Do children actually bring you happiness?

I always hear parents say ‘my child is my happiness’ or ‘my life is complete’ but do children actually bring happiness 24/7 for the rest of your life ? I’m an expecting FTM. I’m finding it hard to believe especially when all I see is women on social media talking about sleepless nights, constantly worried about their child’s health, temper tantrums, others judgments about your children and parenting skills or lack of, even financial ruins, children potentially ruining relationships and then of course the struggles or being a single parent and co-parenting. Do you guys look at your children and feel happy 24/7 or do you ever feel like I wish I waited or I wish ‘I never had a baby’
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I never think “I wish I didn’t have a baby” but I do have days where it is bloody hard and wonder if I can do it 😅 however, all the good moments completely outweigh the bad! They make you forget those hard days.

I am a FTM and never wanted children, found out last year I was expecting and my baby is 5 months now. I can honestly say it was the best thing to ever happen to me and my partner. We absolutely adore him and he is the light of our life. I feel like I've always known him and he brings so much joy to our lives daily. There are moments of frustration of course, but they are extremely short lived. I can say I'm not constantly worried about his health too, I try to not "live in fear" and just take everything as it comes. This is my own experience though and I don't think everyone feels the exact same

Lol so obviously there are times when they bring you stress and exhaustion etc and not so much happiness. But it's the overall effect - Iv never been happier as a mum 'in general'. I wouldn't change any of it for the world when looking at the bigger picture. Nobody makes me as happy as my child can make me - that's not to say it's 24/7 and there are times when it's really tough but it's more 'in general' rather than literally being happy every second of the day. Nobody is happy all the time lol that's called being human, having emotions and life. There's a feeling you get that's unlike no other and it's very difficult to explain to somebody who hasn't experienced it I'm afraid. Ofcourse there are exceptions to the rule but there's more to it - usually hormones and natural instinct etc mean a mums world revolves round her child and wants nothing more for them to be happy, safe and healthy as that makes us happy.

Children do bring me happiness yes. But I don’t rely on my kids and family for 100% of my happiness, for me happiness comes from 70% family 15% friends and 15% hobbies. Same as Hubby as well I told him I don’t want him relying on me and the kids for 100% of his happiness I also want him to have friends and hobbies on the side, outlets if you will. So I don’t lose myself, I have other people to see when family life gets a bit too much/overwhelming, I’m also not isolated or lonely, I have adult interaction and I’m still doing things that fill my cup outside of motherhood. I think it’s great to have a balance.

Absolutely and not sure to me but the whole family.

Yes they do.. most of the time 😅 I couldn’t imagine life without them ❤️

Our boy is the light of our lives, he makes us laugh and smile and we’re so proud of how he is growing up but my god sometimes he makes us so stressed/ worried/exhausted. The reality is children are hard work and your life is never the same again, but for the love and adoration you feel it’s worth it. Here praying it does get easier as he gets older though caus I’m knackered!

I think it’s hard to explain until your baby arrives because it’s true that it’s the best AND hardest thing simultaneously. I was always like what? that’s such a contradiction! But it’s just indescribably true. My daughter has brought me more happiness than I’ve ever experienced & I love her more than anyone. But motherhood has also been THE biggest, hardest, scariest, loneliest, wild, crazy ride. I guess my answer is - the highs are higher than you could ever imagine but the same goes for the lows. Ultimately though, my daughter is my most favourite person & my proudest achievement x

I don’t think it’s realistic that you feel happy 24/7, something in life is always going to make you unhappy at times whether it be a hard day with little one or other trials and tribulations. In my opinion, Being a parent is the hardest but best job in the world. You could have had a really hard day with them for whatever reason and then they just smile at you or say mamma and it just melts my heart and seeing them laugh and be happy really is the best feeling in the world for me. It’s a love that’s indescribable and like no other. It is crazy hard at times and some days you’ll think I can’t do this but you find a way though and the good does outweigh the bad. Some days feel easy and like you have it nailed and some days are just tough. Even through the hard days though, I know I want a second child as the joy it’s bought to my life is invaluable. It also just means you have a different type of life than before which can be a hard adjustment

