I want to restrict the amount of caffeine my 15 month old is exposed to, and provide a balanced (nutritionally) diet. My partner revealed today that he doesn't care what little one eats or drinks as they all end up having junk anyway. I have to say I disagree, and I said this to him. Now the bit where I feel like an Ah***. Everything parenting my partner brings up his autistic nephew. Everything. It's always "X didn't do this" "X didn't do that" and in this case it was "X eats fried foods and pepsi" like that makes it okay? The kid eats McDonalds 3 X per week, it's not what I want for my son if I can help it. My response to this was 'well, if we don't expose those foods to our son while we are in control of what he eats, we're at least cutting the chances of him ending up like that" what I meant was what you have never had you never miss, not that his nephew's diet lead to his autism 🙈 this happened a few months ago when I wanted to restrict sugar as it can cause temporary behaviour issues and this tok was perceived as an attack on autism or parenting 🙄 AITA for at least trying to give little one a balanced start?
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Why would a 15 month be having caffeine? I think you're 10000% correct. It's been proven if children are healthy eating from the start hey are less likely to become obese etc as an adult

@Emma caffeine in tea, coffee , choc etc. I do even ban chocolate x

I completely agree. Start the way you mean to go on as when they are older they will want sweets and sugary foods. If you can avoid it why wouldn't you. My almost 15 month old doesn't have caffeine. She's tasted chocolate and sweet things. Thankfully she doesn't actually like the taste currently. As takeaway once in a while isn't so bad but most takeaways are full of rubbish or really greesy or really salty. Their little tummies shouldn't really have too much x

I’m the same with restricting - no caffeine at all, the only thing she drinks is water that’s been infused with fruit overnight and chocolate is white chocolate buttons (max 4), and only on a Saturday or Sunday but not every weekend.

Thanks both, I'm in no way knocking what others do, I always say each to their own I'm just glad I'm not the only one 🤣

We are VERY strict is his diet at home, no way I am going to give him McDonald's, sugar, chocolate or any crap stuff.

@Joana thank you this thread has made me feel loads better!

My baby only has 'baby' snacks outside of meals we've never given him a normal crisp or biscuit, though he does get some snacks like plain digestives occasionally at nursery. Theres so much natural sugar and caffeine in so many foods I don't want to give him anything thats loaded with it just for his health, if others do for their kids thats up to them and I don't judge, but you have a right to say what you want your childs diet to be

We're the same, my little girl only eats fruit, veg, staples like bread, pasta, rice etc and age appropriate snacks. You hold your ground momma ❤️

@Julie this is the thing, I was brought up on crap and as an adult I've found it difficult to eat healthily and want to try and avoid the issue for little boy as much as possible. If it fails at least I've tried 🤣

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