Is Birth Control against the Bible?

Hello Christian Mamas! I am struggling a bit right now. I have a 6 month old baby and me and my husband recently started having sex again. I am so terrified to have another baby, we do not have a lot of money or help and I do everything I can for my son and I love him so much but I really would like to just have him so I can give him the best life. If it were up to me i could just not have sex for the rest of our lives lol but I love my husband and i know it’s important for our relationship that we stay intimate. I have never taken birth control but i am thinking i might have too now. Is it against the Bible to take birth control? I am also so terrified of pills. He wears a condom but i am scared i will get pregnant anyways. Does anyone else out there use birth control? is it okay? and is it dangerous? Please let me know, I am feeling so stressed.
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Definitely not against the Bible. But I think people could potentially feel convicted to not take it. I have been on many and many different kinds and for different reasons. No matter what I will get pregnant when God wants me to even if that means it’s while I’m on birth control. But for me having the piece of mind and extra protection if birth control helps me a lot. I think you could try a pill or an iud or even use condoms. But I think if that’s what yo feel you want to do then go for it. But I know some Christians that have the conviction of not using birth control.

Birth control is not against the bible. Personally, I don't like iy way it impacts your body, but that's my own thing. There's nothing morally wrong about it. If a vasectomy is an option, you should look into it if you're so scared of pills. I'm glad you reconcile the importance of intimacy in your marriage ❤️

Hi! First of all, it's such a good thing to ask these questions. Many women never think about it or look into it but it's important to make sure what we do does not go against God's design. 1st of all, we all should agree that abortion (termination of a pregnancy) is sin. Removal of a baby that has passed away is not abortion in this sense and is not sin, it's a necessary medical procedure. But any other abortion, for any reason, is sin. There are some people - and Christians - who say it's okay when the life of the mother is at risk, but it's not. Induced labor or c-section may be necessary, then doctors can do all they can to keep baby alive. There are some people - and Christians - who say abortion is okay when the baby has abnormalities that will make his or her life difficult or painful, but it's not. God's Word is clear that ALL life is valuable. (Mephibosheth, for example). 1/3

Then we need to determine when life begins. From fertilization, there is unique DNA - a completely unique human being exists. Life begins at conception. Then we need to look at how birth control works. Every form of birth control on the market is an abortifacient, meaning it ends the life of any baby conceived while taking it by making the uterus an inhospitable environment. Some women are willing to take that chance. However, I am not, and I don't think anyone should. Our culture (speaking of western culture) so severely devalues life, when God so greatly cherishes it. 2/3

I use NFP to prevent pregnancy when we are not trying to conceive. During "fertile week," we use condoms (which I do not see as sinful because I believe that, in addition to procreation, God also made sex for pleasure and intimacy between a husband and wife - see Song of Solomon for reference). Feel free to message me if you'd like to know about NFP. It really works. All of this is not to mention the harmful effects BC has on your body, which is God's temple and to be presented as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). There's a lot of information you can find about how it harms your body. For me, I was put on the pill at 16 because of bad periods. It made me SO angry that I wanted to punch my brother in the face, and I never get angry. I've never at any other time wanted to hit someone. Messing with our hormones does crazy things to our bodies too, not just our emotions. 3/3

There is a good document about different contraception (I can’t find it at the moment but when I do I’ll comment the name!) But it basically goes through every birth control options and if they are abortive or not. The conviction I have is that a lot of birth control is actually abortive and that’s why I would say for me some are a no no. There definitely are options out there though to make sure it’s not abortive which I personally feel more comfortable with!

So I have actually successfully used condoms as a birth control, for 2 years. The trick is to use a lubricant and that helps erase the risk of friction and "micro tears". (That might allow a sperm to get through). I also got the copper IUD and I wouldn't really recommend it. It was fine for a while, but then I started getting really nauseous around my period. And my flow got much heavier and it just wasn't fun! So then I prayed about getting it out and I broke a tiny bit! (I didn't think to grab it or take a picture, so I only have my testimony) I got it out, and now my period has been gone for 3 months! I'm not pregnant and maybe detoxing from the IUD. (Insertion hurts really bad and that's why I wouldn't even consider it again. Unless I can be assured that it won't hurt immediately post partum. I got it at 6 months post partum.

I believe it's part of our free will and common sense boundaries to use birth control. Because children should be a treasured gift and not a resented burden. To the @Kenedi above: No not every birth control is killing the conceived baby egg! For example copper IUD makes it anti sperm, but doesn't hurt baby's once created. My mom kept telling me that she knew of babies being born holding the copper IUD! Lol Also the pills, are different varieties of hormones and not all would necessarily kill a baby. Just to encourage the body not to ovulate, which would stop it. I'm personally very leery of hormones at all. So a copper IUD is my only other choice aside from obstaining or condoms. Until we're done, then my husband will be getting snipped! But that far away in the future

100% agree with @Kenedi Birth control is an abortifacient. If a baby is conceived while on birth control it kills the baby. I had a friend get pregnant on birth control and she purposely ignored the signs and miscarried. She still has major regret over 10 years later. As Christians we are to protect life.

Incog if you want to talk more about it you can message me. I don’t think birth control is abortion at all. And women shouldn’t be made to feel that way.

i’m kinda in between in believing having faith that God already knows our babies and the right timing and also using wisdom with preventing. personally i’m hugely against birth control but use condoms. i’ve successfully prevented pregnancy using cycle tracking for 3 years until we started trying for a baby so once i get my period back i will opt for that option again!

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