It’s haaaard, some days I feel guilty that I miss my old life and some days I absolutely adore being a mum. All about balance I guess 😂

I wouldn’t say my twins bring me happiness 24/7! There are thoss stressful, tired some, irritating days. But every time I do look at them, especially when I’m struggling mentally or physically. All that pain disappears & I’m happy. They saved my life, I got pregnant at 18 & I was going down on such a dark & bad path in my life. When I was pregnant, I did have those thoughts. That I should’ve gone through with the abortion, that I wish I waited, that I wish I was more safe, but ever since I’ve had them. I’ve never had those thoughts, no matter how hard the days & night seem. I am still grieving the youth that I should be living, but I’m happy with the life I have now.

Yes. Literally the best thing that has ever happened in my life

Yeah it’s so hard to explain as my son doesn’t sleep well. I’m Always tired and stressed. Argue with my husband a fair bit. Currently 31 weeks pregnant with second one a little girl. But when it comes to my 19 month old son and even my little girl I’ve not yet met one little smile or hug or anything off them and I’m just smitten 🥰 😂🤦‍♀️. It’s hard and stressful but you’ll never regret it. They are just too cute and precious and your love will out weigh any tiredness or stress or worry 🥰xx

I think a better word is fulfilment. No one on earth is happy 24/7 whether they have children or not. However my children definitely make me feel more fulfilled and they often bring me joy and that makes me a happier person in general.

I mean, I sometimes feel like that like I wish I had waited and so forth. And yeah there’s a lot of hard part with being a mum that makes it alot but then, your happiness should come within you and what happens around you. Not just of your kids. I suppose they add to your life but not to make you happy 24/7.

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I’ve never wished I didn’t have her, I’ve never wished I waited. But it’s unrealistic to be happy 24/7. I love her unconditionally. She makes me happier than ANYTHING else. But there are still moments when I’m tired or feel overwhelmed and it’s not fun. You can’t really equate the unconditional love of being a mum to “happy 24/7”. There are also so many factors that affect happiness on a day to day basis. One thing I will say is even if I’m having a terrible day, taking one look at my girl or giving her a hug makes me feel better instantly.

I’m a new mom so I’m not sure if my opinion counts yet but every time I look at my daughter my heart gets bigger. She brings me so much happiness. She is so amazing I could cry thinking about it. Watching my husband be a father has been so refreshing and has brought us even closer. I fall in love with him more every day. It all feels natural. The new born stage is easy for us though, maybe I’ll feel different with a toddler. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I'm not happy full stop but the fleeting moments of happiness I do have are because of my children.

My experience is of course my own, but I have wanted to be a mum since I was very little. I am 29 now and the wait felt eternal, had a miscarriage 9 years ago as well. My baby was born 5 weeks ago, and I can say that yes of course there are some moments of panic and stress, but seeing her smile whenever she wakes up and I go pick her up? Or making her smile when I laugh? Holding her and suddenly looking down and seeing her staring at me in awe and fascination, with a little smile on her face? Priceless. Also the little noises she makes when I breastfeed her. The list goes on. It’s all so fulfilling. I am so fortunate. She is everything I ever dreamed of.

I don’t think it would be normal to feel happines 24/7 cos of your children 😂😂 Children bring love and happiness like you don’t understand until you have them, the simplest thing my daughter does makes me smile and laugh and burst with pride. But parenthood is insanely hard, it is tiring, it is challenging, the juggle when you go back to work is real. Every stage of parenting with your first is new to you so you’re constantly learning and trying to do what’s best without prior experience or knowledge. A friend once told me for every bad day you have there will be 5 good ones and that’s so true. And it’s so so so okay to find motherhood hard.

