How is everyone entertaining their babies

I feel like I don’t know what to do with my little boy during the day in his wake windows. How do you entertain a 2 month old 🤣
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I just talk or sing to her. Or sometimes put her on the playmat with kick and play, but she has to be in a very good mood to withstand lying on her back for that long.

I talk to my little boy, play silly games with his muslin cloth like peek a boo. Failing them I let him have time in his bouncer watching BabyTV as that's one of his favourite things to do 😂 he gets 2-3 small sessions of bounced & TV time a day, usually about 20 to 30 minutes each. He will be fussy and inconsolable unless he gets these 2-3 small sessions of BabyTV time. I don't mind as it's the perfect time for me to wash & sterilise his bottles and teething toys 😂

I sing, talk and read to him, we also dance around the living room some days as he seems to enjoy it 😍 we also use the playmat, we also have the water playmat for tummy time, also contrast cards, but sometimes I will just lay him on his playmat and leave him to play on his own while I watch as it encourages independent playing 👌 xx

Books (he’s a big fan of ‘that’s not my’ books), play gym, tummy time, time in his bouncer chair, carrying him around looking in cupboards (genuinely will keep him entertained for ages), and lately he just loves a blanket being put over his hands so he can flail it about and try to put it in his mouth. And then just time looking at each other, talking to him, singing at him. All sorts of nonsense, just trying everything and seeing what works for him!

@Siobhan would he not just watch you doing the dishes? That's a lot of TV time for a baby.

@Emmo tried getting him to watch me and he won't have it. It's only an hour, 1hr 30 at most, in a day. Split into 3 smaller sessions. He still gets lots of playtime with me and his dad throughout the day too as well as a daily walk out in his pram which he also enjoys. Especially now he's in his seat unit and can see more of our surroundings when we are out and about. We also have playtime during bath time as he loves bath times and splashing about. We also talk to him and play with him during these 2-3 small sessions of BabyTV. For example, if he laughs at part of it we agree with him about how funny it was, even though half the time we don't know what it was that made him laugh 😂 I hardly think it's the end of the world, some parents have their little ones in front of a screen all day. At the end of the day it's what works for us and our little one. He's 3 months old & thriving ❤️

@Siobhan how did you know they were ready to use the seated part of the pram? We are still in the bassinet at 11 weeks. she still can flop and slump a bit in the bouncer sometimes.

My little boy is almost 13 weeks, we read stories, singing, bit of screen time whilst I sort myself out etc in his rocker, tummy time with toys and we incorporate a small tray of water with toys in, we go for walks, look at black and white cards, play with rattles

@Emmo he got too big for the carry cot if wearing a warm coat/pram suit 😂🙈 the seat unit part of our pram can be tiled all the way up or even all the way flat, so we have it tilted back for him as he cant hold his head up for long, but not completely flat or he kicks off because he likes to watch our surroundings as we go 🙈 just that nice balance between sat up and laid down haha

@Siobhan fair enough, my girl is still quite small (11lb) and we haven't tried pramsuits yet

My LG is 10 weeks and since birth I have been singing to her, showing her the black and white flash cards and telling her what they are. When she started properly engaging I did eye- tracking (slowly moving the card from her gaze one side to the next), we have now upgraded to Priya & Peanut cards which have a bit of colour as she soon develops her colour sight - She loves these! We have story time 1-2 times in the day. She likes her bouncer for short periods up to 15 minutes spinning her toys and having a chat with me. Time on her play mat hitting toys and grabbing things. She is most engaged when I show an interest in her and have a conversation, recently she mimics what I do and when I laugh she laughs back 🥹🥰 If it’s a nice day, we’ll go outside for a walk to the park or in the garden. It does get tedious at times, so I try and rotate what I do. Will be following these comments to get some new ideas! 😂 x

My little one is 11 weeks tomorrow, we use the playmat, she likes looking at the lights on her kick and play piano, I've been singing nursery rhymes to her, clapping her hands for her, assisted rolling (she's not a huge fan of this), tummy time, reading books, she's also starting to grasp at a pink crinkly elephant and one of those easy-grasp oballs, and I try to take her for a walk most days lying flat as can be in her pushchair

@Emmo my boy was 6lb2oz at birth but 11lb11oz by 6-7 weeks old 😂🙈 dread to think what he is now weight wise

I do singing and chattering all day. We dance around the kitchen (gently), she loves her playmat, kick and play piano, songs on her bouncer, we go for a walk every day, we gave 2 dogs who interact with her, black and white cards, bath time, just started baby yoga, and going to start swimming this weekend.

I talk, sing, go for walks and show him things, I read and show how the pictures, I play with rattles, show him toys with different noises, I use sensory toys so a foil blanket, fabrics, feathers etc!

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2 months old here too - we listen to music, baby sensory , use rattles , at the moment I’m having my food while she’s on her changing mat on the floor watching Bluey kicking her legs and arms around and doing happy noises 😂

My LB loves his rocker, we let him have a wriggle on his changing mat for a while as he loves having a nappy off and kicking his legs, we have the tummy time cards from the baby box that everyone gets in scotland next to his changing mat, there's a pic of a weird eyeball thing that he babbles too. Other than that I will listen to music, chat to him and go for walks. I find it quite difficult to fill my day as he isn't interested in tummy time or his play mat. We've bought quite a few toys and they don't fase him. He does seem quite hard to entertain but sometimes he is happy watching the tv with us, being sat upright or 'standing on his leg' (supported by us but we pretent to him that he's "standing tall like a big boy").

Following for ideas!

Highly recommend baby massage, my little girl loves it and it’s a lovely addition before or after bath time. Lots of lovely ideas and activities on this thread ❤️

@Siobhan u do what u feel is best for your baby! X

Ngl lately struggling to entertain my baby girl. She likes to stay on tummy and look at toys, but when I put on back and show the same toys, she doesn’t like it. Tried putting on some baby rhymes/songs or even tried to show some cartoons, she doesn’t seem to be interested in either. (10 weeks old)

I’m constantly singing and chatting to my little boy! He loves peek-a-boo and watching me dancing around while he sits in his rocker😂. I also got him a sensory toy zebra that can hang off most things and he seems to like that. Black and white sensory cards are also a good one!

go for a walk, go visit family/friends, window shopping, a drive, tummy time, high contrast books or youtube videos, walk around with them, dance with them


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