
Currently I’m 8 weeks pregnant, I can’t do this anymore. I feel constantly bad, tired, nauseous. I got pregnant at the same time as my co-worker ( she was around 2 weeks ahead of me), last week she found out a miscarriage which really hit me hard. All I do all the time is worry. Due to morning sickness I’m skipping work. I can’t sleep at night, I’m being horrible to my partner. I think I developed some sort of depression, I’m not sure.It may be the reason that I’m alone most of the time, my partner works super long hours, sometimes we only spending night together so I don’t want to burden him with my problems. I have my first scan in 2 weeks time so that will re-assure me a little but I’m also terrified. Will it pass? It’s mentally and physically exhausting.
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You never stop worrying while pregnant, but it does get easier after 12 weeks as miscarriage percentage is lower and you start to feel a bit better in yourself. If your feeling low make sure to talk to your partner or gp about it xx

I was in the same boat when I was pregnant with my little girl. Lots of rest and fluids helped me a lot. However, if the morning sickness is really bad I would advise that you contact your GP. They gave me some anti nausea pills that really helped me (can’t remember what they’re called). Sending you lots of positive energy and don’t worry, all will be fine. 🤗

Sorry you’re feeling like this! Hopefully it passes soon. Can you afford an early reassurance scan? That might help put your mind at ease a little seeing them on screen

Sorry you are feeling like this, I’m also struggling mentally and will be speaking with my midwife next week as that’ll be my first appt with her. Feel free to drop me a message if you’d like to talk. I agree, if you’re able to get an early scan it may help you rather than waiting, but aside from that try to stay positive, I know it’s easier said than done, your doing the right thing talking about how you feel anyway instead of bottling it up! X

It will pass - this is just a phase. When I was about 6 weeks a friend of mine who’d just told me she was pregnant with her third miscarried. She texted me to tell me about half an hour after I found brown discharge and I was freaking out. It was also the day of my grandma’s funeral and I was convinced it was all signs I would lose the baby. I had a scan a few days later and we saw baby and heard the heartbeat. I’m 14 weeks today (had another scan last week) and now the nausea is pretty much gone, I’m still super hungry but I have way more energy. Everything changes all the time in pregnancy so this feeling won’t last! Don’t beat yourself up, just use this time to rest, relax, eat well and sleep when you can. I know it’s frustrating but your body is hard at work growing baby. Trust your body to do what it needs and all you need to do is support that in whatever way feels best ❤️ you can do this, we believe in you!

It will pass. I was on 3 different medications from my doctor for sickness in the first trimester it was INTENSE. 🤢 the smell of boiling water alone was enough to have me running to the toilet to vomit. I had candles on 24/7 It gets easier I promise. It’s just super super difficult and all you can do is take each day as it comes. X

I definitely agree with seeing a GP - he/she can potentially offer anti-sickness meds and maybe even refer you for therapy. I had bad nausea from ~week 4, but ~week 8 I ate something and it gave me a stomach bug. From that point I was constantly throwing up til week 14. I had to move super slow and buses were a nightmare 🤢 All the usual breakfast foods made me want to throw up. The smell of toast 🤢🤢 so I couldn’t eat with my husband at all. I tried to make several types of breakfast options and the one that worked was sushi rice, with a fried egg, chili oil, soy sauce and sesame oil. I ate that every day for the rest of my pregnancy and the first 2 months afterwards. My daughter is now 20m and occasionally the smell of toast makes me feel nauseous again 🙈🤣 I really hope you only experience this for your first trimester 🤗 but for now, definitely experiment and get a sense of which foods for you atm and any/all accommodations you can make for yourself.

I really really struggled with sickness (refuse to call it morning sickness as it was constant!!). The can give you anti sickness to help, I’ve taken it for all 3 of my pregnancies. I also continued taking my anti depressants as I knew that hormones and my mental health would not mix well 😂 I would definitely talk to a dr or something about how you are feeling. My sickness did not pass so if you feel like it’s not getting better do not suffer! You need to look after yourself xx

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