Cheating partner

So I’m 36 weeks pregnant me and my partner have been doing great well I thought we were. We were getting ready for baby and so excited and have so much planned for our future. Buying a house next year and holiday planned for next Christmas for when bubs turns 1 anyhoo tonight he went out drinking couple drinks with the boys at the work yard he was gone maybe 3-4 hours. When he got home he laid up cuddled me and fell asleep with his hand on my belly. I checked my TikTok and I noticed he had deleted all out pictures together which was weird we hadn’t had a fight everything was fine so I thought it was a glitch. I refreshed and still nothing so I decided to check his TikTok and yep they were gone. Curious to why he did this I started going through his phone very briefly nothing in debt and I seen on his snap chat he was talking to this girl tonight. I immediately messaged her from his snap asking who she was and explained I was his gf. She asked me to call her and what she told me broke my heart and I almost went into preterm labour I was shaking. Tonight he video called her and was trying to get her to see him to have sex and showed her his privates on the call. She declined his offer that’s when he come home. I’m in absolute shock and don’t understand why he would do this to me and he didn’t delete the evidence of it like he was trying to get caught. His currently asleep in bed and I haven’t confronted him I don’t know what to do but I think I’m done I’m repulsed he would do this to someone so pregnant and I haven’t confronted never hurt or cheated on this man. I thought he loved me but I must be so wrong.
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Oh I’m so sorry 😔 I very much understand what you’re feeling and it’s horrible

It’s horrible I should be focusing on having this baby not this. He could of waiting a few weeks lol now I don’t even want him at the birth it’s crazy

He has no idea the level of trauma and betrayal he’s caused. I completely understand that feeling and honestly, cheating on you at such a vulnerable time in your life is crazy and he’s relinquished the right to be at the delivery if that’s what you want to do. He doesn’t respect you or the family he’s building with you. I’m so, so sorry.

I know that instinct and I followed it when i was dating my ex. The woman was similar nd openly shared the real truth. Women supporting women is always good. If it were me, I would leave. I know it's way easier said than done. I would allow him to meet his baby when born, but wouldn't want to raise the baby with them until a proper break had been had. If you want to see the relationship through, then it is him who needs the therapy. Not couples therapy. If he wants you back, he needs to be distanced so he can feel the pain of not being with his woman and his child. What he did is quite disgusting and I can't imagine the heartbreak you are feeling. I wonder if you have family or friends you can stay with until giving birth?

@Rachel I have lots of support atm my mum and two sisters are coming to visit tomorrow so will have a good talk with them. I don’t even know what to do I actually feel sorry for him because how miserable must you be within yourself to do that to someone so vulnerable. He needs therapy and help but I’m also so angry and the betrayal and disloyalty is outweighing my love for him right now. I need to just take it very slowly atm because I can’t have any big fights or stress being so late in the pregnancy. I really want to pack his stuff and throw him out drastically but I know that will be no good for my health right now

Completely agree. I think you should leave your home and prepare to give birth with the support of your mom and sisters. He needs a big "time out". Then after birth, you can decide his involvement. Let him have the house, he's unlikely to leave by his own accord. You need to be the one to abandon him so he feels how painful it is. He is deep in misery and to cheat on his partner having his baby, at this stage of pregnancy for some quick sex with someone is so pathetic. You deserve way better

@Rachel good thing is it’s my house and I pay all the bills so he will be going to his parents lol there’s no way I’m leaving my house all I need to do is make a phone call and he will need to pack up and go. But I’m going to let him go to work in the morning and while his at work tell him I don’t want him back and lock everything up. He will need to deal with the consequences unfortunately it’s just going to be hard doing it alone but I’ll be fine financially it’s just the emotional and physical help like my lawns and house work being so far along

Sounds like you got a good plan. They will manipulate and come up with alllll kinds of excuses and you may potentially feel like letting it slide. Don't. Your instincts are good and protective for you and your baby. I'm not saying break up with him, as he is the father. But he is not a man in this moment. He is acting like a child. So he deserves child like consequences. Well done to you. Try to have someone in the house with you when he is en route home so he doesn't try to do anything silly. Men are more accountable with an "audience"

Wow I don't know how you're able to hold this info I would've woke his ass up 3a lol Gosh I hate that this happens , glad you're in a good financial situation and have help from family You're brave and strong I love that your courage is amicable Also I'm so happy that girl was so cooperative unfortunately this happened to me at 4 months pregnant and the girl was an ass talking bout ask your man like bitch he lying that's why I'm asking you ughhhh Please keep us posted I'm glad you are further along as next week you'll be full term unfortunately I had my son at 33 weeks because of all the stress this man put me thru Are you worried about stds cause that was the first thing I did was get tested like how dare you put our unborn child at risk!!!!

I'm so so glad to hear that the house is in your name, you have the support and you'll be financially okay. Bringing a baby into this world is hard enough without those worries. I'm so sorry he's done this to you, at any stage in life is awful but to do this now is even more heart wrenching. I'm rooting for you girl! Keep your head up, don't let him back in, and stay strong for yourself and your baby. Lean on your family for the help, it'll be hard but worth it.

UPDATE. He left for work and I confronted through a text message. He has denied everything even with the evidence. His not apologetic or remorseful, his turned cold. I have now blocked him on everything for now because it’s disgusting he can’t even apologise or admit to what his done. I’m in love with a monster


Omg wow that's crazy this is so so sad I'm so sorry it will get better you have us and family 😭🥲🫶🏾

You a REAL one for blocking him lmafaoooo I wanna grow up to be like you You gonna change the locks too tonight? 👀

@Priscilla yep changing locks he will have no access and will have family stay with me from now on so if he does come back there’s witnesses to his games. I’m absolutely done how disgusting of him

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My heart hurts for you and I pray he gets his karma because how can a man cheat on his pregnant girl uhhhhhh that’s soooo low

You are my fukin hero!!!!

I love this! You are amazing! Strong women! 🥳🥳🥳 do what’s right for you and your baby! Little disrespectful twat - who I hope now looses everything 💕

My bd did that to me with my pregnancyI stayed and that was a biggest mistake of my life he got worst and worst leave him focus on u and your baby his not worth u suffering like this. Ur plans ur beautiful thought of a future with him burn them they never existed for him.

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