Royal London Whitechapel - horrified

I have been to triage twice this week and I am horrified! The delivery ward on the 8th floor has no free beds so they send women in labour to the 6th floor ! This Friday I witnessed a lady in a shared triage room (next to my bed ) been 4cm dilated and in pain and the 55 years old midwife was screaming to her to “shush”!! This poor girl was crying from pain and when she became silent the same midwife told her “do you see how better it is when you shush” ! Then another lady was in active labour ( contractions every minute or even more frequently) in the triage lobby on the chairs area! Her water broke in front of all of us and the midwife just approached to give the square pads to her husband so he cleans up! No mifwife approached her for pain relief or help in 3 hours! We then left but I am sure she gave birth right there on the floor! All those happened this Friday 6th September ! I was there for preeclampsia but was also sent home because of no beds! I was abandoned with no checks or follow ups for 8 hours ! Luckily my blood test results from the MFMU were uploaded on the portal and my husband who is also a medical reviews to monitor my preeclampsia progression ! Last Tuesday , a middle aged midwife tried to bully my husband when he made a comment for not giving us water but he replied accordingly and the midwife changed her attitude ! I will give birth soon there and my baby will need nicu! God help us!! After I will recover, I will report all these to PALS.
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I’ve seen a similar situation occur two weeks ago on the 6th floor triage of Royal London. It is terrifying.

Hey I’ve seen this situation all the time unfortunately this is how royal London hospital is as many complaints you make they go unheard pals will not do anything they will send you around in circles to another department and all you wil get from the complaint is either an apology or it’s a teaching matter they will learn from their mistakes, believe me I’ve been through this like a million times from experience so if you do not feel safe giving birth in RLH I would transfer care to a different hospital as I did this and it was the best decision I’ve made, I was sent to st Thomas and it was brilliant there, my baby needed Nicu too and even Nicu at RlH is poor I’ve had to make a negligence claim again this hospital due to the misconduct and neglect my children got from Nicu and RLH as a whole

This is awful. It is your choice what hospital you give birth at though and you can change at any point. So if you’re able to, I would advise switching to another hospital that’s within a 30 minute journey

I'm sorry to hear that. Reading this just brings up how I was treated. I also had pre-eclampsia very late into my pregnancy [32 weeks]. They were awful. I've never experienced such poor care. Insensitivity, rude staff. And one of the most sensitive times in our lives - filled with the wrong care. I hated MFAU. I had a csec, and the midwifes did not help me at all. NICU however were amazing. 2 weeks my son was there and I couldn't fault them. My son is now 3. If and when I choose to have another, I will not be going back to RLH.

Remember you are not alone. Take note of who and what they did. You just had a baby. Focus on yourself. But don't take any crap from them. Post natal I had to have more observations done. Including meds. But they never told me it was set times. So they'd write on the chart "missed". Despite knowing I was with my son in NICU. Where else was I going to be? Anyway, the Doctor had a word with me. I got so upset cos they had not communicated anything. After that they'd call me in NICU to come back etc. Or do my obs before I left. Even on the day of my discharge I lost it with them when it came to my meds. So I had my husband interject cos I couldn't do it anymore.

I had to use the Royal once when I was East London based and know a few friends who had treatments and gave birth there. Not one of us had a pleasant experience, it’s a 💩 hole of a hospital and I’m so sorry it was shocking for you too. Report to PALS and also the CQC.

I honestly recommend moving to St Thomas now. You can present at any hospital, don’t let them bully you into staying and being unsafe and unheard xx

I went through the exact same thing. Royal London is shit, no woman should go there for birth. I spent days with excruciating pain becz of back labour which wasn’t progressing and they kept sending me back home. I ended up crying all night on the plastic chair in waiting area and after many many hours of not getting any medication, my baby was distressed and almost died due to severe drop in heart rate. They are literally shit. Please spread this awareness to your friends / family so they are saved of this trauma.

