Back to back baby in previous pregnancy?

Pregnant with baby 2 and currently almost 35 weeks. I’ve been told baby is back to back. Did anyone have this in a previous pregnancy? Did baby turn easily before/ in labour. The NCT site seems to suggest it can lead to a longer labour, more painful and higher chance of assisted delivery/ c section if they are back to back still in labour. I had a grade 3 tear with my 2022 baby so really wanted an easy/ smooth labour this time 😫
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My baby turned back to back before my labour and I don’t want to scare you but it was very painful in my lower back. However using a TENS machine really really helped me, (I would recommend getting one) with the back pain and then I got an epidural which stopped the back pain completely. I know that my cousins baby turned I think around 37 weeks. She was constantly on the ball/ doing exercises to help. I hope they turn for you!

My lg was back to back it was intense but I have no other birth reference I had no pain relief except gas and air as my Labour progressed quickly so long Labours aren’t always true but the last few pushes were hard they were getting ready to cut me to assist me but I managed to push her out just in time, it was pretty smooth otherwise she did have a squashed nose though

Thanks for your reply guys! The pain part doesn’t actually really worry me, but I’m very worried about getting a bad tear again if she’s in an awkward position during birth. I’m kind of leaning towards a c section if she doesn’t turn. I’ve been offered one anyway due to the previous birth but was hoping to avoid it. But not sure I want another bad tear ! I have a consultant appointment next week so will see what they say.

@Leonie I had 2nd degree tears but it wasn’t that uncomfortable and healed quickly for me

@Josie was that your only birth? The issue is I’m higher risk for a 3rd degree + tear again this pregnancy and my understanding is birthing back to back increases this risk. I wouldn’t mind so much if this had been my first

@Leonie yes my 1st pregnancy I’m not sure if this would increase any future births for me, if your higher risk then it’s best to go for what your consultant advises

@Josie thanks for all the info! Will see what they say next week

I tore with my first pregnancy (not back to back) and didn’t with my second who was back to back and a whole pound heavier than my first. My second actually came out with one push. I had a water birth with my second which i think helped. My labour was probably only a couple of hours longer than my first too, so nothing drastic. Can’t really comment on pain, as my first was an induction and my contractions were in my back for both labours so were equal on a pain scale. Only thing i noticed different was i felt my second kicking and wriggling to turn as she came which wasn’t pleasant. My midwife told me that second babies move around a lot because theres more space for them so look up spinning babies and try some of those exercises and you’ll probably find baby turns before birth x

My daughter was back to back with me, but she did turn at some point during labour. And I was back to back with my mum when I was born. But we had fairly 'easy' labours so the only tip I can give you is that counter pressure on your lower back can really help with pain. My mum had really cold hands that she pressed into my lower back and after she left my partner had his really warm hands pressed there. My daughter did turn in the middle of labour though and the pressure eased after only an hour or so. She also rolled over whilst going down the birth canal at the end which was freaky, so I'd also just keep your focus on being calm and breathing through it as you can't really control what your baby is doing.

@Charlie my first labour was 52 hours so not sure I want longer 🤣 but my active labour was only 2 hours so they said should be closer to that this time. I really wanted a water birth but have been strongly advised against it due to being higher risk. Seems quite unpredictable then with tearing! Thanks for the reassurance. Did you need pain meds etc with back to back? I just had gas and air last time and was hoping to avoid anything more again.

Hey! I’ve just had my second babe in July and he was back to back. Labour wasn’t longer it was 20 mins active pushing. We did have a little scare that he was stuck but managed to push him out in the end. It was different to the birth of my November 22 girl for sure but I still birthed without pain relief (not shaming just I did most at home) and I had a second degree tear which heeled straight forward same as my first!

@Aimee ah thanks this is reassuring!

@Leonie oh gosh, yes you definitely don’t want it to be any longer than the first time 🤣 and i had just gas & air both times. I wouldn’t say second time around was any more painful, just uncomfortable but as i say, my contractions were in my back both times so it might have been a different experience had my first labour been contractions in my front so its hard to say for definite xx

I had back to back labour with my first. Tens machine really helped me. And I had an episiotomy, but labour was quick, only about 4 hours, and I healed well. I’ve got nothing to compare it to, but I think I had a pretty easy ride of it even with back to back

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