Can I ask for another test?

Hi. Got diagnosed today with GD. Was upset at first but then got furious remembering the whole process. They put you under stress of not eating, then give a super high dose of disgusting syrup (250ml) and then you wait two hours with no food. I feel like it’s a scam. No body will react normally to such a stressful process. After the syrup I was sooo hungry up to feeling a bit sick, so no wonder the levels are high! I never eat so much sugar at all. And if I eat some it’s definitely after a proper meal. So I feel like these results could be not accurate. Does anyone know if it’s possible to ask for a retest a different way (in the UK). I know this test can be done instead of drinking syrup you have to do prick tests few times a day for the whole week and then the results concluded. I feel like this approach would be more accurate as it would be done in the usual environment, whith the usual type of food and routine. I am not saying I don’t have gd, I am just concerned on the way it’s tested and if the results are truly accurate after one such stressful test. Can anyone comment and help please? Anyone been through retesting?
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I had a lot of feelings like this at first, and then the following step for me (and most I think!) is to check your blood sugar levels with finger pricks for two weeks. Then you’ll be able to see exactly if your numbers are high and when and go from there with diet and exercise and/or medicine.

Hi, I felt the same when I was first diagnosed very early in pregnancy, and then my prick testing for weeks showed no spikes so I thought it must be wrong. However once I hit third trimester, my blood sugar numbers began to climb and I realised it had been right all along and it was just very sensitive to catch it. It is actually relieving as knowing the risks mean I can keep baby safe. Just remember, every pregnant person takes this test, and most do pass - if you fail it, you're in a bucket of about 10% of people and it's very accurate and sensitive to pick up the numbers. I think if you're borderline, you might be able to ask for a retest, but unfortunately if the numbers were very high I think it's likely to be accurate I'm afraid. Good luck - it's not so bad once you get into the swing of things!

Unfortunately GD has nothing to do with the amount of sugar you ate before being diagnosed. It’s to do with your body not producing enough insulin for when you have sugar. I did also feel like I wanted to retest and said to my midwife as I was one point over with my test results. But it can progress as the pregnancy goes on. So it’s better to be on the safe side. But do ask if you can be retested. They may allow it

As you have tested positive with the GTT, you'll be given a blood glucose monitor to test your daily sugars from finger pricks anyway. I take 6 a day (on waking, 1hr post breakfast and pre/1hr post lunch and dinner). You should know for sure if you're struggling to control your levels from those readings, but insulin resistance can often increase as pregnancy progresses so I'd advise testing for the rest of your pregnancy just in case - even if you are in range for the next couple of weeks.

More women pass than fail and they all go through the exact same process. In fact, with my first 2 babies I passed with flying colours, it was only my 3rd pregnancy I failed and even then I was right in the cusp. I was diet controlled for the most part but my fasting numbers started being high every morning and I would have the occasional spike from a meal. I went in insulin in the end.

So the fact that it's not normal is the point. It's a stress test. It's meant to be unusual for your body so they can see how it reacts. That's how they get the diagnosis. The finger pricks aren't an accurate diagnostic tool, because your regular meals might not make you spike, but that doesn't mean you don't have diabetes. It's typically only available for people who can't tolerate the test. People who don't have diabetes won't spike, even with such a high load. Remember most people pass the OGTT.

I completely agree with you! It's totally ridiculous. I was furious when they said mine was a little high, like duh, that's a lot of sugar for anyone in such a short time on an empty stomach!

@Megan it's actually not enough sugar to spike most people on an empty stomach. That's why most women pass the test.

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