What was your baby’s first food

Hey everyone! My baby is 4 months and the doctor said we can start giving her green veggies. So today we boiled broccoli and blended it a with breast milk…boy did she LOVE it! What was your baby’s first food and how did they respond? Also did they get constipated or get diarrhea after?
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Waiting till 6 months is the recommendation, studies have linked long term digestive issues and food sensitivity to offering solids before 6 months These doctors in Florida ain't worth a damn if you ask me, they told me I couldn't ebf that I had to add formula for more calories So lemme get this straight gawds milk that my body literally makes for the specific baby I gave birth to and continues to tailor itself thru communication thru saliva is now suddenly not good enough🤦🏽‍♀️ Don't reinvent the wheel lol

We started at 4 months with veggies first... sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peas, broccoli. Then a month later, once he ate all the different veggies, he ate fruit purees for breakfast. Now he had a veggie and a meat for lunch puree. The only thing he didn't like were peas and carrots. And all homemade. My gut tell me to stay away from the store bought baby food so we make our own at home. It's worked out. 😊

We started my son on solids at 4 months and I made our own baby food. He started on pears and carrots which he loved. Spinach and pear and spinach and pea was another he liked. Also introduced the idea of foods he can “gnaw” on that won’t fall apart and be a choking risk. Celery, large chunks of watermelon if baby can handle holding things like that yet. Berries in the mesh sleeves, etc.

@Priscilla not that I’m disagreeing with your overall take here, but I couldn’t ebf my son due to my breast milk having an enzyme in it that my son’s stomach couldn’t handle. So even though breastmilk is “tailored” to what your baby needs, it’s still possible to have your milk be “incompatible” with your baby. It was devastating to me in the moment, I felt like a HUGE failure. Tried changing my diet and all the tricks people tell you about but ultimately nothing worked and my son got very sick every time he had my breastmilk. But I always agree with following your momma instinct!

@Cenza wow I wasn't aware of that, thank you, im so sorry yall had to go thru that, I wonder if science has caught up if there's something you can take to counteract that enzyme, kinda like when a mom has a blood disorder where she has to take meds to prevent her body from attacking baby in womb

@Priscilla the doctor recommended we start now because she was in the 5th percentile in weight due to her always spitting up. She is now in the 24th percentile and we are expecting the food will help out tremendously with keeping her milk down. Also the cdc recommends you start solids at 4-6 months with breast milk if the baby shows signs of being ready and my girl is practically crawling already. Please be more open minded to other situations because not everyone has a perfect EBF situation.

@Alisia that's great to hear glad she's putting on weight

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