Separation Advice!

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing well. Our little girl since 3 months has started to cry and get in a right state whenever anyone other than me or Dad holds her - even her Granny or Grandad who we are very close to. Unsure if this is separation anxiety/a phase? Has anyone else experienced this? If so did it resolve on its own or do you have any tips? Thank you! 🙏🏽
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Our little one is turning 3 months this week and he started to do that the last couple of days. It’s so sad to see as the grandparents have been very involved and loving. I would love some tips too. We handed him to granny yesterday and she took him to see her garden, as he loves to observe plants and trees, and we were there to show him it’s safe and ok. Not sure how it will go

Mine has started to do it for bed time. He won’t let anyone but me put him to bed, if my mum tries it takes double the amount of time it would take me. I’m just trying to make her do it more so that he just has to get used to it because I don’t want him to only go to sleep for me.

It's really normal for babies to do this. It comes and goes. It's mainly worth explaining to grandparents that LO's going through that phase, and it's not personal. Sometimes, familiar smells help, but not always it's just one of those things babies do to feel safe. The more they see grandparents, they become used to them.

My little girl is terrible for this 🤣 She only wants me to hold her. Anyone else and she will start crying her heart out. She won't even tolerate people outside of our household to look at her or talk to her, she has the biggest screaming fit lol. It's pretty normal though and they do grow out of it. 2 of my daughters were like this and 2 of them weren't so it's nothing you're doing, it's just the way they are 😅 It's best not to react to it or make a fuss and just act completely normal, try to distract them with things etc and tell everyone it's not personal, the baby doesn't hate them 😂 (my mom gets SO offended) Mommy is safety and they just don't feel confident away from that safety at the moment xx

My firstborn was like this and for us it took about a year for her to be able to be left with someone other than me or my husband as she would cry immediately if she didn’t see either of us and this made nursery settling in days really tough. Even my parents, who were so excited for their first grandchild, had to love her from a distance but now she’s 2 and would rather go with Nana and Granddad and other people than be with us 😂 so it does get better it might just take a while and each baby handles it differently. Whereas my 3 month old doesn’t care whose she’s left with as long as her tummy is full.😅

My little one is the same. He won’t even go to my husband, it’s really hard for me to do anything. My husband really wants to help and loves playing with him so it is heart breaking. He manages to take him out facing forward in the carrier. I suppose he forgets who’s carrying him 😂

Oh girls bless you all! Thank you so much for sharing your stories and tips/advice! I’m sorry you’re all going/have gone through it too but it does help to know it’s normal and that we’re not alone! Just like you’ve said, she’s fine with others interacting with her, it’s just the holding that she instantly cries inconsolably, even if she can see me. (Funny you said about the strangers looking at her thing Amanda - she does this too with certain people like our neighbour! 😅) Hopefully she grows out of it in time too! Xx

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