Honestly speaking children become a reason to be proud / happy once you are gifted a child you do feel joy and it is a unmatched feeling from anything in this world. Dont get me wrong newborns and age 1-4 is tough but everyday you become a better and happier version of yourself for your little one which longterm makes you more joyful in life and seeing them smile, laugh and tell you how much they love you when they get bigger will definitely bring you a sense of purpose and joy. It is not a easy job but its a job god entended for us women to do, become mothers Children are innocent so everyday it is a god chosen gift to have them. They are light and love and when you are sad or down will always bring you a sense of joy or achievement

Honestly, we never planned to even have children as I thought I couldn’t have them so it was never an idea in our heads. However, when my little girl was born it changed our whole world, she’s now a toddler almost 3! But just seeing how she views the world, and has little conversations with us. It’s amazing, don’t get me wrong it can be frustrating and you can feel like you’re not doing enough BUT you’re that little child’s whole world and they always think you’re the best. Hearing her laugh, and giggle and just be happy makes that stress feel a lot less than it was to begin with. It’s not always the easiest but seeing them grow makes it worth while

This is a good question! I feel like the common narrative around pregnancy, childbirth and children leans negative. You hear far more about the struggles and the hard things and it seems out of balance. A child is a human and no human makes you happy 24/7. Especially underdeveloped ones that rely on you for their every need 😅 I think children give you the opportunity for a level of joy you can’t get from anything else. AND they test everything you’ve got in you. They change your perspective on the world and that change can definitely be jarring. I love my child, I enjoy being a mom and sometimes I do think about when it was simpler being just me and her dad but I think that’s natural. I don’t resent her and I’m glad we had her when we did 😊 so to answer your question, I think it could be yes and no 🤷🏽‍♀️

Yes - I’m happy - toughest job in the world though

It’s not the same for everyone. No, my baby doesn’t make me happy 24/7, but I do not regret having her. My husband and I wanted a baby and are actually on our second. Yes, there are some rough patches and some difficult moments which we just have to work through and be grateful for having such a wonderful baby. Yes, our outlook on life really changes and mainly worry sets in about the future of her education and potential economic difficulties, but I think that will encourage us to make a difference in our and our kids future. ❤️Congratulations on your baby! Don’t feel bad if there are downs everyone experiences it, but babies grow so fast so try to enjoy him/her and just try to adjust as you go no one is perfect.

Yes they do. Children are incredibles. I love my son so much and the strength of the love in something I never thought I would experience. Yet motherhood is very hard.

I love my child so much but there are days where I am tired and stressed enough I wish I wasn't the primary parent, but I've never once wished I wasn't a parent. It is hard and stressful, even last night he wouldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time and each time he woke up past 11 pm I cried like an idiot because I was so tired and frustrated. But every time I held him and looked at his little bright eyes the love overcame the exhaustion and frustration. The love you have for your child is such a powerful thing. Bigger than anything else I've ever felt.

It's normal to have hypothetical "what ifs" over choices you make and how differently you could've played your cards but overall know timing worked out for the best will result in happiness, yes having a child can be trying but it isn't bad, it brings light to tedious chores and love to moments you needed most. I hope he/she' smile makes you feel worth it and eases your doubts.

I think happiness 24/7 is an impossible thing to achieve, having a baby is exceptionally hard (particularly the first 8 weeks I found REALLY tough) and during those moments when it’s tough, it’s natural to wonder “oh god why did I do this” - but then when you see their first smile or laugh, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world, happier than happiness. It makes all the hard work and discomfort and pain all worth it. So to answer your question, no children don’t bring happiness 24/7, but it is SO worth doing. You’ll be a wonderful mother I’m sure xxxx

Its the best thing happened to my life to have a child. Its hard but also nothing will gave you this happiness like to be a Mother to a precious baby. When you will feel it you will think omg i would gave anything for this. Also nothing great in life comes easy nothing good will gave 24 7 happiness unless you laying to yourself

