Short relationship

So Iv been with my partner for 4 months now and when we first met we both said we wanted the same future (marriage/kids) , well I’m now 6 weeks pregnant! We have had a few conversations on if we should keep the pregnancy or if we should terminate and date more first, but we both keep leaning towards keeping it, but we’re scared as our relationship is still so new. My question is if anyone has been in this situation where they have gotten pregnant so early on in a relationship? If so how did you know you were making the right decision on keeping it?
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Are you guys financially about to support the baby?

My parents got pregnant with me after 4 months dating and are happily married still over 30 years later. I think you just have to be sure that you'd want and love and be able to support your baby whether co-parenting or being in a relationship and then, either way, you know it's the right choice? That's how my parents looked at it :)

I have had friends/ people I know that have gone two different ways for each scenario. One they kept the baby and the relationship didn’t work out but that babies so loved and another who fell pregnant within a few months dating, panicked but kept her and she’s now 4, they have been together 5 years and planning another. Then I know two, one who didn’t keep the baby and one always regretted it even though she didn’t stay with the partner and another who is still with the partner 10 years on but said at the time they didn’t feel ready and don’t regret. I think you need to weigh up would you regret it and could you provide for and love that’s baby whatever happened. Things often happen when we don’t plan but hats ok and if it’s something you really want then only you can decide not anyone else.

I think there are some things to consider. Financially can you both support the child? What's maternity pay going to look like for you? Are you going to live separately or together? If so, how and when will you do this? I don't live with my partner and it's incredibly hard doing it alone. We have pushed forward our date for moving in together because he misses the baby and I really need the support to be honest. I guess you have to be prepared for it to be rocky at times. Having a baby puts stress on a solid long term relationship so it's going to be even trickier at points for a fledging one. You're never going to know 100% how it will go but talk about the practical things and make sure you have them sorted. Then you go with your heart. Good luck!

If you want to message me your welcome to I've been here not even 4 months we were seeing each other 6 weeks at the point I found out u was 4 weeks pregnant he then left me went back to his ex who was pregnant 🙄 I wanted the baby but he also made no contact with me made me out to be a liar! That I was making it all up it broke me I got to 11+6 and terminated and I can tell you I regretted it before I even had the operation but I went ahead anyway financially I was OK but I was terrified I already had my 2 who were 6&4 at the time. But I regret it fast forward the day I walked out of the hospital he walked in with her to a appointment he made contact with me after that. The twist is we tried again after that the relationship still hasn't worked out I was on the pill never missed one I'm now 14 weeks pregnant and considering termination but this time I feel different, I don't feel I can have this baby because if the guilt of the termination last time! It has honestly 1/2

Ruined me mentally did the first termination and that's what I never thought that positive pregnancy test this time Brought the whole feeling of guilt the day I terminated back. The only advice I can say to you is do what you want not what people around you want I felt pushed into my choice last time and I regret it but now its made it so hard for me to accept my pregnancy now if terminating is something you want then have one but If your not 100% don't do it if any part of you has a feeling you can do it alone If the relationship doesn't work then keep the baby and just see where it goes the guilt people talk about is real 😭 and I will live with that forever people say you'll never regret the baby you have but you will live to regret the ones you don't and that is very true in my situation like I say its now that its hard going on to have another baby after the termination this is something i never even thought I'd feel like been pregnant again xx

I had only been with my partner 4 months and we fell pregnant. We’re now 5.5yrs later, with another baby (now 2yrs old), engaged and bought a house together! Don’t get me wrong it’s been tough, but we love each other very much and want our future together x

For me it's a no. Having a baby is a massive commitment, and not one I'd want with someone I barely know. Me and my fiance waited 4 years being trying for our baby and it was absolutely the right decision

I got pregnant after 4 months of being with my partner (been together 2 1/2 years now and I will say it can be challenging on a new relationship but me and my partner were not on the same page about the pregnancy so that's mainly where our problems started but it isn't cheap and can be draining for you if you have a partner willing to listen and help it could be healthy but I'd say sit down and talk and save up as much as possible that would be my advise

