Has your child ever drawn on walls multiple times

My son is terrible nowadays for drawing on walls, I hide pens and he finds them and keeps doing it knowing it’s wrong to. Need help!
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They'll do it if you allow it

What I did because I wanted to encourage their creativity was painted a section of the wall with chalkboard paint and that was the wall that they could color on and decorate anyway that they wanted they absolutely loved it and it was amazing to have their drawings

At her Dad's yes as he doesn't put her pens out of reach

No but I have blitzed this house and all pens/crayons/playdoh anything that can be destructive is away and in boxes. I have a huge wallpaper roll that I roll out in the kitchen on the floor and let her colour. If she wants to draw now, she’ll ask and go to the kitchen. The 2/3 times she got hold of a felt tip she drew on the windows and herself 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yeah I’m sure he stashes crayons away for later use where he knows I won’t find them🙃

My little girl did this when she was younger, she even glued a picture to the wall for me to have when I got home from work. She did eventually get the picture and stop after awhile tho. We ended up having her clean it off her walls because she just wasn’t getting the picture by us talking to her or hiding pens and markers. I now I have little boy who is doing the same thing. It’s like he has a stash hidden somewhere and he only does it when we are not in the room. It does get better and is just a phase!

My oldest is 4 1/2 years old and next taken any colouring equipment to a wall!! From a young age I’ve always taught to draw on paper🤷🏼‍♀️

I have 3 under 3, when my twins were like 6 months and oldest was what just 2 she absolutely took advantage of the 2 mins it takes to put down a twin to draw on the playroom wall. Yeah if you have one kid, or one small kid and older kids then you absolutely can find ways to avoid it happening. It's still hard. If like me you have lots of babies and infants then yeah it's a battle low on my list. We moved here before my oldest was born, the downstairs needs redecorating for damn sure, so she now has safe places to draw on walls and we don't fight because we save energy for the big stuff and know we gonna redecorate anyway when they're old enough to know drawing on walls ain't good and they can actually control themselves.

My daughter used to do this. I bought a bunch of magic eraser’s and had her clean the walls she has written on. I also made sure there was always paper accessible and made a big deal about how proud of her I was etc. when she drew on walls I didn’t acknowledge it other than handing her the eraser.

@Sarah they do some really cool pencils now that draw on windows and just wipes off x

@Mou I looked at them but figured it would encourage her that pens are for windows

I have a hanging white board that stays next to her little table and I also have the roll out papers

My kids have not. My nanny kiddo does all the time. But they allow him to.

my son just did that today! he never ever usually does it tho so we had stern words and i think he won’t do it again. we’ve shown him where his colouring books are (which are always at his reach anyway and are so easy to find) and reiterated that drawing is for his colouring books and paper, not the walls, so we redirected his behaviour x

She did and does if unattended ad found a pen but is getting better with telling her paper and her doing it on paper. However, her toy kitchen utensils are metal. I thought this a good idea until she's realised they draw like a pen on my wallls

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@Lara I swear it’s the case. Because we only have pens out for arts and crafts.

Yes! lol if she gets ahold of them and I am not watching she will. I use to get MAD! But now I make sure all pens and sharpies are high and out of reach. And all crayons and cryola markers are the washable kind. So at least if she does it it’s not a big deal because it’s a quick wipe.

@Mariaclara but I don’t allow it. I’ve put him on the step, taken his crafts away, stern words and he still does it and thinks it funny 🙄

I haven’t really given my toddler the opportunity to to be honest 😅

Our walls have murals at this point lol. But I'm bad about keeping writing utensils up. Honestly I don't care too much. The walls need painted anyway and I have magic erasers.

My son is almost 2 and I consistently tell him we colour on the paper, we keep the crayons with the paper, and low and behold there’s still been a time or two where he sneaks the crayons and colours on walls. I tell him no, take them away, and get him to help me clean it off. I don’t “allow” it - he’s just a young kid

My 2 and a half year old has just started doing it🤦🏻‍♀️ her latest “art” was lines of fluorescent yellow permanent marker on the landing wall😐 It gets darker by the next day it seems🫠

I took the crayons away and she was only allowed them at the table when supervised totally. As soon as there was no grown up next to her they got put back away. She soon learnt

Yep! The worst was using whiteboard pens on her clothes, it stained them. She did stop for a very long time, but sometimes now she'll be quietly in a corner and it turns out when she comes away that she's been drawing. I always say we draw on paper not on walls but she finds it really funny. It's only very occasionally though, most of the time she will get some paper. I love Nicole's chalkboard idea.

If they try or start to do it, remove the crayons/colours and say colouring is only for paper, not the walls. Give them another chance to use the paper. If they try to colour the walls again. Take away the colours fully and ensure they are out of reach. My son is currently only allowed to use colours whilst I am sat near him supervising 👀🤣

When my partner's little girl was younger she drew all over the walls we haven't done anything about it yet as we've got a little boy on the way so I'm sure the house will be decorated some more when he gets older

Nope my son has never ever once drawn on walls. For fun though, I painted his wall in chalkboard paint and he can draw on it w chalk if he wants. My teens use it more than my toddler 💁🏻‍♀️😂 Get an easel. Put the crayons/pencils out of reach until it’s time to draw on easel/paper then pull it out w supervision. But he knows he can draw on the concrete at the front of the house w but outdoor chalk and he does that regularly

@Sam us too, I couldn’t work out what half the marks were from, turns out it’s from his fridge magnets!

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