that would his shots, etc. I think it was easy to care for afterwards and like someone else said I wanted him to look like his dad so he can explain important info later on.

My son had his done at 5wks and they froze the area so he wouldn’t feel it. Our instructions were to give him Tylenol 30 minutes before the procedure. He was awake the entire time sipping on sugar water. He only cried hours later when the freezing wore off. We had to apply Vaseline on his area after every single diaper change with a q-tip so that it would not stick to the diaper. To clean the area I used a soft baby face cloth with lukewarm water and gently cleaned it. By day 4 my son didn’t flinch whenever I would clean or apply Vaseline.

My son was 4 weeks old when we did it. They numbed it so at the time he didn’t feel pain. He cried for a bit after and then when he pee’d he would cry but only for a few days after. It was very straight forward and very easy to look after!

🙋🏾‍♀️ As fellow Christians, my son was circumcised. I was a little worried about pain, but they put cream there and gave him baby tylenol so it wasn’t too bad. I also foresaw how it could be more painful going through that process later in life. You just have to make sure you follow steps for after care with putting ointment on it very regularly.

My son got it done at 2 weeks old. They gave him local anesthesia so he didn’t really react at all! He was distracted because they were giving him sugar water. After the procedure you have to put Vaseline in the diaper for about 5 days - be careful not to put too much or pee is gonna go everywhere!!! My baby really didn’t mind the whole thing. Never acted like he was in pain. Just took a long nap when we got home!

Yeah mine was 2,3 weeks old they numed but he cried for almost 5 mins then gel and warm water worked but yeah scary for me

Both of my boys are. They each got a different style because we went to different hospitals but both types were fully healed within 10 days. Zero issues, very easy maintenance, procedure itself was very quick and easy. The only crying was when they were first set of the table because it was cold

Both of my boys are circumcised (not the ring method) at the hospital after birth and I was told overall 30 seconds of crying and then they just knock out after lol. No complications whatsoever, no more crying after the initial procedure, it healed perfectly. whenever we put the Vaseline and gauze on the wound they basically had no reaction they seemed totally fine. Also it was my husbands decision as well and I respect that it also has to do with certain health benefits as to why we came to that decision. No issues super quick healing to be honest nothing crazy at all!

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Had no issues, and it was over quick. Also looked into some scientific studies of circumcised vs. uncircumcised. There was no difference really in later life experiecences, sexual or otherwise, except a slight reduction in infections for those circumcised.

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