Picky Eater

Help šŸ™ˆ First time Mummy here, my Daughter will be 2 in December and I feel like her diet is a symphony of Beige! At the beginning of her weaning she ate a wide range of fruits and vegetables without a problem and did right up until 15/16 months. These days Iā€™m struggling big time to get any fruits or vegetables down her at all. Iā€™ve tried mixing veggies in her mash, but she doesnā€™t seem to like mash lately. Iā€™ve tried blending extra veggies in to a sauce with pasta but she seems to have gone off pasta lately too and wonā€™t even touch the sauce. Iā€™ve tried making pizzas too, using wholemeal flour for the base and cutting up the veggies really small for topping but she wonā€™t touch that either. She wonā€™t drink juice but seems to enjoy the fruit pouches. She generally eats whatever my Husband and I eat and I make most things from scratch. I feel like all she will eat is bread/toast, crackers, chicken, cheese and banana. I keep offering her fruits and vegetables at every meal time and often with snacks too. Iā€™m feeling frustrated, I want her to eat a healthy balanced diet but Iā€™m struggling to find fruits and vegetables that she enjoys. Does anyone know of any recipe books or anything online that I could try? Did any of you have this with your little one, if so what helped? She seems healthy enough and she certainly isnā€™t overweight or anything like that. I just want the very best for her and I want to do my very best for her as a Mum.
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Itā€™s a phase mumma! They all do it! Itā€™s so frustrating but they get out of it. Just keep offering and sitting and eating together and model the eating of healthy habits and sheā€™ll pick it up again.

My girl was the same around this age and then started eating a few more varied foods but recently just isnā€™t eating anything at all really (just turned 3) Itā€™s all phases, just give her what she will eat and offer something ā€˜newā€™ on the plate and someday she might try it.

You could a savoury muffin with veg in, if you go on feeding tiny bellies thereā€™s some good recipes on there x

Thanks everyone, glad to hear that this is just hopefully a phase! Iā€™ll give the feeding tiny bellies a look too. :)

What Mummy Makes is a cook book with nice meal ideas. Serving veggies/fruit on unusual plates (e.g. from a muffin tray, a pot etc) makes it more interesting for them. My daughter loved when I would pretend broccoli is changing her toes green. Or pretending I can see how the food goes down into her tummy. Introduce a "no thank you bowl". My daughter started eating when I didn't force it and gave her a way out. She is three now but still says sometimes "I don't like that". I always say, that's okay. You decide what you want to eat and can leave the rest on your plate. (There won't be anything left on the plate, unless she is full beforehand).šŸ˜… Making a plate for yourself. Don't offer anything to bubs. My kid always wants to eat what I eat. Ask her "do you think the [veggie/fruit] is sweet/sour/crunchy/soft... when you bite into it? Let her help with prepping meals. For a while, my daughter would eat raw veggies when preparing dinner but wouldn't touch any on her plate when we sat down to eat šŸ„“

Its a phase. Just keep mealtimes positive and pressure free. Let her see you eat the same foods as you offer her. Be playful - talk about the colors, textures of foods. Sometimes just pretending our green beans are wagging dog tails will get my daughter to eat them up haha. If you give her something you know she isnā€™t really going for these days, make sure thereā€™s one familiar food on her plate that she does like. Our pediatrician said to never give juice, so I wouldnā€™t worry about that. If she likes the texture of purees in pouches, you can make your own smoothies with fruits and veggies and put them in those reusable silicone pouches - they are better than the disposable ones because they dont squirt as easily if kiddo squeezes them. Solid starts has great articles about toddler selectivity that you may find supportive šŸ«¶šŸ½

I went through the same thing. Heā€™s now 3 and still the same. All I can say is just let her get hungry. Let her get hungry and keep putting the fruits veggies and meat on her plate everyday even if she doesnā€™t eat it. She will become familiar. I gave in and just fed beige. I regret it so much.

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