
About to circumcise my 3 months old. Anyone else circumcised at this age? Was your baby in so much pain? How long was the process? If you used Sunnah Circumcision clinic, how was the experience? Any tips. Please share. Thank you
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Hi, we had both our boy’s circumcisions done at 10 and 11 weeks old. The process is about 20 minutes long. You will more than likely be asked to leave the room depending on the practise and the surgeon. It cost us £170 in Birmingham. Within 7 days the ring will fall off and it is painless. We did give our boys calpol for the first 2/3 days just in case. Make sure to take a dummy, toy and bottle of milk or put them straight to breast after if breast feeding. You can put them in the car seat normal after as well. Make sure to Vaseline every nappy and soak him in a salt water bath every change especially poop nappies to stop the risk of infection. Be prepared for him to cry but it isn’t due to pain only discomfort while having it done. (That’s why they ask you to leave the room) fingers crossed all goes well. You can message me if you want any more information x

@malyka what a silly thing to say, “it isn’t due to pain” - says who! Think you’d find it painful wouldn’t you 😅

@Tierney not when they give anaesthetic no. The whole area is numb. And in 2 minutes they’re fine. So I’d say yes it is due to discomfort not pain! Also had a nephew who also had it done later in life and he said it isn’t painful just not comfortable!!! If it was painful and caused them so much ‘pain’ then it would be done In surgery while sleeping. I’ve been through it twice already with 2 boys. So unless you have anything helpful to add to the comments then don’t be a Karen and nit pick at people. Write something constructive instead

They numb the area. The injection was painful for mine but then we stepped out of the room for it to work it's magic, he fell asleep on his dad and was asleep for the whole procedure. We were in the room with him. He was small and did not cry more because of it after it was done. It didn't seem to bother him but that was our experience. I have friends who would tell you that it was so traumatic they would never do it again (neither would I but for other reasons).

@malyka how do you draw the line between pain and “discomfort” for a baby. My constructive comment: leave your child unmutilated and don’t cause unnecessary suffering to a child.

@Tierney not constructive at all. If it is for religious reasons or medical reasons then I fully support the decision. Thank you very much. Leave your ‘unnecessary input out of it’ You are the reason some women can’t fully express themselves or open up on situations… you put them down and make them feel lower than they already do. Just move on with your shit talk comments. Good luck having to pull your sons foreskin back to clean the nasties out of it after them having a poop! My kids are clean swoop no need for peeling back

If it is medically indicated, later in life, I absolutely support that along with any other NECESSARY surgeries.

We circumcised our boy at 9 days old, no anaesthetic they used sweet grape juice on a sucky thing and was in his mouth (usually they’d dip dummy in but our baby doesn’t use dummy) he was really good after it cried for 30 seconds once it happened. It took about 2-3 minutes, we had his parts in a gauze covered in Vaseline which was re done every nappy change - about a week to 10 days it took to heel. I put him on the breast afterwards and he slept for a few hours, it was the first 2 days of changing nappies which he would cry slightly more than usually other than that he was great. We were in the room when our son had it done, but I personally didn’t fully look at the whole procedure. It’s completely yours and partners choice if you get it done, if you need any further talk please message x

My post wasn’t about if you’re against circumcision. Kindly scroll past if you’re against. I don’t need your input. Your choice not mine

Thanks guys for the comments. I’m more at ease now

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