I think you can definitely make it work but you need to have the serious conversations now that might normally happen a bit later on in a relationship. Like where are we going to live how are we going to manage finances are we going to get married what last name will the baby have if we don’t how you want to raise the kid, etc. it sounds like you want the same things, and anything is possible! Friend of mine got pregnant by accident on a date and then didn’t see the guy again for months, now they are together! I know if I’d have got pregnant that early on with my husband before we got married we would have kept it x

My sister fell pregnant at 19 with her first proper boyfriend after only 3 months together, and they just knew they wanted to keep it. 10years later they are engaged and not long had their 3rd baby! When you know you know, your gut will tell you, listen to it ❤️

Everything happens for a reason. I got with my partner September and was pregnant November. We are now two yeah into our relationship and I’m pregnant again with our second. He already has two girls too. So this is the fourth. Not going to lie it was difficult. As we still haven’t done any of the firsts together. Like go on holiday just me and him and stuff. But it’s been lush and we are stronger than ever now. Don’t worry too much. Everything works out. X

Two year 😂🫣

No ones situation will ever be the same & sadly no one could ever really give you the right advise. The only advise I can give is that kids don't necessarily bring you closer together initially. It is an incredibly rewarding, but also incredibly challenging time. It really really pushes your boundaries! Lack of sleep, irritable, high emotions, hormones all sorts. One thing I have noticed is women saying they wish they knew there partner wasn't really up to scratch with helping because they now feel they need to do EVERYTHING. Cook, clean, looking after kids, work etc & the husband does absolutely nothing. Goes out all the time, play games etc. Totally absent.

If I was you, that's the part I'd want to find out. Will he be an active husband & father. Throughout pregnancy, birth & kid growing up. What will he & won't he do. Because this is where your buttons will be pressed. If you argue too much your relationship won't make it. Having a baby is seriously not an easy process but like I said, it's a miracle and rewarding

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@Ghitta This is such good advice!

Me and my partner was together 4 months, just celebrated 2 years on 18th august and daughter turned 1 on 18th September 💖 You know your life partner when you meet them ❤️

Don’t let anyone influence your decision. It’s a big decision but it’s yours, and whatever one you choose will be the right thing to do. Give yourself some time❤️ whatever you choose, if you made it based on what someone else has said you might resent that afterwards. It’s really really difficult but it will all work out in the end. You can speak to your local sexual health clinic about your options and support too x

Was with my partner 3 months and I fell pregnant, we kept the baby cause like you we were on the same page, I’ve not long had my little one but we are doing well together. I think you need to trust your gut on this and don’t do anything you may regret. 🩷

I am 18 weeks pregnant and we've only just celebrated our first year together a few days ago. I guess if you know, you know. My partner is my match, if you can see a future with this person and both want the baby then make some happiness together 😊

Been with mine 6/7 months now and we are now 16 weeks pregnant and I already have a little boy and Their bond is amazing as my little boy is 9 months old sometimes the ones that come into your life for the shortest time show you more love then you’ve had in a life time

I got pregnant with my twin girls 2-3 months into our relationship, the girls are almost 3 and my husband and I have been happily married for 3 years next month 😊 if your both willing to work at things and love each other then it can definitely work out x

I have had 3 friends that have been in this situation, and 2 out of 3 are still together with their partner and getting married. Sometimes it can work! If I was you, of course you don't want this to happen, but I'd base the decision on if yous split up. Would yous both be able to manage?

We worked out the dates and I must have fallen pregnant within the first two weeks of dating (first date end of February this year, baby due November). It just felt right and what we both wanted, we were both so excited. It’s my first pregnancy and tbh not how I expected to feel at all, especially given our situation. We spent everyday together since our first date, found out 6 weeks later, and we’re now engaged and living together with all of our pets. Most people think we are crazy lol but I believe things happen for a reason and what will be will be 🫶🏼

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