Kissing babies

Hello! Just wondering what everyone’s stance is on letting other people kiss your baby?! My partner and I kiss our baby of course, we love to smooch her cheeks 🥰 but we’ve asked that nobody else kisses her while she’s still so young. No friends have tried to kiss her haha but it’s a boundary we’ve set with family, grandparents to be specific as they’re the only ones who have tried kissing her haha. My question is, if you’re the same as us and have asked no kissing, when will you be allowing it, if at all?! My mil keeps asking when can she kiss her, saying after her vaccines maybe? Commenting on how much she wants to kiss her and can’t wait to kiss her, and it just makes me more uncomfortable about letting her do it as it won’t just be a peck on the head, she’ll smother her face in kisses to make up for lost time which I really don’t want 🫠 Being a July baby she obviously wasn’t born in peak cold and flu season, but now we’re entering it I still want to protect her from bugs as I don’t want her poorly while still so little so I want to stand firm on our no kissing rule, but I don’t know if I’m being unreasonable? Anyone else against it too? 🙃
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Ha had this same conversation with my in laws today, mil said but the head is fine and I had to say errr actually I don’t want anyone to even kiss her head. I have no idea when I want it to be okay, tbh I don’t want anyone kissing her!! What’s the need I don’t get it! I get very protective over it 😣 but I’m very very open with anyone holding her, I have no problems with that, just find the kissing too much!

Same I'm not ready for people to do that and it's MIL in particular that we've asked not to. They live quite far away so it's not like they're seeing him all the time for him to get used to them in that way. I doubt I'll be ready for a while, and agree we're getting into cold and flu season anyway so why risk it. It's your decision 100%

I personally wouldn’t allow it until at least 6 months, based on experiences with my first born! She had bronchiolitis at 3 months old and we ended up in hospital one night as it affected her breathing. She was fine but it was very scary at the time and with flu / RSV season approaching I don’t want to repeat that again so I’ll be keeping the no kissing rule until the winter is over and he has built up a stronger immune system. Just go with your gut, if you don’t feel comfortable with it trust your mum instincts, you know better than anyone what’s best for your baby 🤍

My mum kisses my daughter so does my auntie , no big deal, only on the top of her head, it’s not gonna make her ill on top of her head, her lips obviously no, I don’t even kiss her on the lips, only the cheek! Cold and flu season is nothing to do with it, my son was born in the January and didn’t get ill until 9 months old! he also has a cold now and she hasn’t caught it yet and he’s on day 7/8 of it!

I nearly lost my son to rsv/pneumonia & bronchiolitis 14 years ago so I'm very very firm on it. He was only 6 weeks pld and it was the worst thing weve had to go through. I've been questioned on it but after what I had to witness before & with how unwell my son was, it's just a non negotiable for me.

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