I had my daughter there last year 2023. Exactly the same experience during labour. I was induced at 37 weeks due to baby growing small. At night when my contractions were really intense, i was waiting for hours despite pressing the alarm and sending my husband out. Eventually i asked for pain relief and the nurse said majority of the women in this ward have been induced and are in labour and its just 2 of them working during that night shift with nobody else to help and that they can’t be at several places at once. She seemed stressed too. The way that frightened me, i’ll never forget. Also women that were 41+ weeks and were not going into labour naturally were supposed to be induced but they kept turning these people away and kept them on a waiting list because beds were not available and told them not to come into the hospital unless they are called to.

It’s shocking how so many people say a lot about royal London hospital look how many complaints they get and service is getting worse each day, even if we go on guns blazing they won’t care they will call security if they get rude to us nothing happens to them but if we raise our voices or take crap from them or if we say our peace of mind we get called security it’s happens to me once I was in triage 6th floor I was high risk and my diabetes wasn’t stable because they wasn’t controlling it my insulin wasn’t working properly the dose and I had to keep going in hospital due to baby being distress guess what my waters broke early at 33 weeks because I had an infection and they didn’t treat it and now I’m claiming against them because my baby was in Nicu with sepsis and life threatening condition and they couldn’t tell where the infection came from. They did not treat me properly in postnatal with antibiotics neither and they overdosed him in the Nicu.

Gosh I m so scared of been treated that way but I can survive, what scares me the most is what treatment my baby will receive in nicu! Is there any hospital in east London you would recommend ? The only good option is UCLH but it’s far and considering I will have to visit every day till I give birth , will be hard

Doctors was saying could’ve been GBS but the hospital did not check and what was funny before my waters broke on weekend I was in the antenatal clinics and they took blood test which confirmed I had an infection which no one informed me about when I went into labour on 6th floor they told me too that they have to repeat the bloods and that I have an infection but they was suppose to give me antibiotics 1/2 hrs before I go in for C section but they didn’t

@Argyro only thing I can recommend is if RLH is the best thing for you take notes every nurses name, every doctors your son sees so you can have a track of everything, my son was in the Nicu whilst Lucy letby was getting charged and the nurses in Nicu overdosed my son which led him to have kidney problems and blood in urine, they did not inform us about who done it but when discharged we found out which was shocking news to us that’s why if ever in the future I have kids be very cautious RLH is so bad behind closed doors but because there is no action taken I’ve also raised it with CQC but I am not sure if they have done the inspections yet, raised several complaints but nothing happened to anyone of the them doctors and nurses, it’s come to a point now we have to go in appointments with my kids doing voice recording and asking permission because all the doctors and nurses are on the same side they write one thing on the system and say something to the parents.

@Sarah I will try to switch hospitals but it maybe too late, I can give birth anytime if pre eclampsia will progress rapidly ! I am shocked ! We also look on private birth options but the nicu units are better in nhs! Will you still give birth to royal London? I was consultant led throughout the whole pregnancy and my consultant was great so I was thinking that I made a good choice till I was sent to triage…

@Argyro but like everyone people experience different things so you may have brilliant nurses and doctors only call and ask for updates when your in the Nicu and for postnatal and labour have your husband be there at all times because you won’t get a single help from the nurses. They expect you to do everything even till the time you come out of surgery

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@Shay 🤍 it’s so terrible that you had this experience but it’s great that you and your baby are well! Did this happen on the 6th or 8th floor ?

@Sarah this is very far from home and will not work out ! If I have to be away from home I would choose UCLH it’s a fantastic hospital and I got great care on the past! My husband works there and the care is superior ! Gosh I don’t know what to do ! I also consider the private London Bridge hospital but the baby will need nicu and for that it’s better nhs !

@Alexandra is there another east London hospital you would recommend ?

