Painting toenails for boy

I painted my toes recently and now my 3 year old son is asking to have his toenails painted as well. His dad isn’t thrilled with the idea because he’s worried other kids will make fun of him. Opinions?
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I mean, it's unlikely for other kids to see his feet, and most little kids just think things are cool, so I doubt they'd bully him.

Is he ever anywhere without socks? Who will see outside of family?

I doubt he would get bullied about it, but I still wouldn’t do it.

My partner is worried about him taking his shoes off at daycare because he does quite a bit. I don’t think he’ll be bullied, if anything other kids will probably want their toes painted too.

Nail polish doesn’t have a gender :) girls and boys can wear nail polish! I bet other three year olds will think it’s super cool! If he gets made fun of, prepare yourself to have a gentle conversation about ignorance and judgment. But encourage your kid to express himself!

I don’t think he’d get bullied for it, it’s completely harmless. If anything I think if any kids would see it they’d think it’s cool, little kids don’t hold as much gender bias as adults

I paint my partners toenails any time he falls asleep watching tv with me. Harmless

He's 3. Nobody will care, and if they do care about the colour of a 3 year old's toenails, they need to get a life. Paint those toes!

Kids will be bullied no matter how we try to protect them unfortunately. I think it might actually be really helpful to show him to not let others talk down to him but overall, I’d say do it ❤️ Being against it might also reinforce bad stereotyping. My mom was a pre-K teacher & she shut the shit down real quick, so it’s also trusting the other adults who care for your little.

My kids like their nails painted when I paint mine. My husband hates it to though so I only did it once or if I do now it’s just one nail.

He’ll probably be a more confident child if he gets to try new things. And as you say - other 3 years old will probably more likely just be fascinated and want theirs done too. He can be a little trendsetter 😅💕

My 4 year old loves when I paint his fingers and toes! His dad has nail polish remover at his house and sometimes takes it off if it’s super bright! The kids at his school love it! He loves it!

Compromise - paint them but tell him you’ll need to remove it later in the evening, and remove it same day. It shouldn’t be just your opinion or just dads opinion

My youngest son, he’s 7, loves getting his nails painted by me. We told him that some kids may think it’s strange because of the way society sees boys/men but we just try to instill confidence and remind him that it’s his body and he can decorate it if he wants and to not feel bad about it. One time he came home from school and told me five friends loved his nails and thought it was cool. So that was nice.

My 2 year old loves having his nails painted, if it makes him happy then go for it

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It's not that deep🙄 I painted my boys toes when he felt left out and their father did throw a fit. 😂 He was a toddler then and It was silly to think it would be taken any other way. He wasn't in daycare but even if he was I'd tell them the same thing! He felt left out! Who cares

It comes off just do it. It’s not permanent and he thinks it’s fun.

I don't think he will get bullied but I also saw where you can get washable paint and let them use that I planned on doing that with my son so he can paint my nails one day

idk about anyone but as a parent it’s our responsibility to make them understand some things they cannot do as a boy. we can politely make them understand too it’s not that hard tbh. i don’t want to put ideas in their little minds that i will be okay with whatever they want to do in future. they should know the boundaries in general.

@MrsB nah. It’s not a parent’s responsibility to promote or teach weird and outdated gender “rules”. It is color on toe nails. It’s not that deep.

@MrsB not allowing their sons to paint their nails isn’t a boundary for all though. We don’t enforce gender norms in our house, meaning we don’t say somethings are only for girls and somethings are only for boys. Everyone’s house is different.

I grew up in a family of three older sisters and the youngest was a boy :) my little brother always wanted to do everything we did, but was only allowed to have his pinky fingers painted because my mom was afraid that if she painted his nails he’d turn out gay😂 it’s so silly that some parents think painting a little kid’s nails or letting them play with dolls will have any impact on their sexuality. I don’t think 3 YO aged kids would have enough toxic masculinity yet to bully another boy for having painted toes but once you get to school aged kids it’s always the kids who’s parents never let them do stuff like that who turn out to be the bullies, because they have such a narrow definition of what being a boy is

No. Not cuz the other kids will make fun of them just cuz y paint yur son nails? (Strictly my opinion to each there own but to me it's a hard No)

I've painted my son's fingers and toes and literally no one has ever bullied him

@Haley it’s not a weird rule but i meant that kids need to learn that it’s a girl thing or boy thing. it’s as simple as that. im not saying to be harsh on them but just letting them know the “rule” that god has made. i know it’s not that deep for us but it can be deep for their little minds who knows. they can make it a part of their personality when they are as young as 4/5 year sold.

At 3 he won't be bullied, especially for nail polish. Nail polish is for anyone who wants it. It's 2024 ffs.

I'd be more worried about mine ingesting it since she still likes to eat with her hands. Kids nail polish and makeup don't get checked for harmful chemicals.

I wouldn’t paint them bright red or pink but maybe black or blue. Id do it as a once off but same goes for a girl.

My boys love getting their nails painted. They see me painting mine and are immediately offering theirs up to be next. They're kids, they like colors and want to copy their parent(s) because they love us. When they get older and go to start school if they're still loving it regularly I'll sit them down and talk about the potential issues with them. For now let kids be kids. Let them do things just because they want to, let them figure out how they like things.

At that age they don’t care tbh. I used to be a nursery practitioner and there was a little boy that always used to wear the princess dresses and nobody batted an eye.

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I highly doubt 3 year olds would bully but I just think a 3 year old is too young for nail polish

@MrsB I’m not sure god is so very concerned about whether girls or boys should wear nail polish when there is literal famine and war and natural disasters 🙃🙃🙃 in the 1800s, pink was a “boy” color. Gender is a complete construct. Applying general or specific gender norms is so destructive to a child’s sense of self. And it is the exact same reason people are uncomfortable voting for a woman for president…. Kids do not need to learn that anything is only for girls or only for boys. Welcome to 2024!!

My nephew went through this phase and got over it. He just wanted to do everything his big sister was doing. Painting nails, wearing dresses. My brother was NOT happy about it. But he got over it lol

@MrsB Ew.. what “god” has a rule against nail polish? I’d love to know what religion that is & where it says that.

as a parent i only care about what makes me child happy, i don’t care about what other kids have to say lol. that being said it sounds like it’s just your husband who has an issue with it, toxic masculinity maybe? but in my opinion kids or men who get their nails painted are cool /attractive. my husband gets his nails done with me at the nail salon and all my friends love him, they even include him on our girls day/girls nights lol

When I taught 3-6yr olds some boys would come to school with painted toe and finger nails. The other kids thought it was cool and tried doing it with pencils and markers🤣

I can't imagine having any issues with this. Wild. He's an innocent boy. Kids love to copy what we do. Hardly anything to over analyse or worry about! My son has a play kitchen OMG BUT KITCHENS ARE FOR GIRLS. I saw some boys playing with the dolls when I dropped him off at nursery last week, THE WORLD IS TRULY ENDING. The reason kids get bullied for this stuff is cos their parents tell them it's weird or wrong or different. No child is born to bully.

@Paige there’s nothing to ew about it😊 i never mentioned “god of my religion” says it lol. it was a general statement about god- which is one.

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