LO doesn’t tell me they need a wee

We started potty training LO August bank holiday and she always needs reminding to go the potty/toilet. It’s rare for her to tell us she needs to go for a wee but she does tell us when it’s a number 2. She’s still having lots of accidents each day and I’m this close to going back to nappies but feel like that’s not going to help anyone 😩 How can I get her to tell me she needs a wee? I ask her to tell me when she needs to go and she says she will but doesn’t.
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We had a period where this was us and it drove me bonkers. Have you tried a specific reward that they don’t get at any other time? A chocolate button is the reward of choice here for one of mine but we have no chocolate (very little, no one’s perfect!) at any other time. My other little one has bubbles and lots of clapping as food isn’t a motivator. The stickers that go in the bottom of the potty might also be a good shout? My final suggestion is a book from Let’s Talk Visuals, you can find her on Facebook. She makes personalised laminated books using a photo of your little one and a favourite character. I’ll try to share a photo. She’s a lovely lady who makes lots of communication materials aimed at children with SEN (I’m not suggesting your child has SEN, the books obviously appeal to all children and we found our typical twin responded really well to it). Sorry about the long message, hopefully something helps x

@Gem ah thank you for this! We’re still doing rewards, we give her a smartie and we were doing stickers but she lost interest in those. I’ll take a look at the book you suggested as it’s a fab idea and hopefully something that will just click with her. I think that’s what she struggles to understand, knowing when she needs to go and maybe seeing it in book form will help with that 🤞 thank you x

The first time I tried to train our little boy was exactly the same so I just left it because he was getting frustrated with me asking him. We've been training for just over a week again now (four months or so on) and he's just clicked this time and tells me straight away when he needs to go. He still has the odd accident at nursery as there are more distractions but at home he only had them for the first couple of days

Same here! How is LO getting on now? We started beginning of October, since then we have only done a poo once on the potty all the rest have been in his pants! 🙈 he is pretty good with his wees! But It’s very draining. Basically I have to constantly ask or put him on the potty like every 45 mins. I have started putting a pull up on when we go out cos it’s just too stressful when he has accidents out and about. He tells me occasionally he needs a wee or poo but not every time 😩 I think they just get there eventually. Persevere and just keep rewarding the times she does go (I give a choc coin) you’ll get there 💖

@Danielle it’s gotten better. She does tell us when she needs a wee occasionally but still needs prompting at times. She’s also having less accidents at nursery thankfully. I’m still persevering but can’t wait until she just gets it 😂 your little boy is doing really well if you only started early October! X

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