Do I stay or do I go

I’m currently 5 months pregnant and after I really rocky pregnancy because of my partner I’ve decided to separate from him. I’ve received no support and quite honestly he’s made my pregnancy hell. He wanted me to abort the baby although this was planned and we were TTT. Fast forward to now, I need to move into a bigger place. I’m currently renting on my own anyway. I live in a beautiful part of the UK by the sea, and this is always where I pictured raising my baby. Only thing is his family and my most of my friends live an hour away in London. He wants me to live in London as there’s where him and his family are, and they can bond with the baby easier. My family live abroad although would be visiting especially when they’re first here. My question, is it selfish to find a place where I am currently and where I feel “happier”? I say this because as much as we should choose what makes us happy, I know there are other people and practical things I need to consider. This decision is bigger than my own wishes Has anyone been in a similar situation or know anyone that has?
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Girl he made your pregnancy hell and your debating if you should live closer to him or where you feel happy? Is this even up for debate. Always choose your happiness because he will continue to make your life hell. He clearly shown you he wants nothing to do with this baby even tho you were both TTC. I know your thinking you will receive more support but he hasnt shown you any yet and they baby isnt even here yet. Once reality hits with how much responsibility this is all he will not be better it will likely get worse for you

Yes move where make you happy if they want to see the baby they can come there

I think you answered your own question when you said he made your pregnancy hell. That’s not likely to change with time or with the arrival of the baby. If you think that moving near London will most likely torment you. Then you got your answer. Don’t worry about the rest.One of the most essential thing in your baby’s life will be a happy mama. You should prioritise your happiness otherwise no else will. That being said, obviously in life nothing is as black or white and you also will need support and would want the baby close to his/her dad. But will you really receive that support ? At what cost will it come ? Do you see yourself making that move long term ? Regarding the family bonding with the baby, I don’t think you should be even considering that. If they won’t to, they will make the effort regardless of where you live. I actually been and still am in a very similar situation. There is no wrong or right choice ultimately.. Feel free to message me if you feel like it

From someone who left a life in a European country at 5 months pregnant, to come home to the UK and bring up my baby alone (planned for ivf baby but marriage deteriorated and I couldn't risk being stuck there), bringing a baby up alone day to day is hard, but it would be even harder if it was somewhere you didn't actually want to live. This is precious bonding time for you and your baby, time you will never get back and it goes so fast! My baby is already 3 months, I can't believe it. I know how you feel about your ex but an hour is not far if he really wants to be involved. He could drive to your baby every weekend if he really wanted to. I would personally stay where you feel happy and relaxed, as your baby will be the same! Feel free to message me

Be where your happy! They can travel to come see you and baby, you can travel to them. It’ll be fine.

Stay where you are happy. I left my ex at 30 weeks pregnant and he made my pregnancy hell as well. I thought things would be easier with him if we weren't in a relationship, buy I was wrong. He's still making my life hell and I have trauma on top of his current actions to make it worse. My ex says he wants 50/50 custody and has so far visited our daughter twice since she was born almost a month ago. He lives two hours away and at first wanted me to live closer as well but I chose to move in with my family so I would have support and also have space from him. If you're happier in the area you are now, I say find somewhere around there. You deserve happiness and it's much easier to raise a baby when you're happy. You're welcome to message me.

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