GDD question

I had a growth scan yesterday and babies abdomen is measuring on the 99th percentile. So I have been asked to do the 4 times a day pin prick blood tests to check my blood sugars, but continue with my normal diet, for 5 days. I have to call them if I have 2 abnormal results, based on the app I put the figures into. Does anyone know if you have GDD would all the figures be abnormal, after every meal and on waking, or can some be normal, some abnormal and you still have it? Thanks x
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I got diagnosed with it a few weeks ago and all of my numbers are always normal except the one before breakfast 🙄 that’s the hardest one to get down for most people! Xx

@Courtnee thank you for your reply. I've only been testing since lunch yesterday, but my before and after breakfast ones today were high, the rest have been normal. What treatment have they got you on? X

As Courtnee said, the morning/fasting is the hardest to control. I’m diet controlled and have managed it through basically cutting down on carbs - smaller portions and replace with veggies. Worth noting to avoid cereals/oats for breakfast as full of carb/sugar. I was advised even things like weetabix and all bran are deemed as ‘healthy’ but with GD they are a no-no. has been super useful and the Facebook group!

@Sam I started on 1 metformin tablet after 2 abnormal results but it still didn’t get the fasting number down so they upped it to 2 which didn’t work so now I’m on 3 tablets and still getting the odd high morning number but also some normal ones so they’re reviewing me on Mon. They’ll probably start you on 1 metformin but it’s fine I haven’t had any side effects so nothing to worry about ❤️ hopefully it helps get your numbers down! X

Yesh some can be normal some can be abnormal.

@Liv thank you, I'll take a look at that website and see if I can find the Facebook group. I had weetabix this morning, with strawberries and felt really confident my bloods would be fine, so was shocked when they weren't! I'll have to speak with the diabetes nurses Monday and see what they suggest.. x

@Courtnee did they say anything about controlling it with diet or was it straight to medication? It's not gonna change little man's weight now, or how my birth is going to go, but if it helps him when he is born it'll be worth it.. It's good to hear you've had no side effects though xx

i was diagnosed at 35weeks because my hbac1 level in blood test was over the limit. however every pin prick reading i have done has been under well under even though i haven’t changed my diet. still classed as having GD though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

@lu I’ve had this too…. I had to do 5 days of bloods- was super ill that week so my readings weren’t amazing (only 3 episodes) and I’ve been stuck with a gd diagnosis despite all my readings since being normal- including fasting bloods 🤷🏼‍♀️ Baby was measuring small/normal through all my scans up until 38 weeks where it’s put on 3lbs in 4 weeks 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now they are insisting I’m to be induced before due date 😭

@Liv i'm just curious who advised you of weetabix and oats not being good for GD? They're full of fibre as long as you don't add sugars in them they are fine. I've been eating this for the last 3 months for BF and my readings were always fine...

@Sam sorry I should’ve mentioned they tried to diet control for the first 3 days but the fasting one was always high even though the others were normal so then I started metformin! I’ve found plain Quaker Oats sachet with strawberries and blueberries in the morning gives me a normal reading every time but I ran out the other day and had a tiny bowl of mini Weetabix and my levels were through the roof and the only time they’ve been high after breakfast! I’m booked in for c section at 39 weeks anyway but they said if I’m still getting highs on 3 tablets they might move it to 38 weeks as otherwise it’s insulin and they like them out by 38 weeks then. Are you scheduled to have him early or are you planning to have a natural birth? xx

@Raluca the diabetes team at my hospital! everyone reacts differently to the carb amounts in foods so it’s all trial and error - testing foods to see how your body reacts!

@Liv I see, I had no issues with them. I've only had issues when I did not snack during tbe night. Aparently you need to either snack during night time or eat before sleep a protein bar...i had no idea about this until I spoke with the consultants, as night time it's too many hours without food and body needs to take energy from somewhere. My readings were high in the mornings before I found this out, and I was so frustrated as I knew I had nothing to eat🤭

I had the exact same situation with my first baby but they told me to report if I have 3 or more abnormal. I only had 2 and they said it was fine and everything was ok indeed. So I guess it is normal to have slightly abnormal here and there even without GD. Now with my second pregnancy I have GD (did not pass the glucose test) and I have slightly abnormal here and there but it is very easy to control with the right diet so it is really not that bad even you have it..

@Sam I have been a type 1 diabetic since age of 3 and take insulin 4 times a day & did you know that Weetabix has malt inside too and malt shoots the sugar up so high by eating just that... And by adding strawberries 🍓 that has natural sugars, that would spike it up even more.. I'm 37w 1 day today and the induction will start 28th September 9am on Saturday when I'm 38weeks x

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@lu that's weird that your bloods have been fine since but they still count you as having it! I guess it still changes the shape of your birth plan regardless now?

@Courtnee thank you. Ill be interested to see what the diabetes nurses say tomorrow.. I had a high reading after tea last night and this morning so guessing I do have GD. Thanks for the tips re weetabix, I've only been having it to counteract the pregnancy constipation! I'll try other things and see how I go.. I might try some toast this morning, it's seeded bread so would be interested to see what that does for my sugars. They want to induce me at 39 weeks, I've asked for another scan and consultant appointment then, and will make a decision. I was induced with my first, this is my last, so I really wanted to go naturally and have that experience. Seems fate has other ideas for me! Is this your first c section? X

@Marina thanks for that, I'm guessing I have it as now I've had more abnormal readings than normal.. x

@Saleema 🩷10💙🤱 no, I didn't know that. It's funny how things you think are healthy can actually be detrimental! How are they planning to start the induction? X

Thanks everyone for your replies. Think it's highly likely I have it as my readings have mostly been bad. It's funny isn't it, as I'm blaming myself, for my diet getting me here. And my partner also thinks the same which is really nice! I've done some research and found I'm not actually to blame, but still struggle with it. This is my last baby and I really wanted a spontaneous labour, in the birth pool! Turns out it's probably going to have to be medicalised like my first was, which I think I need a few days to adapt to! I hope you all have smooth plain sailing births x

@Sam it’s honestly nothing to do with your diet or what you have been eating so don’t feel guilty, it’s our pregnancy hormones that are causing it as they are unable to produce enough insulin! Good luck with everything ❤️

@Courtnee thank you. Its so hard not to blame yourself, when your the one with sole responsibility for growing the baby, if that makes sense! I just need to remind myself my body is a warrior and has grown a human from just a few cells! I think I just need a few days to process it all! Thank you xx

@Sam they will pop my waters first and wait it out to see how long labour will start 🙂

@Saleema 🩷10💙🤱 eek, good luck!! X

@Sam thankyou 🙏🤗

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