Birth Certificate: don’t judge me 🫣

I have a 3 month old with soon to be ex partner. He went on holiday when our son was 3 weeks old and only told me about it 2 weeks before the holiday. I decided to go ahead and register our sons birth without him (UK) so he is not in the birth certificate. He’s not really on the ball with these things, however 2 days ago he had a conversation with a friend who also has a baby who asked him if our child is registered. My soon to be ex said he doesn’t know and has now asked me to see the certificate. My query is.. do I show him a fake where it names him as the father, so that he doesn’t do a court order for parental responsibility or do I own it and show him the real one without his name on it. Thing is, I’m not sure how clued up he is now that he has spoken to a friend. He may now know that he needed to be there for his name to be on it so if I show him one with his name on it, he may suspect it’s not genuine. Little context on him, he can be really inconsistent, drops in and out, and has some narcissistic tendencies. Any thoughts?? Pleasee x
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I would consult with an attorney. The father of my child is not on my child’s birth certificate, and he is aware, but he lives in another country. I still sought legal advice.

Having a narcissistic partner can rub off on you if you’re not careful. So I don’t think you should lie and create fake documents. You should just tell him the truth. That based on his past actions you don’t trust him to be on the birth certificate. And you can also down play it by saying that you got it done while he was out of town and that’s another reason he didn’t get to be on it.

I'd tell him the truth and that if he wants to be on it, he needs to take you to court and prove hes going to be there consistently for your baby. Explain to him that the appointment is appointment only, and that you only have so many days to register your baby, and that if they don't have the appointment when he was home, then you had no choice but to register without him while he was away and its his own fault for going away when baby was a week old and only telling you when baby was a week old. That that was not the time to take a holiday when your child had just been born and it clearly shows, as well as other issues given hes to be your ex, that he's not being a parent. Just be honest. I can see this making him your ex sooner than you've planned however.

Gurl he don't know shit if he's asking only we do that lol, ask a question but already know the answer I would show him a fake one!!!!! Do NOT give him power go as long as necessary

Telling the truth is only going to make him retaliate!!! Do not tell him!! He fuked you over last min leaving after baby is born fuk him

I’d tell him the truth if he can go away when his son has just been born he doesn’t really care anyways I’d say that to him and say he needed to be registered so I could get him into the doctors ect so no your not on it because you chose to go on holiday instead of be around to help with your son

Thank you ladiesss so grateful for your advice. I showed the real one with his name not on and feels good my conscious is clear. He asked if his name could be put on and I said I’d check. He said no rush with checking so @Priscilla think you are right he doesn’t know! For now I’ll just delay and not bring it up again until he does. Thanks again really helpful ❤️

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