How often are y’all having sex?👀

Ok so I’m genuinely curious, for those who are happily married, or are in healthy relationships, how often are y’all having sex?? My husband and I were having a conversation earlier today about how we don’t have as much sex as we used to before we had kids (we have an 18month old and now currently pregnant again). Before kids, we used to have sex almost every day, or at the very least 3x/week. Even when I was pregnant with my oldest, we would have sex 1-2 times a week. But since we’ve had my daughter, we go a whole week or more without sex. Usually because we’re both too busy to even have the time and when we do have time, we’re too exhausted from our day to be wanting to have sex anyways. We both agree that it really doesn’t bother us because we know we’re still very much attracted and in love with each other and we still share affection in other ways. We feel that as long as we are happy and secure in our relationship, then not having sex is perfectly normal. Anyways, I’m just curious if other people’s sex lives have also changed since having kids?
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Sadly with our 4th kid on the way and us both having to work a ton it’s down to like 3 times a month (once a week except period week). I wish it was more but sometimes life gets in the way and my husband is just literally exhausted.

Every relationship is so different certainly went down with kids for this reason or that but we were that often to begin with.

lol I’m not in a very happy marriage and not as healthy as it could be but we have sex about once every week or every other week.

Once or twice a month. We used to have it very often when we were younger and didn't have kids but once we got older it definitely slowed, especially once we started certain medications. We usually are consistently affectionate in other ways so we're not really upset over the lack of that intimacy. We cuddle often and have late night talks and giggle in bed about stuff.

Before our son maybe 3-6 times a month, these days 1-3 times a month but we’re in the same boat of both not being fussed about it as we’re both shattered most of the time anyway 😂

Id say it took a dip when our daughter was younger. Now she's 2 it's a bit more often. We go through stages, sometimes it's 2-3 times a week others it's once a month. Neither of us are bothered as we've always been a bit like that. Together 10 years. Married 9.

Before my son started having terrible sleep around 1-2 a week but now it could be once a month I would like more but he’s working over 60+ hours and I’m pregnant and raising a 1 year old who doesn’t sleep much at the moment so it’s not priority

Currently pregnant as well, and we have two other children including a toddler. I’d say like 2-3 times a month these past few months. Before children, it was like twice a week. I’m happy for you that you and your hubby are still happy though 💙 That’s amazing!

I’m pregnant as well only 7 weeks now with 3 other kids and my husband is the main person working. So right now it’s still around 4x a week. My hormones are sky high…tired and all lol

14 years together, 2 kids We have sex 2-3x a week unless period or sickness. But we regularly go 7+ days between, we are sick fairly often.

Most weeks it's almost daily, spring time (planting season for farmers) we can go a week or two without even seeing each other which sucks but we survive . We both definitely prefer at least 3x a week but aren't upset when life changes that. As long as you both agree and are still happy then it's definitely okay!

2-4 times a week… we would go everyday but we’re knackered 🤣

Always averaged 3x/week. I never thought we'd have less sex but we've moved states a few times for work so our 8mo old sleeps in our room sometimes and it's NOT worth him waking up lol or I haven't showered in 2 days because my husband's working crazy hours and it just wasn't an option lol

We only got one kid and it’s tapered down to 1-2 times a week if that lol Life! Lol Update: i lied..more like 1-3x a week lol because of the long break after us all getting sick and me having my time of the month, hubby’s been more ready for frequent fun times 😂

2-3* a week. Every other day or we skip 2 days max unless I’m on my period which these days only last 3 days. Pregnancy? That was twice a day 😂 can’t do that now.

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We have one kid (2.5 yo boy), married 4.5 years. We have sex once every 1-2 weeks. It would be nice if it was more often but neither of us sees it as a "problem"

Every relationship is different so don’t compare your relationship with someone else’s. Also be sure to see what your love languages are and that you’re meeting those needs, along with having yours filled too. We have 3 kids and another on the way. We’re once a week to every other week. Sometimes more often. Honestly just depends how I’m feeling.

Sounds like I could've written this lol

I wouldn't go as far as to say "not having sex is normal" because it isn't. I know how chaotic it is with young children, but it is really important to make time for each other! We haven't had sex recently because of one thing after another, and it's honestly really bothering me!

@Rebecca I agree, kids nap and most houses have carpets somewhere if not a bed to use lol

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