Potty Training. Help!

My son is 3 years and 2 months and we most likely waited too long to potty train. I prepped him by reading books, TV shows and telling him about the upcoming training but he is pretty much in love with diapers at this point and associates potty training with not being a baby anymore 🥺 and he additmitely says he doesn't like the potty. I took off 3 days from work to train. I am doing the naked method. And he HATES being naked let alone using the potty. I have been patient until tonight he was begging and crying for underwear or a diaper but it was during a time I was almost positive he was going to pee or poop so I just let him cry for almost 2 hours. I was trying to cook dinner, deal with stupid sales ppl at the door, clean up, etc. I got upset with him, which I know you're not supposed to do because it makes the potty experience 'negative' I just couldn't hold it in anymore. His dad is gone most of the time and barely helps with stuff like this so it's easy for stress to build. Mom guilt big time right now 💔 I hate getting upset with my son. I love him SO much. This is just so stressful. Any tips for a seriously stubborn toddler?
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Has he ever actually peed in the real underwear? My son HATED the feeling. I tried the naked method and it didn’t work at all for him. I tried regular underwear and with the first accident he freaked out and hated the feeling of wet underwear. After that first accident it was smooth sailing.

Also, don’t beat yourself up. You’re a good mom, we can’t be perfect all the time.

Thank you for your kind words! Yes! He's had a few accidents in his underwear and he doesn't seem to mind! I've heard that kids are supposed to be startled and it kicks starts things but he seems 100% fine with soiled undies going about his way 🙄

My son is 2 and still isn’t getting it

Have you tried any incentives ? Like a small piece of candy or anything ?

My toddler was 3.5 yo when the fully day potty trained. Don't beat yourself up. We started intermittently trying at 18 months, every time they would either scream and refuse, or have accidents and not notice 🤷 we had a weekend of accidents fully clothed, and now they're fine.

Find his motivator. If he still wants to be a baby, tell him he will always be your baby and can come and curl up like a baby on your lap after he has gone potty on the toilet/potty chair. Does he like to do "big boy" things like riding a bike, playing on the playground going down slides etc? Then make the connection, "see you can do big boy things. Going potty is just one more thing you can add to the list. I know you can do hard things" If he had accidents, just say "uh oh, wee goes in the potty" and leave it at this... No scolding. Let him help clean up. It will sink in eventually.

My son is about the same age. I tried the naked method a while back it really stressed me out. I waited some time and this time I decided to just do the pull ups method. Anyways I just had him wear just pull ups in the house. I got the step ladder and 2 floor pottys.i got the flushable targets for fun. I got a to go folding seat for outings. First few days I just took him in the bathroom every hour or less. He drinks alot of fluids. He peed many times on the potty and still in the pull up too.i didn't stress at this point as I'm just expecting this to be a learning process. A few days in and he started going on all on his own. Several more days later and he started telling me he had to pee when in public. I'd say about 2weeks or less and he is completely pee trained. Still working on #2 as he seems to all of a sudden have a mental block with that. He didn't the 1st time we tried potty training. I think I read on average it takes 6m to potty train. Yeah some do quicker but I didn't want that mindset.

he’ll go on the potty when he’s ready. don’t stress yourself out too much. with my 3 year old son the first week of potty training was amazing. he did so well and then the next few weeks he had gone backwards, pooping in his underwear, not telling us, ect. so back to pull ups. i’m gonna try again in a few weeks and continue to encourage going on the “big boy potty”. my sons church class has about 15 other kids and he knows that a handful of them use the potty there so that encourages him. buying diapers sucks!! but all the advice that i’ve been given is don’t stress yourself out, they’ll go when they’re ready.

You're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. You could have done everything right, and your son might still not be ready. When you get upset about this, also think of something unique you love about him or something funny he said that day and remember he won't leave the nest in diapers. After he does it, it won't matter when he learned to anyone but you. When he does go in the potty, give yourself a reward too. 😉

Anyone is going to crack after being screamed at for 2 hours, don't be hard on yourself.

Thank you all for the affirmations and sharing your stories ❤️ 🤗

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