Husband or partner appreciation post

Tell me one thing your partner does that you are grateful for. I will go first in the comments.
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Every morning he makes me and our son breakfast and on weekends watches our son so i can have a lie in.

Everything he does for my daughter.

He always tries to see the brighter side of things. For example, we had to get up early with kids to take him to work and it was a pretty rough morning getting everyone together and seemed like anything that could happen did. But instead of being irritable and in a bad mood, he told me at least we got to see the sun rise together.

I have so many. But one thing he does for me is make me a tea for when I come out of putting the toddler to bed, every night. He’ll make me a cheese platter to go w that also if I didn’t voice that I don’t want a cheese platter every day 😂 he just wants me to sit and cuddle and watch our series w him and spend time w me at night.

He’s just come back from a dangerous and stressful week overseas with work. Came home at 2am. This morning Ive woken up at 10am, no toddler alarm clock and wondering where everyone is. He had gotten up with our toddler, cleaned the kitchen, made breakfast, let me lie in, put a whole food shop delivery in and was doing colouring with her in the living room quietly. He’s the best friend, husband, father to my children I could ever hope for.

Made us a delicious steak dinner last night and cleaned up the whole house and laundry today. 🥰

@Gabby oh thats beautiful. He sounds like a lovely positive soul.

These are so wholesome to read 🥰

He is an amazing cook. He doesn't like the mental energy of meal planning and he cooks on weekends. So when I do the dinner roster, I assign myself quick easy meals. On weekends he has to cook for hours making delicious food.

He cooks! It’s 2024 and these kind of things should be 50/50 imo but I still know I’m lucky on this one. He takes on a lot of the mental load for what meals we’re going to have and enjoys making us food. Idk how a lot of women do it on top of typically being the main child carer as well

My husband just cooked a delicious Sunday roast dinner for us all! 🍽 Then he did the washing up afterwards🥰

I'm grateful for everything my partner does but understanding me when I'm not myself and able to lift my spirits even if it's by annoying me to make me laugh

My husband is an amazing man. He provides, he’s nurturing, he’s a great dad and always makes me feel important. I’m so lucky to have him. He always makes sure to help out around the house and the children so we can have a great night together. I’m a very lucky woman and it shows because I’m always glowing.

I’m grateful for everything but the one thing I’m so grateful for - he made me a mother 💞 he works so hard to provide for us and allow me to be home as much as possible with baby and he never asks for anything ! This man works 60+ hours a week, he still helps around the house , keeps the garden clean, makes sure I have a cup of tea at the end of each evening and never judges me 🥰

He is the sweetest ever. I haven’t been feeling good all week and last night he gently cuddles me and asks me how I’m feeling. Gets me tea, asks if I need medicine or anything, cooks us dinner. He lets me vent about work stress, or really anything even if he’s heard it 100 times and asks surprised every single time as if it’s the first time he’s heard it😂 he’s sick of me but I know he loves me 😅. He’s a very hands on daddy. Just overall grateful for all he does for our family, there isn’t just one thing 🥰

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I’m grateful for my partner as his energy is always positive, always looking at the good points of the day. The way he is with our daughter. The continuous support he gives me since we’ve been together. The way he compliments me every single day and says he can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and our family. I could go on forever but I’m forever grateful to have him by my side 💗

He held our cranky little bastard while I had a bath today. First bath in over six weeks. I feel like a new woman.

My husband travels during the week for work. It wares on me during the week being alone with a toddler and while pregnant so he will either travel the 2.5 hours home to sleep with me at night or he works extra hours and stays there but will come home early on Fridays so we can have a 3 day weekend together and lets me sleep in on weekends

Every time either one of us leaves or comes home we kiss and hug. Every single time no matter our mood or what we are doing we look each other in the eyes and embrace. It’s truly the little consistent things that make a difference.

Love this post! How uplifting! 🙏

@Sarah that sounds perfect ;)

@Jessica i wanted to hear positive stories for a change.

If I’m up in the night feeding and changing as he’s got work he’ll still get up and ask if I’m okay or need anything. He also cooks after work every day which helps me out so much as I can’t cook 😂

Im loving all these wonderful comments. Its good to know there are so many wonderful men out there.

Makes sure I’m fed and works relentlessly to provide for us 🥰

He cooks most meals for all of us, he buys my favourite chocolate when I’m on my period and he goes to bed a bit before me and lie on my side to warm it up for me ❤️ And many other things ❤️

On days he has off from work he watches the babies while I take a nap 🙌

He’s just amazing 🥹🥹 never lets me get too overwhelmed with all the kids. He’s also soo quick to step in and take charge when they are mom mom mom momming me to death 😅😅😅 when they were all newborns during the late night feeds he’d always wake up while I’m nursing just tomake me feel like I’m not alone, I’d have to tell home to go back to sleep. And when I join him back in bed he’ll put an arm around me so I know he was waiting for me to get back in. he’s not good with saying I love you and that used to really get to me but his actions show it! Everything he does is with me and the kids in mind. I’m so thankful for him. It’s soo nice to read all these comments. There are some really good men out there! God bless all of our homes and may they always be filled with love and support🙏🏾💕

Mine does the dishes almost every night!

