Pregnancy fears

My first is almost 10 months and I’ve just become pregnant with my second. I’ve seen my midwife for the first time today and she was talking about how my womb hasn’t had time to heal and so they may be complications - I already knew it would be a higher risk than my first. A couple people who don’t have children have also said to me recently how bonkers it is that some people have two under two and how your body hasn’t healed yet. I’ve looked online and it says there’s high risks of baby and mother mortality which now just keeps playing through my mind. Everywhere I look online people say that they were fine with less than 12 months between pregnancies, no complications with pregnancy, mum or baby. I know obviously everyone is different and there will always be risks, but looking to hear some experiences and opinions from people that have experienced it to put my mind at ease and give realistic expectations of this pregnancy as I just keep thinking about the worst
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Hey so i had twin boys via c section and fell pregnant with my daughter when twins were 10 months. My only concern was my previous scar rupturing. they hadnt mentioned any other possible complications. pregnancy was fine. my scar was fine ☺️ ended up with 3 under 2 and they’re 8 and almost 7 now. Good luck and congrats on the pregnancy❤️

I fell pregnant 10 months PP, I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and I’ve had a less complicated pregnancy with my second than I had with my first! They just tend to give you more scans and more reassurance throughout because they’re so close together but not all 2 under 2 stories are negative some people birth the second perfectly fine

Well I found out that I was pregnant 6 months after having my first and it was a complete shock for me and it was very hard to process as I wasn’t planning this pregnancy but I’m 28 weeks now and everything is going well thank God and baby is doing well. I’ve got a lot more risk factors this time but I’ve been under consultant care and they’ve just been monitoring me but like you said everyone is different, I’d say not to worry because the more you worry is the more it affects your body and the more likely the risk will affect you x

My Aunty got pregnant 3months after giving birth to her first born. Her pregnancy had a few ups and downs don’t get me wrong but that can happen to anyone in pregnancy as being pregnant at anytime can always have risks. But her and baby was completely healthy and she had a smooth delivery. Honestly I wouldn’t worry yourself too much and dwell on it as you’re just going to cause unnecessary stress and anxiety on yourself. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy and take it for whatever it is. I know it’s hard not to panic about something when you done all the research and the midwife and others have also been in your ear but honestly there’s nothing really you can do now other then “don’t worry until you have to sort of thing” .. but in all honesty I’ve seen loads of parents to 2 under 2s and their pregnancies and deliveries were all different no one has the same experience so generally I just would try not to stress yourself out hun. Sending much love and positivity for you and your pregnancy 💕

I fell pregnant 10 months post partum and I’m currently 40+4. I had a csection the first time and the only risks which are still very low is scar rupture. I haven’t been told of any other risks and I’ve seen so many midwives/doctors/consultants. I don’t like how your midwife has said things to purposefully scare you/make you feel guilty. You will be fine xx

I fell pregnant about 5 and a half month PP. I have my elective c section (as I had a c section with my first I have to have one again due to uterine rupture risk) in 5 days time. So far this pregnancy hasn't been worse than the previous one. I have just now this last week had some pain in c section scar. One issue is weight. I hasn't lost all my previous pregnancy weight so I feel a lot heavier this pregnancy which takes its toll on legs and back etc.

I got pregnant 3 months after having my first. Except for being in denial for a while it all went smoothly and now I have a 1 year old and a 7 week old. It is hard being pregnant while looking after your little one as you can't go for a nap or relax as much. Good luck and it's definitely worth it having two close together x

I was never told any of this when I fell pregnant with my second. I fell pregnant when I was also 10 months pp, I’m currently 31 weeks. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes this time around but apart from that no complications! You’ll be absolutely fine 😊

I got pregnant 2 months pp, now they are 13 months and 2 months♥️ wouldn't change it! X

I fell pregnant on my daughter’s 1st birthday (too much wine celebrating 🙈), smooth pregnancy and c-section delivery, now have a nearly 2 year old and 12 week old. I found pregnancy more exhausting second time with a toddler to run around after, but no complications at all x

I am about to have 2 under 2 and honestly it’s actually really common to have 2 under 2 or just a 2 year age gap. Everybody is entitled to their opinions but some should really just keep it to themselves! Honestly try not to worry, I have been a lot more anxious this time around but everything has been fine. Good luck and don’t let other people’s negativity bring you down x

I fell pregnant 6 months after my first. My first was horrendous, hyperemesis gravidarum, multiple scans for size, and traumatic birth (due to damage caused 🫣) however my second was completely different. bigger baby, normal amount of scans and the easiest birth and pregnancy of all 3! The only thing I found hard was pregnancy tiredness with another baby.

