Gestational diabetes

Im just about 30 weeks pregnant and have gestational diabetes. Been managing this for a few weeks now and all is good so far but I’m starting to get anxious about when this baby is actually going to come because of it! I’m looking to hear some people’s experiences of birth with gestational diabetes… did you need to have baby early? If so, did you go for an induction or elective c-section? Positive experiences? Any complications? Literally any advice welcome!!!
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Hello! I had GD. I was induced at 37+5. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have?

i was induced at 39+6 and had a really positive experience - took one pessary, went home with cramps and was in established labour a few hours later. i was 8cm dilated when i arrived back at hospital and waters broke on their own, baby was born in the early hours of her due date. i should mention that mine was diet controlled throughout my pregnancy and had never caused any problems, but i was nervous about induction and it honestly was such a beautiful experience for me. had to stay a bit longer in hospital so they could check baby's sugsrs (all absolutely fine), but i was still home the same day! good luck, whatever you decide to do xx

I had GD in both my pregnancies. Induced at exactly 38 weeks with Baby No1. Baby was delivered via emergency c section at 38+3. I had 36 hours of pessary which didn’t work. 12 hours of the foley balloon and then my waters were broken. In labour for 7 hours, got to 9cm but due to baby’s distress and heart rate problems, Had to have an emergency section. With Baby No2, I was offered induction at 38 weeks which I declined as I felt that the issues with my first due to being induced before baby was ready. I made an agreement with my diabetes team that they would let me go to 39 weeks to see if I went into labour myself. I didn’t and had an elective section at exactly 39 weeks. I always thought my induction and emergency c section wasn’t awful but I know now that this is due to how great the staff were. My elective c section was the best experience. They did delayed cord clamping, I got immediate skin to skin. Everything was so calm but euphoric. With baby No1 I didn’t get to hold him for..

well over an hour as he required oxygen. Whilst his birth was an over joyous occasion, I know now, it was also very stressful and overwhelming. When I decided to have an elective with my second, I felt so guilty for not choosing an induction, like I was choosing the ‘easy way out’ but I also worried that a second induction would fail plus I had a 2 year old at home. I couldn’t really afford to spend 3 days in hospital while they did everything to put me into labour. The elective section was the best decision for me. However, in saying that, I’m glad that I got to experience labour with my first. I just perhaps should have asked for a section before things got so bad and the decision was taken out of my hands. I think any decision that you make for yourself and your baby will be the right one. Good Luck!

Hello there, I had GD and all went well for me. Mine was diet controlled and had to have regular scans to monitor the baby’s growth. I had an elective C-section at 39 weeks but that was because of placenta previa. Baby born a healthy weight and sugar levels all normal at birth. Elective section went well with no complications 😊 xx

Had GD. Elected for c section at 38 weeks but LO had other ideas and came week before (with forceps). Monitored in hospital for 24 hours and his sugars were fine. So positive overall and was happy with how much they checked him when born.

I was induced at 39 weeks due to gestational diabetes and had to have an emergency c-section. The surgery happened very quickly and my recovery went well. Looking back, I was absolutely exhausted and don’t think I could’ve pushed my baby out. I didn’t anticipate just how mentally and physically tired I’d be after a 4 day stay at the hospital. If I ever have another baby, I’ll pick to have an elective c-section. My midwife told me that it’s likely that I’ll have gestational diabetes again in the future and that even if I controlled the diabetes well, I would still be told to have an induction. Although it’s absolutely your choice whether to be induced or not. I hope this helps you.

I had GD but was on insulin due to my fasting bloods causing me problems I opted for insulin rather than more and more metformin because insulin doesn't cross through the placenta the plan was always induction at 38 weeks due to the insulin but babys growth tailed off near the end and they got me in for induction at 37+2 I had a very positive induction only needed the pessary and was in active labour for 3 hours after my waters were broken baby weight 5lb13 at birth with no complications passed both her blood sugar tests within 24 hours after birth so not all GD babies are big which is what you are led to believe

i also had GD and was strongly advised an induction, I delayed it a week to try and see if my water broke beforehand. Induction for me was a very long and exhausting process, I would advise you to do your own research and see the reasoning behind the docs advice (if they do advise induction). Looking back I would’ve probably waited until I hit my due date to consider extra help. + I hope everything goes well for you!

I had GD first time but not this time, so a miracle! First time I was diet controlled and baby was measuring good so I told the consultant I would go to term plus 1day (after 3 sweeps) as I would rather not have an induction, and there were no risks as to why I couldn’t. Went for examination at 40+1 and I was 3 cm so midwife discarded the pessary and said see you tonight! 13hrs later contractions started. Listen to your heart and baby, you have a voice, do your research and talk to the medical teams. The thing with GDM is they monitored me so closely in labour it was a pain but know they have to do it, especially as I wasn’t drinking or eating; needed intermittent catheter. Baby born with no assistance and Baby’s sugars were normal, but we both had low sodium levels so needed monitoring in hospital for a couple days. X

My waters spontaneously broke at home when I was 36+4 but he born 37 weeks exactly because I was too stubborn to go straight for a c section, ended up having one after 52 hours on gas and air as I stopped dilating (nothing to do with diabetes) but baby boy was born incredibly healthy and weighed 8lb6oz, he's now 9 weeks old with no health issues and is thriving, I was like you, worried about what would happen because of the diabetes but my consultant told me that they weren't booking me in for anything till at least 39 weeks x

Thanks so much everyone this is all really useful and reassuring!!!

GD in both pregnancies 1st pregnancy- 38 +4 2nd pregnancy 38+5 Was on metformin with my first and fasting sugars where always higher than 5.4 therefore baby was 8.10 so a bigger baby Ended up on insulin with my second which was a life saver tbh baby born normal weight at 7.1ib Both elective c sections and lovely births

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