Food throwing during mealtime ?

Ladiesss! What are we really doing about this during meal time? It’s so frustrating! I am currently giving little one small portions at a time (on her high chair tray), working very hard on timing meals, and having a ‘dump’ bowl on her tray nearby for her to put the food in. But food still ends up on the floor. And now, feeding her has become this complicated tango where I have to anticipate when she will throw, etc. it’s so exhausting! I hate seeing food get wasted. For moms with older kids, how long did this phase last? And for those in the throes w me with their June babe is there any thing else you’ve tried that has worked?? It just feels like my daughter is eating less overall now because of this. Let’s figure this outttt! LOL Little pic of the culprit for laughs
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We switched to a toddler table about a month ago and the throwing has completely stopped. But I also found that eating in general just slowed down at this age. He snacks more then actually eats a meal. Just wants to constantly go go go now that he can walk. 😂

My son stopped eating good at 10mths...he is a big snacker...doesn't help hes getting 8 teeth at once right now....but just continue to be consistent with routine. This stage they slow down until about 2 yrs.

I calmly tell my daughter “no, we don’t throw food” once. If she does again the meal is over. 🤷‍♀️ if she’s still hungry after she’s run around a little we try again. I’ve been doing that since we started introducing food and we don’t really have a problem at this point. Sometimes if she gets excited something will fly off her fork or spoon and that’s just an “uh oh! It fell” but when she intentionally thows stuff I assume she’d rather play than eat

@Nikki ohhh this is helpful!!! I don’t know if it’s too late for me to incorporate that but it may be worth a try!

@Lara oh man!!! Yes I hear that this is the snacking time now

@Elizabeth wow I haven’t heard of this as a solution! Great idea! Thank you!

I also tell my daughter that we don’t throw food and if she keeps playing around with her food, I also stop the meal and let her play or do an activity and try again later. she doesn’t throw or play with her food too much now since we started solids so I guess just getting more in tune with what she feels like doing helped. we also have a dog in the house so she sometimes wants to feed him lol so idk if you have a pet, but I’ve also had to just correct her action and let her know we feed our dog at a different time. I feel like my daughter’s appetite is all over the place! some days are snacking days for us, some are decent meal days. It’s been a challenge but been trying to just go with the flow and take it day by day!

He behaves at a restaurant but he throws his food on the floor, bangs his hands on the high chair tray, and swishes his food around on the tray

Once we stopped using the high chair, we saw MUCH less food on the floor. Some meals he stands on his helper tower stool and eats standing up at the counter or we use a booster seat. Standing is working better for us right now.

@DMS wow I have heard of this as a solution! Do you use the booster seat that’s like the one at restaurants? Or attach one to your dining room chair?

@Leanne man this is a tough stage!

@Stefanie booster seat that goes on a chair, and we do no buckle. When we was strapped in, he was eager to get out. Much more content just sitting like us! So I actually have one that has no buckles that all. He will still stands on his booster at some point, so we are working on that, but overall it’s worth it. His skills with utensils improved quickly once we took the high chair away too! I would say the helper tower has been more of a help for us, especially at breakfast. I work and take him to daycare and pack a lunch for him everyday, and I can’t believe how well he eats his breakfast standing on that while I pack his lunch

@DMS wow! Thank you for the input! Is your son able to get out and down from the chair on his own? I’d be too worried to put my daughter without buckles because she’s not there physically yet.. is your son, or does he just sit? Ah it’s so nice to have some hope for the future 😂

Currently dealing with this 🥲 I just had to give myself some grace and not flip out.

@Stefanie do what makes you comfortable! My son is ahead on the physical side (he was fully walking at 9.5 months 😵‍💫) he climbs up and down the tower on his own. With the booster, he usually lets me know that he wants down/is over being at the table. Since he is pushed in close to the table, there isn’t a lot of space to try to get down if that makes sense. But as I mentioned he is able to stand up from being seated, so when that happens I usually guide him back to sitting or just take him off and put him on the ground. Good luck!

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