I was 9 months pp when I got pregnant with my second. The pregnancy was fine and the labour dreamy with both of us very healthy. How exaggerated to tell you this!!

I know several people who’ve had this and they’ve been fine!

I am in the same boat here too so my first was 10 month's when I found out I was pregnant with my current and this is in my experience is the fact back to back pregnancy can vary in complications but mainly the concerns of early labour amd small birth weight really but with my first birth I went for an induction due to my first not growing or had stopped growing and was weighing about 5 pounds so with my second they're literally gonna put more growth scans in to keep an eye out and everyone's experience with back to back pregnancy are treated differently due to the previous pregnancy that may counter to the risks with the second but overall if you feel like this I feel like you should try to talk to your midwife and they might be more reassuring about your concerns and honestly try not to let others opinions effect you they're so many people having kids under 1 there nothing wrong with that whatsoever hun try to not let it drown you in worry

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I got pregnant about the same time as you. Even though I’m already high risk for other reasons, not one medical professional said a thing about the short gap! I had a healthy pregnancy all the way through and now have a healthy almost one month old.

Also exact same stuff as @Rhiannon said!

Got pregnant with my second at 12 months postpartum and got pregnant with my third at 10 months postpartum. No complications with my second pregnancy or delivery, and so far no complications with the third.

I was induced, then the induction failed and I had to have an emergency c section, I then got pregnant with my second baby 4 months post partum! Actually had a slightly easier pregnancy other than the gestational diabetes, but obviously had to opt for another c section due to the short time between pregnancies.

I’m the same gap as you. Now 26 weeks. And I had a c section for my first . Please don’t worry x

Fell pregnant with my second about 9 months after my 1st was born and everything went smoothly. Midwives pointed out that because I was trying for a v-bac that I was at increased risk for uterine rupture. I went to one consult with an OB to confirm that I understood the risks etc. I gave birth at the same place - in a hospital, but with midwives as my primary care givers & option to call on an OB in if needed. I loved both birth and pregnancy experiences! For me the hardest thing was picking up my firstborn while heavily pregnant with my second - my body was sore and ready to give birth by the time baby #2 arrived. I think being aware of the risks is key - you can then put mitigations in place that you are comfortable with. For some they are comfortable with a home birth in the middle of nowhere. Others want the reassurance of a hospital setting. I'd recommend put measures in place to mitigate risk and that help you to feel comfortable about your birth and pregnancy so that you can enjoy it ❤️ Good luck!

I got pregnant again when my first little boy was 6 months old, he was delivered via c section the only concern they had was that my scar would rupture

I had 2 under 2, first was born via emergency c-section and second little boy was a VBAC. Everything went absolutely fine. It’s hard work but so worth it 🥰 good luck 😀

My baby is 4.5 months old and today I’ve found out I’m pregnant I’m terrified, I think I’ve over googled today my heads just all over the place. Haven’t spoken with my partner yet xx

I looked into this a while ago as I wanted two under two. The statistics are higher for complications but only marginally so (something like 5%). I would have had two under two if I could have but ended up with secondary infertility. Don't let this midwife scare you, it sounds like she is on a power trip.

What kind of crap is she on about? My sister and I were born this exact distance apart.... loads of people are. If your womb wasn't ready you wouldn't have gotten pregnant!

Don’t worry they will say that but this is what your body is made for don’t worry yourself it happens to a lot of ppl and they are fine some do have complications but not necessarily because of the time span and “not healed enough”

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