Potty training

Just wanted to share the amazing results we’ve had potty training our 5 month old girl! I went down a rabbit hole researching potty training and why is has slowly been introduced later and later with babies due to the profits that diaper companies make/marketing turning into societal norms etc. My husband thought I was crazy but this past month I’ve introduced elimination communication to our little baby and we are now 2 weeks into having no poopy diapers!!🥳 Little one still pees every now and then in our reusable diapers but a little bit of effort has gone a long way and I can’t believe that so few people implement this earlier! 🫣 Has anyone else looked into this/implemented toilet time with their little one? Also happy to share the resources I’ve learnt from to implement this into our daily routine. I’m confident she’ll be diaper-free by 1 year old 🥳🥰
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Omg please share, I’ve also been looking and wanted my little one diaper free by 1 years. Also so proud of you as it can be hard work , so well done you x

Can she sit up? How do you make her poo on the potty ,can you share more info about the technique?

I'm all ears... are you using the regular toilet or a baby potty?

That’s incredible! I would love to know more!

I tried it when my little one was a newborn. She had infant dyschezia so she screamed every time she had to poo which made it very easy to pick up on her signs! Since that improved things got a lot harder and I kinda gave up on it for a while. Thinking about getting back into it though. I’ve never been able to pick up on wees, though, how do you do that?

please share more!

Yes pls! Do share more.

Hi all! Just expanding a bit more on my above post: - I pop bub on the toilet before & after each sleep + whenever she’s showing toilet cues (farting/fussy/grunting/staring off into distance and really focussing) - we try make toilet time very positive, if I ever pop her on and she’s upset or squirming I take her off straight away, calm her and pop her back on. - we approach toilet time with a very ‘matter of fact’ attitude. We say ‘toilet’ (& use the sign for toilet if there’s two of us) clearly and let her focus. Wince she’s peed/pooped we clap and say ‘all done’ (we also sign this if there’s two of us) - we are using our regular toilet, recently moved into a new place with two bathrooms so one is exclusively used for baby so there’s no minimal risk of our germs being “splashed” up on her. We have an attachment on the toilet seat that allows her to sit with us supporting her under her arms but no risk of her falling in the toilet

- we have tried a baby potty which has worked once or twice but usually she tried to stand when on it so we prefer the actual toilet - I researched a bunch prior starting and recommend the following Instagram pages if you’d like to start: Eliminationcommunication Godiaperfree Ready from birth.ec They’ve been SO helpful!

I have looked into it but haven’t implemented it yet just because I feel like it would be difficult for me personally. Our boy pees A LOT (6mo) and idk how I would even begin to get him to do it in the toilet 😂 poo would probably be easier but idk I guess I’ve just been hesitant to do it, we have a hyper active baby who is very distracted and curious by everything all the time so I just think it would be difficult right now.

I agree with this post, I've been doing EC (potty training) since 8 weeks old. I go few significantly fewer nappies, even by just putting my baby on the potty after naps/feeds, he knows to wee. I don't do it 100% of time, as often out and about, but usually he poops in his potty which makes my life using reusable nappies so much easier. Go mama! ❤️

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