Potty training 3 year old (pooping)

Hey everyone. Parenthood has been amazing thus far but this whole potty training thing it’s just not for me. I’m having such a hard time with the pooping aspect of it. We have peeing in the toilet down and he will wear his big boy undies all day long and keep them dry. No accidents. He will tell me when he has to go or just go. It’s when he hast to poop he will come up to me and ask me to put on his pull up. Naturally, I don’t at first I take him to the bathroom to go sit and all he says is “i can’t do it.” we try multiple times a day even though he doesn’t necessarily have to go. I still sit him on there just to try. I give in every two days because I don’t want him to get constipated. I really need kind words and any advice will be greatly appreciated. He asked for a specific toy, which I got but told him he can’t have it until he poops on the toilet. It’s in the bathroom so he gets to see it. He also has a basket of toys waiting on him, but he just seems uninterested. We did potty training a year and a half ago, but we had to move and I put it on the back burner until we got settled in. By then it was too late and it’s been trial and error ever since. I should’ve never stopped and I’m beating myself up so much about it because he was doing so good.
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Omg my 3 year old boy is the same. Except he does not care and will poop his pants and sit in it until he walks by and I can smell it!!!! We have pee down perfectly but he does not grasp the poop aspect. My son’s school director said it’s pretty normal but I’m tired of cleaning poop out of his underwear… especially every he goes “oh poop goes in potty” LIKE BRO

My daughter would wait until I put her in her overnight pull up to poop. So I was cleaning massive ass poops every morning while 28 weeks pregnant with her brother so I said hell no, I ain’t doing this when he’s born so I just took away the pull ups all together. My daughter was scared to poop on the toilet and would cry when she did. The more she did it, the better she handled it


I’d take the pull ups away and not offer them. Even if he asks. If you’re concerned about constipation, talk to a pediatrician. Prune juice will do the trick. I’d learn his poop cues too so you can get him to the bathroom. Mine used to hide under the table or in a corner to poop, so I watched her like a hawk and had her sit down on the toilet if she went to her poop places

Potty training is so hard! Have grace for your self and your little one. We potty trained around 22 months old and had some poop issues. He was a withholder and didn’t want to poop on the potty. If there is a hold out for the diaper/pull up, I think your only option is to take it away. We did the Oh crap Potty training method and she talks about this a lot. There was a lot of fear about releasing poop and suppositories helped us work through it. Best of luck!

It is tough because he has been trained to poop there already so you're having to untrain him to do that now. Hang in there and get rid of the pull ups, it won't be an option that way and he will be able to do it. Since he is older your confidence in him will be really important. And I would say as a kind of way to help is when you need to go you could take him in with you and show him how you do it. Another thing might be giving privacy, mostly my eldest wants me to hold his hand in the bathroom but other times, usually with poop, he asks me to go bye bye and then he gives a big grunt and will go. Hang in there but he is totally capable and going to be ok 💙 truly such a tough stage though.

@Mallory I second suppositories. Sometimes you really do gotta make them poop if they won’t on their own

@Lindsay so mines safe space is his room in the corner after lunchtime. I’ve picked up on that for a while now and now we make sure to go to the bathroom during that time. I still don’t fully trust him going in his room during that time so I follow him around. I actually just got some Pedialax. I’m going to try that out tomorrow. I’ve even went as far as to show him that all his stuffed animals poop in the toilet. (I put chocolate in the toilet 🤦🏻‍♀️😂) he cops for them and tells them that they did a good job! But at this point, not even that’s working.

@Mallory @GraceI have picked up that he does like privacy when going, so I will shut the door, but still nothing. I’ve read the book potty training in three days front to back twice now. I will definitely have to check out the oh crap potty training method. I know that this too shall pass. I definitely know that he is ready. He is just being very stubborn about it. He definitely knows better. He just doesn’t want to. I will collect all his pull-ups with him tomorrow and tell him that they are being donated. I feel like I really need his dad’s approach on this, but he is working out of town so it’s all me ☹️

I'm so sorry you're on your own! That makes it so tough. Hang in there and keep chugging, will say a little prayer for you tonight!

@Grace thank you! ❤️ you are too sweet mama!

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