How to Work from Home with Baby

Hey moms, I'm still on maternity leave but the goal was to work part-time for the last chunk so I don't have to be on unpaid FMLA the rest of the time home... we're about 2 weeks past when I wanted to "start" again originally - how do you mom's work from home with a 2 month old who only contact naps during the day?! 😬🥴
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I would love to know the answer to this, because in April I will be in this same situation. I wfh and my company does not seem to have maternity leave so I’m sure I’ll be back to work asap

I wish I could do work from. Home but idk who's hiring to do that and stuff

I go back to work on 10/1 and wondering the same thing.

2 month old would of been easier for me because they mostly sleep. Now a 2 year old is a headache!

@Fedele the problem is she only sleeps during the day if we're holding her... can't hold her if I need my hands to type haha 😬

@Joanna what about getting a baby carrier or sling? Then she can nap and you can use both hands?

I worked with my baby in a sling a lot or next to me in the bassinet. Did most of my work during naps and would sign on early if I could to catch up a bit before the day started. Still doing it and she's almost 2.

@Rabia any recommendations on good ones?

@Kiya what sling did you use?

I have him in the sling and set up my laptop on my kitchen counter so I can stand as he wakes up if I sit. I can get a good chunk of work in as he sleeps an hour plus a time, a couple of times a day x

@Rabia I was going to to say the same thing

My husband sometimes puts the newborn in a baby carrier and works. But he would not be able to do it all the time and still focus on his work. But my babies are high needs and very whiney

I should also add that things like emails I can do on my phone and do when he is feeding rather than scrolling socials! And the things I need two hands for or meetings i prioritise when he is in the sling xxx

I have 2 full time jobs and a 14 month. Now I do have my partner who is also remote however she is full time also with A lot of meetings When I had to go back to work I got a carrying sling so that I could still work. (Get one with great back support) A standup desk and also trucker head phones. (Trucker head phones block out so much noise my customers don’t even know I have a screaming toddler in the background or a tv blasting right next to me) I already had a chair wide enough to breastfeed in. We rotate toys and also will give tv time during our workday. We also have a schedule where my LO naps are mid day so we get at leave a hour to really focus on work

We also put a bean bag in our office so like @Annie💜🌻🍄 was saying if we are just answering emails we can either bring our laptop down or work on or phones and still interact and engage with our LO

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All good recommendations, thanks!! If there is a favorite sling/carrier out there do tell! I have a Solly Baby wrap but it only works for so long - she starts to slide in it.

First step is getting baby on a schedule. Predictable schedules help the baby and you - you know when you can do work meetings while baby naps or is nursing. Also depends on what type of work you do from home, how many hours, and your other expectations. I have a 5 year old in kindergarten, 3 year old in part time preschool and a 6 month old. I work an average of 16 hours during 6 days of the week comfortably while kids play, nap, etc. I am working most nights after kids go to bed

@Joanna if she starting to slide that would suggest it's not tight enough to begin with. You want swimsuit tight. Maybe have a fit check. I'm happy if you wanna send pics and I can make suggestions of guys to get it to work for you.

@Joanna I love my freerider and he likes being so close. I have an ergo baby when we go walking in nature etc but the freerider is always my fave xxx

@Karolyn I agree a schedule would make it much easier, but I know some people struggle with routine or don’t want a set routine. We don’t have one in the day and I cope, but my working hours are very flexible and if he is really worked up during a meeting either I stay on mute when I can or I try to postpone. My clients are all parents themselves and I think everyone got a dose of what it’s like working from home with kids during Covid / over holidays and seem to be more open to it these days. So basically don’t worry too much if you can’t succeed at a regular schedule for whatever reason! Xx

@Annie💜🌻🍄 to me a schedule isn’t “oh baby eats at 3pm. Sorry that you’re crying and hungry early but you have to wait 20 mins”. It’s more of: between 1:30 and 2:15, baby will wake up and be hungry or between 5:45 and 6:20, as baby gets fussy, it’s because he wants to eat and then go to bed. I think it’s unrealistic to work full time from home while being main care provider without having a somewhat predictable baby schedule. (My first tried taking no more naps at 4 months old - he was so much happier once he got on a predictable schedule. My 3rd / most recent baby started sleeping through the night and on a schedule during the day at 6 weeks)

Night time and early morning have been pretty routine and she's been sleeping great (gives us solid 3 or 4 hours at a time overnight) - narrowing down a routine during the day has been super tough. We go off feeding cues for nursing, and then naps are a free for all because it all depends on if you're holding her or not... she's awake otherwise if you're not lol. The plan was to work part-time, log on here and there when I can - I'm an Office Manager but do a lot of Finance stuff (AR/Payables,etc) along with CFO presentations,etc items as well... so it can be time consuming - maybe it just isn't realistic to try to work, I don't know.

Baby wearing is how I managed it when she was that little. We had the tie up one and a mobey cheater version that worked for us

@Karolyn I’m glad you have found something that works for you. I’m just highlighting that this could look different for everybody and that’s ok. Everyone’s support / work requirements / babies are different and I know people put so much pressure on routines and there is so much anxiety around this already generally in the parenting world that I was offering as different perspective

@Joanna if you are working part time and you aren’t required to be available all day and on call / in meetings constantly it is doable and flexible! I catch up a bit on weekends if I need to or evenings when my partner is around too. Heck I’ve done some emails in the middle of night feeds. It is all down to your work environment and expectations I think. Good luck! ❤️

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