Vent session

Ok ok just wanna get this off my chest. As I cry lol. We are currently trying for baby #2. Sex has been great. We have been great. Until this. Prior to my first baby I was a bodybuilder. 140 lbs nothing but muscle. After I had my daughter I had some PPD/PPA along with a SUPER toxic job. I didn’t lose the weight well. I gained some back after I lost it. I know that. I lost my gym time as I became a STAHM. The other day my husband said “yea you were super fit in your first pregnancy..” My heart shattered and I can’t stop hating myself in the mirror and thinking about it. I’ve had a mental overload from things since I had my daughter which is no excuse but🤷🏼‍♀️ Thoughts? I feel men forget what we sacrifice when we become moms (even tho it’s the best thing to happen to me).
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Your husband should’ve thought before he spoke. I’m so sorry he said that to you. I held on to 10 lbs of weight postpartum, and then gained another 20 when I stopped breastfeeding. It’s so hard to find time to work out as a SAHM, especially when they’re young. I could do short work outs when my son was crawling but now my workouts are chasing him around the house and going on walks with him. Just remember, your weight does not define you. It’s okay if you’re not as fit as you once were. Priorities change once you’re a mom, and you’ll find time again once the kids get older. Good luck with baby #2, I hope you get a positive test soon ❤️

So sorry you’re going through this 😓 We are also trying to baby #2 and like you, I was very fit for the first, but am still 25lbs over pre pregnancy weight now. My husband did something similar the other day. We were looking at some of my old bump pics and he made the statement, “whoa, look at your jawline” and handed me his phone. In the moment I was standing in front of a mirror and I looked up to see my 3 chins instead 😅😭 It was heartbreaking. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me with his words, but it was still hard to hear. It’s so difficult to find time for yourself as a SAHM. I don’t think men will ever truly understand it. I do what I can with meal prepping and walking but my actual workouts are few and far between still. And like you, since we’re trying for #2, I don’t want to put my body into a calorie deficit right now so I am just trying to come to terms with the fact that this pregnancy may look a little different, and that’s okay!!

I’ve gained 60lbs since having my son and I feel so fat all the time. (Cuz I am)🤣 when I complain to my sons father he’ll still tell me “you just had a baby” even though it was a year and a half ago and I gained most of this weight after my son was already 6mos old 😂 give yourself grace. The next time he makes a stupid comment let him know he can always pay for you to get a nanny to watch the kids while you gym :)

Hugs, and echo what other moms said. It’s hard to accept some of the changes that we “know” are ok since now we literally supported a little human and our bodies took a physical toll (and still are recovering for up to 2 years post partum!!) and at the same time we still grieve the old fit bodies we used to have.

I don’t have a partner so just totally throw this advice out the window if it doesn’t work (and this is tongue-and cheek anyway) but I imagine if you told your husband when he comments on your body like that it feels similar to if your were making fun of his dick (“babe, ever since the baby came, your dick got smaller”) …. Maybe he would get the point. How can they really understand (guys), they don’t go through it like we do.

@Shelley good come back 😩😭

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