
I’m getting so stressed with how hard it is to get my son (19 months) to eat. He will eat snacks and things but not even one meal. I got a bit upset today because I just worry he isn’t eating enough for him to grow healthy. I’ve offered all his favourite dinners and it’s just not working. Today he had a mouth full of cereal, one fish finger, one chip, one chicken nugget, a nibble of toast and a fruit pouch. It’s been like this for a few weeks and getting no easier. He has milk at night
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Girl same😭 I’ve just accepted they run on pure air at this point! Sorry I don’t have much advice, apart from constantly trying new things🫠 which I’m sure you’re already doing!! but you’re not alone! My LO hates the high chair so we’ve moved her to the floor (same chair, it’s just a booster seat) and it’s helped, and she can now reach the food she throws on the floor and usually ends up eating it off the splat mat🤣 changing location like that might help? I’m just trying everything possible at this point!

I’m also there! My little girl ate a small bowl of porridge for breakfast and two strawberries around 11:30 yesterday so then ate a handful of cheese for dinner and that’s it yesterday. I’m just trusting that she’ll eat if/when she’s hungry! I can’t get much meat/eggs into her either so that’s pretty stressful, but it helps that I know others who are the same!

@Lauryne yeahhh I’ve tried the different eating places and all the tricks! It’s so hard isn’t it but we push through I guess 😂

@Xanthe yeah this has made me feel better about it all tbh. Just sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re failing in parts but seems we’re all having our battles 😭

This was stressing me out, yet everyone I know with kids this age seems to be in the same boat!😂 my girl lives on air and breadsticks! Can’t remember the last actual meal she ate!🤦🏻‍♀️xx

@Leah why didn’t anyone warn us of this stage 😂

Were the same, some days she’ll just not be bothered. Other days she’ll eat a fair amount. I always offer a meal and give it a good try of getting her to eat. If she doesn’t like it she can have toast or cereal. I’d say she ends up with toast/cereal for dinner 2-3 times a week at least. Contact your HV if you’re really worried about it, they might be able to weigh them and check them over for you. How much milk is he having? Could he be filling up on his milk and so not hungry for food?

@Chloe he only has 9oz before bed I don’t give him it through the day. He won’t even have his toast anymore. If he’s distracted I can get him to take a bite of his food but once he realises I’m feeding him he just won’t have it. He won’t feed himself either. He used to love eating his cereal and everything. I thought he may have been teething but if I offer a biscuit or crisps he will eat that with no issues. But I can’t keep giving him sweet stuff

Literally have anxiety over lunch and dinner time 🫣

@Jen if your LO used to eat well then I would say it’s a phase and is common for toddlers to go through. My LO has been a terrible eater since the beginning. We reduced his milk too slowly which resulted in him being extremely picky and snack led. I’ve tried to cut back on snacks but honestly at this point I just try and give him anything that isn’t pure sugar and if he eats one bite then I take it as a win. I was making myself ill with the worry of him not eating but honestly I think their tummies are so small they can survive on very little. Also my 2 younger sisters were extremely picky eaters as children and now they eat pretty much anything so I just trust that one day it will be okay 🤞🏻

I spoon feed him. Screen time at meal times. Only way he’ll eat.

We are the same! He ended up having dry Cherrios for dinner last night. I swear they would be happy living off snack and biscuits all day 🙈

@Jo today I ended up letting him eat the bag of grated cheese. I was using it to make his mac n cheese and he started crying for it and I just thought… have it if you’re guna eat it 😭

My daughter is the same, she's more a snacky person than eating meals at the moment. Tonight for tea she wouldn't eat her tea, but ate the dessert, so I just gave her more dessert than usual. I'd give up at that point.

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