Starting food

Hi! I’ve seen alot about starting certain soft foods at 4 months both from family/friends and things I’ve seen online. My little one has just turned 16 weeks and I’m wondering if anyone has started at that type of age and their experience. Lo is really interested in grabbing things and putting them in his mouth and even reaches for certain foods I’m eating Thank you
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Following as I’m in the same position! My little one is 15 weeks today, I read online you shouldn’t start until earliest of 17 weeks but to aim for 6 months, I think I’m going to see how she is at 17 weeks then maybe give her a tiny bit of puree and see how we get on! X

@Charlotte I’m seeing more towards that aswell but I’m still seeing loads about 4 months, my little one turns 4 months when he’s 17 weeks. He’s not gaining weight like he should so I’m thinking maybe starting food will help

We’re under the allergy clinic as my little one has CMPA. We’ve been advised to start at 17 weeks as they think now that earlier exposure will prevent some allergies in children so we will be starting soon! I think it’s totally up to you, people will have their own opinions but if baby can sit in a highchair without their head flopping and pick it up and put it in their mouth if you gave them a soft veg stick I would say go for it! X

It’s not advised to start weaning unless medically advised at this age

Why the rush? It’s been proven that babies stomachs aren’t developed enough until around 6 months to handle food (and it can cause them complications by starting too early) so unless you have been advised by a doctor why start early? Weaning is a really crap and messy stage (this is my second so done it all before) so is starting early more for YOUR benefit?! Because why would you do something that has no nutritional benefit for your baby and isn’t advised until 6 months??? And FYI…your baby being interest in grabbing things is normal at this age and not a sign of wanting food 🙄

@Brittany I’m thinking of starting as it was discussed with hv to help with his weight gain but I just havnt spoken to a gp about it yet… no need to assume anything with your comment

Second time mum here too and I’m going to hold out until 6 months and go straight to baby led weaning again. I hate weaning, it’s so messy, more of it will end up in their hair and on the floor than in their mouths! 😂 I would skip purées as they actually tend to gag more on purées than solid food, and you will have to introduce proper solids at some point so you’re giving yourself an extra step. Wait for the signs of readiness, being able to sit with minimal support and good head control, ability to bring food to their mouths and the absence of the tongue thrust reflex. Solid Starts is a really good resource. I also bought the How to Wean Your Baby book by Charlotte Stirling-Reed and found this helpful, there’s a plan for the first 30 days of weaning. Also recommend doing a first aid course so you know what to do if baby chokes!

I must be crazy but I actually loved every bit of the messy weaning stage 😂 we did mostly blw. Once my daughter turned 4 and a half ish months i started giving her rusks and hard food like raw carrots or unseasoned pork chops mainly for teething to be completely honest as she hated her teething toys but loved to naw on food even if she couldn’t eat it, so will be doing the same this time around, that being said you know best whats good for your baby its not like they’re going to start having 3 meals a day plus snacks 😅 especially if it’s something you discussed with your hv. Hope it all goes well for you both x

My lo is also struggling with weight gain but I was told that they don't advise starting solids early for that as they are less calorie dense than milk and can fill their stomachs so they drink less and end up gaining even less weight x

I would do what you feel it right. Our LO is a very hungry baby and we introduced baby rice in his bottle at 3 months and he started to be so much happier. Before anyone starts to come at me, we was actually at the hospital due to severe colic and the specialist there didn't care about the baby rice in his bottle and said to continue on with it. She also stated breastfed babies should wait until 6 months and formula from 4 months for food. I asked about sitting up first and she actually advised me that he should go into food and start weaning at 4 months due to him being a big boy regardless of sitting. At the end of the day you know your baby the best. If you feel he could do with food sooner than go for it. Happy to chat further via messenger x

@Lauren 100%! I have Charlottes book from my 1st baby too. Best resource out there on weaning and recommend it to every new mum I know ☺️ Loads of info on her instagram too sr_nutrition

@Elizabeth your post says you were thinking about it due to friends/family and stuff you had seen online NOT due to a discussion with a HV or thinking of discussing it with a GP! Soooooo assuming it had nothing to do with your child’s actual health was pretty normal! And as Hattie said, advising solids early to help with weight gain isn’t actually normal practice as then the baby drinks less milk leading to even slower weight gain.

My daughter started at 4 months, by 6 months she was on 3 a day with 3 bottles, I started with porridge and added some formula into it x

Not until 6 months. Do the research.

Nope. Babies don't need anything other than their milk (breast or formula) for the first 6 months. There is still a lot of old outdated and potentially dangerous information online, but the guidance has been 6 months for over 30 years now. Nature tells us that a babies insides aren't ready for food until their outsides are ready, and in a baby that includes being able to sit with minimal support, being able to pick up food, bring it to their mouth, chew and swallow. These things happen around 6 months and it is proven safest to wait until baby is capable of feeding themselves. Don't be in a rush. Starting solids can be so much fun and I can't wait, but baby will be around the 6 month mark before I even consider it.

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@Ella research says 4-6 months, hence why you can buy 4 month puree. Remember every baby is different.

@Georgia show me this research? Is it by a trusted resource like the NHS? The reason you can buy 4 month purées is because those companies just want money, they don’t give a s*** about your babies health. I appreciate that every babies is different but unless you are backed up by medical professionals then you should wait until 6 months!! Why the rush, if baffles me why people want their babies to grow up so quickly.

@Ella NHS website actually says around 6 months and not strictly waiting till baby is 6 months as long as baby is showing signs of readiness. Im pretty sure everyone on here wants whats best for their child and that might look different to what others feel is best. Some babies are genuinely ready between 4-6 months so i think we should leave mums to do with their children what they see fit as no one knows the child better than the mum herself. X

@Ella show you? Jesus haha. I have a 2 year old, who started puree at 4 Months old and loved it, she was happier and ate better on it. So you can have your ‘opinion’ as that’s all it is. Like I said, all babies are different, yours isn’t ready and mine is as I’ve been through this before. Are you a health professional? If not, your opinion doesn’t mean squat to me, thanks.

@Karolina this group is for mums to support each other like us, not be shamed and feel judged like Ella is doing

All babies are different in their developmental stages sure... But physically, their insides are not ready until 6 months. The reason you can buy 4 month purees is that the labelling laws didn't update with the guidance (30 years ago!) and manufacturers are therefore able to still put 4Months + on food. If YOU have to feed your baby, they aren't ready. Babies are ready for solids when they are able to feed themselves.

If a health visitor hasn’t an issue with it, then nor do I, and like I said in my experience it worked well for my daughter so that’s your opinion, mine is that it does no harm.

Yes, I want to see it because I don’t think any research will say from 4 months so I’d like to be proven wrong and I’d be asking my health visitor where they got their recourses from as well. By your post my baby was ‘ready’ at 3 months 🤣🤣 but what you have listed is just normal baby behaviour for that age and as you have a toddler as well I thought you’d have known this, it does not mean they are ready to eat solid food. My 2.5 year old did just fine waiting until she was 6 months 🤷🏼‍♀️

@Ella you want to comment on my parenting? Don’t think this app is for you hun, meant to support other mums, who said 3 months?.. yes I do know this, keep your opinion to yourself as you’re a very rude, unsupportive woman, clearly not a girls girl when people are being straight but respectful, you’re just straight up rude and I have no interest in speaking to someone like you

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