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Have all September babies arrived? How are you doing mama? Natural birth or c-section? Preemie or full term? How’s recovery? How are you handling postpartum and a newborn? Is this your first baby? Are you doing this alone or you have help? Did you have a boy or a girl ? How’s baby doing? NICU? Sleeping ? Eating ? How long before you go back to work or will you SAH with your baby (ies)? Share as little or as much as you want. I hope you all are well and taking it easy as much as possible. You rock!
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I had a rough c-section, 2nd one 2nd boy. Blessed enough to have my mother helping me recover, going great thus far. Hubby helps too. Baby is thriving, 3 wks old today. Emotions and mood are definitely going up and down but I’m practicing self control 😂

My boy was due 9/27 but came 9/2! He was still 8 pounds 4 oz, big boy 😂 my water broke due to gestational diabetes and I had a ton of extra amniotic fluid. Vaginal birth, no nicu stay but he had his cord around his neck twice so needed some help breathing from the nicu team right after birth. Sleeping has been a struggle but the last few nights he finally seems to be getting the hang of it! I plan on staying home with baby indefinitely for now. My husbands amazing and works his butt off so I can. Life is good, exhausting but good 😂

Oh my that was stressful. I’m glad it all worked for the best at the end. Diabetes is no joke in pregnancy. I have type 2, also extra amniotic fluid, was originally due 09/25, scheduled for c-section on 19th, but had him taken out on the 15th, he was 10lbs and the weight was killing me. I’m glad you get to stay home with your baby, that’s such precious time 🤗

my September baby was born on the 25th. He stayed a few extra days in the hospital due to jaundice and had to undergo photolight therapy. He was full term and my second baby. Labor and delivery was a dream — I labored for about 6 hrs and pushed him out in literally two minutes. (A much easier birth than with my first son). Baby is doing great, latching and feeding well. My husband has been very supportive and helpful and my mom and aunt are here taking care of my toddler in addition to cooking and cleaning — they are making postpartum so much better. I will be staying home with the kiddos.

Hello everyone. I had my baby two weeks ago. I was induced due to my kidneys. Labor and delivery were smooth. I had an amazing team, and it went as well as my first delivery 17 years ago. My husband is utterly in love with our baby. Our moms were both here for the labor and helping us at home with cooking and cleaning. We are truly blessed 🙌

@Julie oh i can relate. 2nd boy also, 3 weeks pp as well. Hubby and mom helping as much as they can. But being as sleep deprived as i am, no help is enough. I haven't gotten real sleep since my last month of pregnancy. Developed PPD for the first time and oooooof it has been rough. 2 under 2 is tough as is, add zero sleep and not really connecting with my newborn, and feeling all these mixed emotions. Lets just say I'm surviving. 😪🫶

@Nicole that’s such a game changer having family members making the load lighter. Enjoy it mama and take care of you!

@Annie Blessed indeed. To have both moms there and hubby to welcome the baby, that’s LOVE and I’m happy you get to enjoy that. Hope kidneys are doing better.

@Aina🇵🇸🍉 we’re on the same sleep deprivation boat 😂 I didn’t sleep well the whole pregnancy and even less now and I normally work night shift. But the help does make a difference. I don’t know how you handle 2 under 2, kuddos to you mama. Be sure to talk to someone when you need. PPD sucks, had it with my first.

@Julie it really is. i am beyond grateful and blessed

Yes mines arrived in August I had a c section . My son was early term and I recovered really well considering I had a really hard delivery. I’m a first time mom and my son is 6 weeks he is so alert but fussy lately I am postpartum and seeing someone to talk to cause I couldn’t stop crying and worrying if I was doing everything right.

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