Balanced snacks

Anyone else try this with their lo? My daughter loves these. Its the perfect portion for her tiny little fingers
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Why not just cut up healthy food into small pieces? 1 year olds definitely don’t need to be taking up space in their stomachs with candy and cookies…I’m sure she likes them but that’s the literal opposite of “balanced”, nutritionally! That advertising can really trick you. Maybe try freeze dried fruit! All my kids love it, it’s cheap at Walmart, and it’s convenient because it’s dry and crunchy and not messy!

@Trish its cheese graham crackers and fruit snacks. Its a quick snack she can eat in between meals and its small enough for her. Freeze dried fruits may work for you but she hates them she eats fresh fruits and vegetables but im not gonna give her that all the time she gets them with meals. Plus her doctor even said that she could eat these.

@Tiara there’s nothing wrong with this snack, obviously if it was all she was eating that wouldn’t be ideal, but a snack is a snack and as long as baby enjoys and eats the food you offer then I see no problem with this. If my LO would eat snacks like this I’d be all over it as an option. This is similar to what preschools and daycares offer as snacks (I was a preschool teacher for YEARS, with ages 1-4).

@Emily it works amazing with her she has started transitioning into solely eating real food and drink cow milk she has loved everything i put in front of her. These are just her snacks between meals. She likes fruits and veggies. So meal time is a protein veggies and sometimes a starch like rice. My daughter will eat anything but freeze dried fruit she spits it out immediately

@Trish as a single mom we just dont have time girl. i do the same shit. i give my son those frozen pb & js hhe eats em uppp

@honey my daughter loves anything we put in front of her i have given her lightly toasted bread with peanut butter or jelly ive even cut up a bagel with cream cheese and she devoured it

@honey babe it takes no extra time, zero time, to pack a bag of freeze dried fruit instead

@Tiara graham crackers are cookies?? And fruit snacks are candies?? There’s 0 reason to ever give those to a baby, they SHOULD eat fresh fruits and vegetables “all the time”. And protein and fat, so cheese is totally fine and great, so would be a rice cake spread with any nut butter or cream cheese, Bamba puffs, olives are also great… All finger foods, the only “extra” time is dumping them out of their packages into a new container!

@Trish well you continue to do that. It works for you but not everyone so imma keep doing what works for us

@Trish girl u literally have a husband in ur pfp

@Trish u act like we say thatss all we gives our babes. its literally just ONE snack like their kids let them be kids omg

@honey yes I have a husband- he’s lovely. I never claimed to be a single mother, I am just VERY acquainted with a lack of time and energy! Until my first was 2.5yrs old, I was the full time carer for my mom while she was dying of cancer, plus medical decisions and appointments for my sister (also cancer), and for 1 year of it I was also nannying (with baby in tow) AND pregnant. I was dead on my feet😆 so it was different- I do not know youR exact situation but,I sympathize. The snack alternatives I mentioned don’t take any more time, and cost LESS money, than buying those packs. So I just thought I’d offer a suggestion! I know feeding kids is often a hassle I guess I just don’t understand defending feeding kids empty calories/unhealthy food, when healthier food is just as convenient, and cheaper. You should check out Bamba puffs tho! Super high in protein, 0 sugar, kids love them

@Trish girl bye not reading ur story🥴💩

…ok? Your prerogative, I was just trying to help!

@Trish coming at womens throats over one snack is not helping. we are all trying our fuvking best most of us here are first time moms anyway. obviously our children are having fruits & food. one fucking snack isnt gonna kill them omg

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@Trish idek what freeze fried fruit is😂😂 like huhh just let the kid have a snackkhe has bananas mangos kiwi tamales anything he wants but wtf is freeze fried fruit🥴🤷‍♀️

@honey my daughter hates it she will literally spit it out. Shes going to be 1 on the 24th and she eats anything but freeze dried fruits which actually if anyone does research on actually has more sugar than the damn fruit snacks

@Tiara theres also natural sugar in most fruits so idk what she is tripping abt lol 😂

@Tiara freeze dried fruit does not have more sugar that fruit snacks?? Lol. And oh! @honey it’s just…fruit, like, a strawberry. They freeze it, and dehydrate it. It makes it crunchy. Then they put a bunch in a little snack size bag, and you can buy it. I’ve seen mangos, bananas, strawberry, peach, etc Fruit does of course contain natural Sugar-The reason we eat fruit instead of gummies, just generally, is because fruit has fiber, and bioavailable vitamins, and gummies have…nothing. Plus the fructose in fruit is absorbed slowly thanks to the fiber, instead of like a straight sugar shock like gummies

@Trish go away. how was ur day?

@honey shes honestly just trying to mom shame at this point. Not everyone has a husband or a partner! Im a single mother to a 5 year old and an almost 1 year old. I wish i had that help but unfortunately i dont! So i do the best i can with what im given and if that makes me a bad mom then so fucking be it

@Tiara fr shes probly only responding bc her husbands home now to watch the kids for a minute & shes yapping to him reading our comments 😂

@honey 😂😂

@Trish healthy food is not cheaper 😂

@Raimee as someone who buys it…it is! My husband does not make enough for me to be throwing cash around lol

@honey girl what my husband finishes work after bedtime, I respond when I’m breastfeeding the youngest down for naps and sleep! (Like now) I assume y’all respond in similar pockets of time where you have at least one whole and entire hand available haha

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