Potty training

Im a FTM and I dont have a clue how to potty train a boy and everyone who could help me learn all have girls. I also don't know when to start potty training. If anyone could help me that would be amazing 🙏
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When we started potty training I would sit him backwards on the toilet and let him draw on the lid with a washable marker. When he got a little older I got him his own potty and he had set potty times to sit on his potty. After he would go himself I did the whole cheerios in the big toilet for him to aim at 🤣 it worked well for us. Just some ideas, I was in the same boat.

Following cause same 😅

Hiya, with our son we found a seat to put over our toilet that had a little raised guard. He didn't like this so we just got a regular seat adjuster then showed him how to gently guide his penis downwards when he peed. He needed help at first but slowly started to get it more himself and after 2 years now he still might sneeze or cough and accidentally wee over the rim 😅 It's a learning process. You will work it out with your son as every child has anatomy uniqueness too - some boys naturally pee downwards, others are more prone to upward peeing. Try different ways and see what your son feels most comfortable with. Consider ours are suggestions but you know your boy best and trust your parenting instincts x So ours was X5 potties given away, to realise he just prefers to balance on the grown up toilet!

Also re: age for potty training. Every child is different. The key is really just to let them try. Some start early, others a bit later. We tried during his 2nd summer, didn't work out. Left it alone for the winter and noticed he was staying dry overnight which tends to be a really good indicator that their muscles and bladder control is kicking in. Then it's about routine. We sat on the toilet every morning once we woke up. We tried sitting on the toilet every night before getting into PJs. Once the routine was in place then we introduced wee checks every 30-60 minutes in his 3rd summer when he could run around nekked :) Before the end of his 3rd summer he has figured it out seemingly overnight. But he did regress a couple of times with overnight wetting but this is totally normal as they're changing so much as they grow. So try to be patient, try to be forgiving, and know they're trying their best too, but their bodies aren't always under their own control 💕

Really recommend the book 'Oh Crap! Potty Training'. Just has a ton of information, answers for different situations, and written by an expert in the field. Made me feel more confident about trying for my first time soon.

My son's doctor suggested letting him run naked for a few days...only way that worked for me. He has a seat to make the toilet seat smaller, and has a prize box.

Thank you for making this post hahaha I’ve been trying to research best option. My son is almost 17 months and we want to potty train soon because he knows how to take diaper off with and without clothes on and plus we are having another baby in December and I’m not really wanting to spend $100+ on diapers a month for two boys lol. I have a toilet seat that has a pee pee guard but I love the idea of turning around with washable markers

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I’m not sure if it’s really that different but I’ve only potty trained a boy, you just have to be aware that penises have a mind of their own sometimes 😅 the wider their legs are when sitting down and if they lean their body forwards this really helps with the penis being in the right position to not get wee everywhere. We did the oh crap method and we started when my son was 25 months old as he was completely refusing to wear his nappies and showing interest in the potty.

Look up elimination communication. You can start now

How old is he? In my experience boys are harder than girls and maybe more delayed. He enjoyed aiming in the potty has always been great with number 2.. but can he heck hold his wee. It 0- desperate in 0.5 seconds 🤣

We potty trained all the boys in our family by sending them to the bathroom with their fathers the moment they started to sit up. By the time they started standing, they went easily.

There is no difference between boy and girl. A toilet has no gender

I found this truly helpful. https://www.janetlansbury.com/2022/01/potty-learning-how-and-why-to-let-children-lead-the-way/

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My son isn't old enough to be potty trained but my nephew just got potty trained and I helped my sister since I watch him while she's at work. What we did was find his favorite candy and told him if he went potty on the toilet he could get the candy but only if we to the bathroom. And then once he got peeing down it was he'd only get the candy if he pooped. And then we just put him in underwear and he started going by himself

I started potty training my 2 year old yesterday. I just have a potty in the living room. He doesn’t have any clothing on the bottom half so when he needs to go he can get to the potty quicker. He picked it up super quickly.

@Marie most boys need to learn to point and shoot. Girls normally just sit… unless you start off my teaching to sit for pee (which some do) there is a big difference training wise

@Keisha I don’t know why I would teach a 2/3 year old to stand and use the toilet. It’s not even healthy for them to do that. It doesn’t allow the bladder to fully release

HI GIRL!!! i just posted a HUGE post about potty training my 3.5 year old son! im hoping the tips/advice i used in there could help you i posted in “stay at home mums” please go have a look!!!❤️

@Keisha i taught my son to sit and wee for now as he’s abit behind and potentially ASD so its abit difficult for him to understand - he sits and pee’s and he’s smashing potty training, only been doing it for 2 weeks x

@Marie some teach to sit, and some teach to stand. It's up to the parent. It's also the difference between teaching a girl or boy…

@Keisha im not disputing that girlll, im just saying with my son not being able to understand that kind of complex stuff right now, teaching him to sit is the best option for him

@Courtney i pressed the wrong person 😅

@Keisha ohh hahaa

@Courtney yes, many people teach to sit first! The only reason my nephews stand is because the way they were taught is by going in with their fathers, and they want to copy it. Your son is doing better than a lot of kids his age! I read your other post!

@Izzy your baby is old enough. Look up elimination communication

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