Balance bike

I am looking for a balance bike for my daughter. Please send some recommendations! Should I get 2 wheels or 3?
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Show your support Grandparents got him this one for his birthday. So far, so good. We started with a more traditional balance bike with no pedals, but he definitely prefers the pedals 😊

We just got our son a Bixie for his birthday. We like two wheels, otherwise it just sorta feels like a trike. He's still figuring it out a bit, but it keeps him busy.

It ultimately depends on what your goal is with their first bike. A tricycle will help with the concept of petals, but doesn't teach balance like a bicycle does. We started with a four wheel balance bike around 1 year for around the house. We got a guardian balance bike for my son's 2nd birthday because it has real tires and brakes. But we are avid bike riders and want our kids to be able to ride as soon as possible. I also found a tricycle on FB marketplace for very inexpensive to help with pedaling, but my son is still too little for it.

Walmart sells balance bikes for a decent price. My cousin got her daughter one for Easter. We got our son's on marketplace. Theirs are both only 2 wheels

We found a strider bike on FB Marketplace for $15 and my son loves it!

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