Toilet training

Hi, I am trying to toilet train my toddler but don’t know where to start. So I started using pull-ups which I don’t under the point of as it says it teaches from wet to dry but my son is not bothered by it or even mentioned he’s wet or not. But it doesn’t mean he’s not ready as he knows what a toilet is for as he does say I want to do peepee in the toilet sits on it sometimes even though he doesn’t do anything on it. Secondly he now wants to flush the toilet with the lid up which gives me anxiety as the thought of all those germs flying everywhere. I stopped him flushing with the lid up which resulted in a massive tantrum so should I just let him do that? Any advice would be helpful 😩
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My son is the similar, he started going to the toilet but would only remember to go to the toilet when he didn’t have a nappy or any bottoms on. If I put underpants or shorts on he does it ontop I suppose because he still feels as if he has a nappy on but we can’t really have him running around with nothing on all day 🤦🏻‍♀️ Don’t have much advise but just to say we’re more or less in the same boat. Few steps forward then a couple back 😅 I guess once they start going to the toilet they will never go back to nappies so atleast that’s reassuring 🙈

I'm in the thick of toilet training. I waited for him to show me he's ready, which he did so we started. I'm don't feel I'm getting anywhere though. One day he'll ask to put a nappy on but still use the toilet, and if I put pants on him he just wees his pants without saying anything 🤦‍♀️ I can't let him run naked and I can't always take a porta-potty around with me either... it's so difficult. I wish they just got it!

I can’t recommend the book ‘Oh Crap’ enough. Everyone I know who followed it, trained within a week. Good luck!

We potty trained in May. We did naked for a couple of days, so he didn't have any barriers to going. 3rd day we put trousers on so we could go out. We didn't introduce pants for at least 2 weeks. He still wears pull ups for bed but he understands it's so he can sleep and not worry about accidents. Pull ups won't help because they are the same as a nappy, and pants are close fitting so they will feel the same. That's why we waited to introduce pants, trousers are looser and only one layer of clothes to take off.

@Natalie I think out of everything that I’ve had to learn as a new mum this one is the most challenging and defo not one I’m enjoying 😩

@Kirsty wow is it really possible to train in a week! I’m so stressed already 😩

@Lisa I might have to try this as he doesn’t tell me he’s done a pee and my god when he poops if I ask him hd will deny he’s done it! Then screams if I try to change him! How do u stop them peeing or pooing on you sofa’s, beds,

Nursery reccomended not using pull ups or trainer pants for boys. Apprentally it gives feel of a nappie still, so they don’t learn the difference. We went for pants. We had one day full of accidents and it was one or two accidents for a few days. He’s been toilet trained since April, no issues since!

@Emma oh wow! When you say pants do you mean just normal underwear for a 3 year old? If so how many should I buy to get through the first few days of accidents. Also what about night time? Do we still put nappy on at night time.

Yes we just did normal pants. I brought 12 pairs! We continued with pulls up at night. My son doesn’t need them now, he’s dry overnight or wakes up for a wee. I didn’t do anything he’s just learnt himself. I was expecting pull ups for years haha

@Emma oh wow that’s just amazing! I will have to go buy some pants then 😂. I’m guessing there’s going to be poo accidents too. When my son poops he doesn’t like anyone near him and will scream NO if u ask him if he is doing a poo 😬

I went cold turkey with my LG. One day I saw something on FB about another LG whos months younger than my LG who was fully potty trained and I thought if she can so can my LG. So I went out and bought a potty, I already had knickers at home and I just said right that's it no more nappies. I was constantly do you need a wee, or let's go for a wee, and to my surprise she just seemed to get it. I took the potty everywhere! I now leave the potty in the car and she uses the toilet at home. Having said this I did have to take a step backwards and put a nighttime nappy on her for bed cos she was constantly wet during the night and that has resulted in her now having more accidents during the day but I am just persevering

I’m in the same boat, my son doesn’t tell me he needs to go, he just “goes” in his nappy pants. He’s used the toilet multiple times but I’m always having to prompt. I’m sure we’ll get there. He’s in nursery now and I really want him out of those pull-ups! 😫

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