@Argyro I used Thomas’ when I was in Woolwich but it is very well connected and has Evelina in the building, one of the best NICUs in the country. UCLH is also a great hospital. You can use private delivery at places like Thomas’ and NICU is the nhs one at no extra cost. The trek is so worth it when you hear the horror stories of poor hospitals. If you can transfer, don’t hesitate. My care was incredible and having facilities like Evelina on hand is very reassuring xx

I went to Royal London at the beginning of my pregnancy - I am now 33+5 - and after that night I spent in AE I decided not to give birth there and changed my hospital for St Thomas. Please, if you don’t feel safe and this is adding even more worries to this experience, pick another hospital!

@Sabiha thank you! I haven’t given birth yet as there is no protein in my urine and my serum values have not picked up but as you know , this can change in a matter of hours! I hope my boy can stay in me for a week or more and take a few extra grams ! At which week did you give birth? Mine will be c section most likely too and I m scared as I m on aspirin and Clexane 🥹

@Argyro Absolutely. And it literally did in a matter of hours for me. I got diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 32. Gave birth at 35 weeks. I was kept in for one week to rest and keep me safe. That really helped. Then, those other two weeks, I was in MFAU every other day. Once delivered @ 35 weeks. Babies' heart rate dropped. Mine has become an emergency C-Section. Tbh, I didn't know what to expect. It was all very me. I didn't even know what pre eclampsia was! My son then developed hypoglycaemia, and that just threw me. I came home without him :( But NICU was amazing. One or two times, I wasn't happy with the consultant, so I went full crazy mum. Honestly, if you can go somewhere else, please do. The midwives were awful, to say the very least. Post-natal, they leave you to it. I remember my c-sec and the Consultant was like use the first week to rest. Visit baby in NICU in a wheelchair. Midwives were like in day 2 - walk! Just so insensitive. Generalised care for everyone with a very rude attitude

@Sarah I agree St Thomas is brilliant and there is evelina near by I’ve also had my kids treated there so it’s brilliant

@Argyro that was on the 6th floor. And then after giving birth i was moved to the 8th floor and they even took the mick with that. They told me 4x to pack my things and a bed is free only for them to keep us waiting for hours and then kept coming back and telling us the bed was taken by another patient. Imagine packing and doing all that 4x whilst you just given birth and with a newborn baby. However, the after care in the 8th floor was brilliant x

@Shay 🤍 what a horrendous experience but I am glad that both you and the baby were fine at the end! Were you able to get an epidural on the 6th floor? Or they refused that ? Did you have a midwife in the room regularly and during the pushing stage ? X

@Argyro Yes i had an epidural on the 6th floor. They first examined me to see how many cm my cervix was dilated and then gave the epidural. They said if i wasn’t dilated enough then i wouldn’t be able to have an epidural despite the contractions. But i was dilating fast, i had the epidural and yess, then me and the baby were monitored regularly by a midwife until it was time to push. She also topped the epidural up whenever i needed it. One thing ive realised these midwives and nurses don’t communicate with each other. They all say different things x

We’re a lot of women for an overstretched system. There are excellent professionals at RLH that do their best every day. I was attended by compassionate and kind professionals when I experienced a tragic event last year. I also had my first there and despite of being chaotic midwife was great. And I have had a scary medical emergency and shushed when crying. In that case I told the medical professional “why you are being rude to me in this situation” and it broke her because reality hit her. Stress is hell for everyone, specially at a hospital. My whole point is that in our position we are more sensitive and aware of situations surrounding us, we empathise with these women but I don’t think RLH is a bad hospital. Difference is capacity and as someone who has a mom working in healthcare there are good days and bad days. I wish you the best whatever you decide ❤️

Absolutely shocking treatment from the staff at Royal London Hospital. Definitely complain. I gave birth there 3 years ago and everyone was lovely. I had no issues whatsoever. I suppose I was a lucky one

Hi everyone ! I didn’t even had the time to change hospital! Pre-e turned to hellp overnight ! Delivered via emergency c section!

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