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Nothing in this world will bring you happiness 24/7! That would be unhealthy - what’s normal is to have lots of different emotions, changing all the time… and motherhood will bring those! High highs, low lows and everything in between! Take what you see online with a grain of salt - it skews negative because people are more likely to post during a rough patch than when the going is good. I adore mine like nothing else and I get fulfillment and joy from playing and cuddling. But when she wakes me from a deep, much needed sleep … yeah not so happy in that moment! Contradictory feelings are common. I fantasize about going away for a weekend without her to just sleep and be unbothered. At the same time, I miss her when I’m away from her for just an hour grocery shopping. I haven’t experienced any regret - it was the right time for me and my husband! But other moms do, and that’s ok. If that happens to you and it lingers, there are therapists who specialize in postpartushoppi

Yes you get the moments that they stress you out so much but I get less of those than the good moments that make you feel so lucky to be a mum. I love how happy, loving and caring my little boy is this makes me so proud and despite the hard times I want nothing more than to have another

I often have this question when reading anything on this app. I chop it up to these people just feeling overwhelmed & finally feeling like they found a community who understands where they are coming from. I genuinely do love motherhood. I do love my son. Adulthood & partnership is harder than being a mother is in my opinion; but those things go hand in hand. Frustration exists, even when you’re immensely in love with what you’re doing.

I get so much joy from my son, and now my daughter too (she's only 5 weeks though), but he also brings a lot of frustration too. Motherhood has changed my life completely, and I don't regret it at all but it's not all rainbows and sunshine

I think happiness should be internal, and no one person is responsible for another person's happiness, but I get what you mean- is there regret? Not at all, in my experience. Even when there are sleepless nights, I try to remember that it is temporary and a part of growth. My partner is involved a lot, so it helps. I think we (moms) have this idea in our heads that we should be able to do everything on our own, but the reality is that we also have our own needs and it's okay to receive help. I think having someone who helps with care can give some balance.

My baby is 2. Ive had moments where im tired af & want peace & quiet. But theyre moments. 5 or 10 minutes long. My child makes my life so much better. If i didnt have her, id be spending all my time trying to have children. She is truly the greatest gift.

I don’t think anybody’s happy 24/7 so I’d say that’s impossible but children do bring like this twinkle into your life. Yeah it’s hard from what I’ve seen (I have yet to experience it myself yet as my child isn’t born yet) but from all the kids I’ve helped raised it’s worth it. I think some people do tend to have regrets if they feel like they weren’t prepared enough or it wasn’t the right situation I guess but really I don’t think there’s anyway to fully prepare for being a parent it’s really something you have to learn and grow into and then making those special memories with them are moments you’ll remember forever and can never get back

I think it comes across like this because its not an easy job to bring up and look after children and with the ultramodern world now and they way we are supposed to be a boss b*tch and do everything, work and look after kids, do it all ourselves and all the added modern things to do or to get etc. it all puts huge pressures on us. Its much more easier to think simple and think about the village/community around you. Things are always hard until we get used to them, children are definitely a different kind of joy and warm your heart. I think the “my world” & “my everything” can be a mixture or the amount of love for a child, as well as a modern day culture of what we feel we have to say/or put out there etc.

@Emily this is the best way to describe it for sure

@Emily im actually teary eyes by how you’ve put this because it’s so so true

In my opinion children can bring you happiness and misery. To say that your child or children bring you happiness 24/7 is unrealistic. A lot of what we see on social medias of facade, perfect couples perfect parenting it's all what they want us to see. Oftentimes they don't show the ugly part of it all. My newborn is bringing me a lot of happiness, but it's also has come with sacrifices. My 13-year-old is bringing me much sorrow and sadness.

To me I am a believer of that none can bring me happiness but yet everything around me as well as my baby can enhance what’s within me. My baby does enhance my happiness 💛 If we’re not happy without any external validation then kids can’t make us happy, rather we will focus on the amount of work we are doing.

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