Announcing your pregnancy on social media

I had my 20 week scan last week and everything was perfect as they could see, after losses it’s made me feel very anxious and want to hide my pregnancy. But I feel I’d like to experience that feeling of sharing our news with our friends on social media but am also scared that something could still go wrong. I don’t know what to do. What are people’s thoughts on sharing your pregnancy on social media?
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I naively posted my first pregnancy on Instagram at 13 weeks and had a great pregnancy and he’s now nearly 2. But since then I’ve had 3 miscarriages trying for baby No. 2 and now at a similar time in pregnancy to you and I’m so scared to post or jinx anything this time 😭🤯🙏🏻❤️‍🩹

I think you should share whenever you want too ☺️ I have also had loses but really love the support and excitement family and friends can give ❤️

What on earth would I do if I lost baby now though, I’m in two minds as want to be able to share our excitement as we deserve too after such a hard shit time but I am also so scared incase something happens. But I also am fed up of hiding away and being so anxious all of the time. Try to tell my self getting to 20 weeks is a milestone. I don’t know how people share at 12 weeks it scares me. But I guess if I hadn’t had losses I’d feel different

@Katie do you think you’ll hold off? I just really want to feel that celebration and happiness but also scared incase but then surely at 20 weeks we have more of a chance of a happy ending x

I know, I can’t believe first time round I was so naive, but as you say when you don’t know any other you don’t assume things are going to go wrong, until you’ve experienced losses it’s hard to imagine what you go through ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹. Getting to 20 weeks is a massive milestone and half way which is sooo exciting! Congratulations 🙌🏻! Do what feels right for you 💕💕💕😘😘🥰

So if you had a loss now you would have support from people to grieve and work through it. I’ve thought about it myself and also 20 weeks atm and we have a high risk pregnancy which makes me very nervous about issues. I would definitely rather have support than go through that on our own. But again it’s totally up to you! It’s super nerve racking announcing pregnancy anyway but especially if you’ve loses before 😕 For instance I don’t buy anything for baby until I get to like 26-30 weeks … just incase (this is my third baby…8th pregnancy)

@Sam I think it’s the thought of having to explain on social media that we’d lost it as it’s not like an early loss this time where no one knows yet. I mean our closest friends and friends we’ve seen out and about know because it’s obvious I guess it would just be so lovely to have that celebration from everyone else on the outside world because I am so grateful and proud and almost want to shout it to the world now because I never thought we’d ever get to 20 weeks!

I totally get that! Like I really get that! Well why don’t you wait until 24 weeks? That’s viability week! What’s another few weeks? ☺️

@Sam very very true, it’s only because we’re going on holiday this weekend and was going to get a cute pic in the sunset on the beach. It’s just me getting ahead of myself as always lol

Take the pic! Be excited! Then post it when you’re comfortable maybe in a few weeks ☺️

So my wife and I went through a long fertility treatment journey to get pregnant, and we shared the entire thing on social media for support and to share the process as a same sex couple. We had 2 early miscarriages in a row and shared these both on our socials. We are 19 weeks pregnant now, and announced that we were pregnant the same week we found out, 2 weeks after insemination. It's scary to think about having to tell people if something bad happens, but we knew after the miscarriages that speaking about it helped us so much because we didn't have to pretend things were ok. It's completely up to you of course, but for us, we would rather tell people and have them know that we might be feeling upset or shitty or angry, and maybe know how to support us, rather than us having to try to slap a smile on because no one knows We also just wanted to feel the joy while we had it! ❤️

Im in the same boat, too. With my first two, i did announce at 3 months. After having two losses, one at 10 weeks. I haven't told anyone im pregnant or anncouned it. Only family who know. I hoestly feel like the joy has gone. Im 19 weeks and will be having a scan at 21 weeks. Honestly doesnt feel real as I've had no movement yet. If i see someone/ family i know in the street and they see me then I'll tell them as i can't hide it now. When the baby is earth side i reckon we'll post something. But you do what you feel is right to you. 💗

I completely understand where you are coming from and I am think will announce once baby is here x

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