Okc mom bestie

Looking for a bestie preferably another stay at home mom with a baby younger than 9 months in her early 20s! I want to have a fall morning buddy to go on walks with, coffee runs, crafts, mommy and me activities, etc! I love thrifting, baking, crafts and ofc caffeine! ❤️
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I don’t exactly fit the criteria outside of sahm but I’m here in Norman! lol

@Mary Roberson we are technically in Bethany but we can always meet up💕

Hey I have an almost 11 month old and I stay at home

SAH 23 yr old mom with a fresh almost 1 old here in Tuttle. LOVE caffeine, walks, crafts, thrifting, baking, etc. also 🙋🏼‍♀️🥹

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