When to leave baby?!

Hi ladies, I’m 4 months postpartum single mum and I’m yet to have a day/ evening out with friends on my own! I am a breastfeeding mumma and I just need some time to let my hair down and feel like me again! I’m so scared to leave her as I feel guilty but I’ve literally spent everday with her since having her! When did you have your first time away from baby? Am I rushing? Is it too soon? I need some advice x
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I went out with my mom for a few hours like 4 days after I came home from the hospital. You and baby will be ok.

Do it when u feel comfortable there no right or wrong time don't feel guilty for needing a break I couldn't imagine being a single parent and doing this alone it's so hard so be proud of urself and no u deserve to have u time as well. A happy mama is a happy baby x

@Willow I agree with you on the " happy mama is a Happy baby." I am only now 5 months post partum and although lm not a single parent I have been with baby girl since I have had her. My husband tries to help out but it's been me since day 1. I recently before she turned 5 months left her for like 45 mins to an hour with him for me time at night. I did a fitness class and it was extremely hard at first and I felt very guilty but then I felt so free in a good way and proud of myself. The time away I felt like me again. It is needed mama. Baby girl was fine and so will yours..Take your time and start small if need be. but the break does feel good

Whenever you are ready. I left my son at 2 months and the entire time I had anxiety and couldn’t wait to get back to him. I never go out. I don’t trust anyone (not that I have anyone to leave him with either)

Left mine for few hours at 6 days and then a full day around 3/4 weeks and then overnight at 3 months and again at 4 months.. single mum also x

I went out for 3 hours with a friend around 2 months after having my little girl. I will admit I felt sick as I was leaving but I really enjoyed myself once I was with my friend. So what feels right for you, but I definitely think we need that time away and deserve it! Kudos to you being a solo mum, I have a huge respect for anyone on this journey alone ❤️

Start off small, I’m in the same boat chick. It’s so much a night out that I need it’s time with my husband, we’ve left her for half an hour here and then built up to an hour and a half. We will get a proper date one day 😂

It’s just whenever you feel ready! I left my baby with my mum overnight so I could go out for my birthday when he was 4 weeks old. Honestly he was fine! In fact he had the best time being spoilt and having lots of cuddles with his grandparents! I combi feed so he just had bottles - I just had to pump before I went out and when I hit home so that my boobs didn’t leak everywhere - oh I wore milk catchers on my night out for the let down. Go let your hair down mama you deserve a break, baby will be fine and you’ll get a stress free night (and even a lie in-winner!)x

I went to a gig with my spouse when my baby was barely 3 weeks or so, my mum stayed with her and some expressed milk in a bottle. Yesterday I met friends for 2 hours and my spouse and MIL were with my baby and again gave her a bottle of breastmilk. I cannot imagine how much you must be craving time for yourself!!! Do it! It will feel great x

Me and my partner went to view a house when my little one was a week old, we left him with my brother whilst we went and he was fine. Ever since about a month old, I'd nip out once a week for half an hour so that he was used to being left with family as i was starting back work from April (he was 3 months when I started to do the odd day at work) and now I can leave him with family or at nursery and he doesn't bat an eyelid when i leave

I have a 3 month old and I left my baby with my mom and close family/friends at 1.5 months 1st time for just an hr once I started back work i knew I'd be away and that my baby and me needed to learn how to function without each other. So like now I woke 3rds so on Sundays after dinner my mom watches my kid from 4-9pm so I can nap. I also randomly let my friends mom keep my daughter when we want a girls night..also when my cousin got married so me and my bf could enjoy ourselves kid free my best friend watched her

Don’t feel guilty. I had my first date just w Hubby at 8w and my first night out w the girls (coincidentally a bday) at 4m PP. there’s no right time/age, do it when you’re ready and have less guilt. I have no guilt when I go out I know baby’s in trusted capable hands and that person can feed and settle baby, and gives me updates willingly without me asking, and I need the break (plus my friends inviting here and there). I do go on date nights monthly and go out at night weekly since about 4m PP, for a couple hrs.

I had a couple of hours here and there once my baby was a month old. The first time I spent more then a couple of hours away she was 4 months. I express though, so I just left her with prefilled bottles and took my pumps with me. I needed that break so badly

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