Gets up with our son now I’m pregnant this can be 4-5 times a night and he works 50 hours a week

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He took our youngest downstairs all night so I could have a full night of undisturbed sleep even though he had a jam packed day of meetings the following day 🥹

I am grateful that he helps so much. Not just being a great daddy to our little girl but how he cares so much for me. After I’ve had a stressful day we work together to put her in the bath and put her to bed then he will make us tea and we chill together in bed and watch movies togethe

He is always there to tell me everything will be okay, even if he doesn’t believe it himself. And he kisses me good night, every night, no matter what.

His willingness to help no matter the circumstances. Whenever I am feeling down, he doesn't ever hesitate to try to help. It could be the smallest thing, this morning I was struggling with morning sickness and the only thing I wanted was a donut. Donut was purchased and given to me within that hour! Sometimes I get insomnia from my first trimester, on more than one occasion he's woken himself up the give me a back rub and massage my legs to help soothe me back to sleep. He does all this with no complaints, no requests for something in return, he does it all purely out of love and I am so grateful ❤️❤️

he’s the sweetest dad and always supports me. he makes us laugh every day and will do anything for us

Cleans our house whilst I do the everyday care things for our little boy.

He does breakfast for us every single day, he is always with us and always be proactive in everything that needs to be done at home or for us, he cooks, cleans, he buy groceries, he provides economically for us, and the list goes on. He is a great dad and partner

I could write a book about the things my husband does that I am grateful for. But to narrow it down I would say he does a great job of taking care of me, so I can take care of our daughter. When he’s home from work he cooks all our meals (and I mean 5 star meals), even when he goes away for work he will meal prep for me so it’s easier. Even though I have to wake up to breast feed my daughter in the night he will still wake up to do the diaper change. He’s always so encouraging and gave me so much grace during pregnancy and still now during postpartum- especially when I get down on myself. He plans date nights, gives me massages, he helps around the house, he is an active father and he shows up for me every time. I could go on and on, he’s literally my best friend. 🥹❤️ @Aria this was such I lovely post, I love posts like these. I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. Thank you so much!

@Nika this makes me so happy. Iv enjoyed reading all the comments too. Its heartwarming. Im a soppy romantic at heart so I love hearing how great everyone is feeling about their partners.

-He brushes my hair near enough every night for me because I find it a pain to do 🥹❤️ -He is so patient/loving/caring and understanding with me because I’m an anxious bean He is just all round amazing 🥹🥰❤️ -And also the kind of father he is to our boys ❤️

I'm so glad I saw this post we've been having a rough patch. It feels good to think about the positive. He always cleans the house and never complains that I barely do. He takes the baby every morning so I can sleep in as long as I want He always makes sure I have time for self care whether it be going out shopping, getting my hair done, or getting coffee. He never cooks but with how down I've been with PPD he's been bringing me breakfast in bed and making sure I eat I think today I will cook him something he's been craving and tell him how much I appreciate and love him. Thank you for making this post.

Where do I find one of these! I can't wait 🥹 you're all so blessed and your spouses are blessed with you

@Suzanne you will chick. Your time will come. I had to go thru plenty of frogs before i found my prince charming! Sending good vibes and positive energy your way. X

There are so many to type but my favourite 2 are 1. My baths, he’ll watch my daughter for a hour while I just relax and have a nice bubbles bath in the evenings And 2. My Jeep, when ever he sees that it needs a clean he’ll take it for a full wash down and fill the tank for me and we have a awkward drive to turn around on so if he knows I’m going out that day he’ll turn the Jeep around for me. Xx

Makes me coffee every morning and let's me lie in on the weekend 😴

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My husband works a manual labour job outdoors 6 days per week yet he still washes the dishes in the morning, does the laundry, cooks 3-4 nights per week and comes home straight in to being the best Dad ever. He also never minimises what I do too, he’s constantly telling me to do things for myself, to have a day relaxing when our daughter is at school.

I am grateful that he plays with them and helps out when it comes to lunch and dinner

Congratulations 💐 ladies that you have found your soul mate,I have being with my husband for over 38 years and I would marry him all over again

I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. He does so much for us! but one thing he enjoys doing for us is cooking breakfast and tidying up the kitchen afterwards on weekends or days that he doesn't have to be at work.

Cooks every day after work, helps with the house work, will wake up with our girl and get up with her, dresses her, changes her nappy, baths her plays with her, and always sits with me massages my back and neck whilst I feed her 😍! Such a good man

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