
Me and my partner keep fighting. About sugar above all. I’m not smokin or drinking or having caffeine I’m eating clean but I do have a sweet tooth. Before I was pregnant I was having sugar every day like a lucozade and chewy sweets. I’m ngl I stopped having that a couple days ago went 2 days with out any sugar. Yesterday I had a slice of chocolate cake and a lucozade sport and today I bought a pack of Percy pigs and he lost it. Telling me i don’t care about the baby and that I will kill it and “ he prays I don’t miss carry” it’s taken me over 2 years to get pregnant and I have PCOS. Someone please tell me sugar will not kill my baby I’m nearly 5 weeks so still in a vulnerable state. Just so sick of him making me feel like the worst pregnant woman ever because I have a sweet tooth. I’m doing my best to not have it every day I was only gonna have a few Percy pigs and then leave the rest but now haven’t even opened the packet because of what he’s saying, can anyone help ?
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there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a slice of cake, and percy pigs! the lucozade is great for electrolytes. him saying he hopes that because you’re having a sweet treat is bang out of order, i am so sorry. as long as you’re still eating good, there’s nothing wrong with it.

@cait honestly Im stressing over this and I’m saying the stress around it is probably doing more harm than the sugar. I’ve told him I won’t have it everyday but it’s not enough for him. Have you had kids and did yo eat sugar through out your pregnancy and are your kids all okay ?

Honestly stress is probably worse than sugar get him to research that and then maybe he’ll stop stressing you out

The food you’ve eaten for 3 months pre-pregnancy is actually what ‘makes’ your baby in the early stage so it’s absolutely fine! That’s how we can survive on just carbs for the whole of the first trimester 😂 tell dad diet will have affected the sperm that made up half your baby, the quality of your placenta AND your morning sickness!! (I did too much podcast listening before my baby was born 😂)

So sorry your partner is being like this, in the first trimester with the nausea honestly anything you can eat is a win! I would also say give your body some credit. If it doesn’t want something, you will know about it! I normally love cake but have gone right off it. A lot of people are also saying craving sweet means you’re having a girl and craving savoury means it’s a boy. So who knows what is going on! But I would say you’re doing great, try to eat healthy alongside the sweet stuff, and definitely less stress is better. Also, know you are not alone. NHS website actually says to eat 6 small meals a day and both my parents and my husband were trying to shame me for eating so much. You have to do what your body tells you, it knows best!!

Honestly, I have developed the biggest sweet tooth since becoming pregnant. I probably eat a tub of Ben and jerrys every two days… constantly have cups of tea with biscuits etc. I make sure my meals are really balanced and I’m keeping hydrated. I’m 40 weeks and baby is absolutely fine. Measuring perfectly and no health issues! We were trying for a few years due to pcos too. Your midwife will probably suggest you get tested for GD because of your PCOS, don’t stress too much about that! I don’t have GD. You will be fine lovely, That’s horrible that he’s saying that to you! Xx

Unless your Midwife has assessed you as being high risk for gestational diabetes or diabetes runs in your family history or they've recommended you take a GTT test when you're further along I wouldn't worry girl. As you're only 5 weeks I imagine you've not even had your booking appointment as of yet?

@Nicole no I haven’t it’s on the 19th sep Is this something I can find out by myself ? 😭 honestly the anxiety is all too much

@Harriet at your booking appointment they'll carry out a blood test and check your urine and ask you about family medical history both yours and your partner's and based on that as well as your height, weight and BMI they'll assess whether your high risk for that. Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine

Him stressing you can have more of negative effect hun xxx

Midwife recommends a sugary drink when ur at the point of baby kicking and theyve gone a bit without feeling them xxx

I ate sugar with my daughter. She's now a healthy 8 month old. Sugar won't do you or baby any harm at all. X

@Kacey thank you for letting me know

@Deb ❤️❤️

@Harriet this is my first baby. i still eat like i usually do (have the occasional monster/coffee, still drink my pepsi, still eat crisps, sweets & chocolate.) i had an 8 week early scan and my baby has a strong heartbeat! i’m going for a gestational diabetes test only because i’m a big girl & my bmi is 30. most of the time you want your sugars to be up, i get dizzy spells from low sugars. my sister had gestational with ONE out of 5 kids because of her weight not because of sugar x

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@cait thank you so much for sharing babe honestly makes me feel like I can breath again xx congratulations on the strong heart beat I can not wait to get my first scan ! Where are you getting the diabetes test done is it within the hospital v

I've been eating cakes the whole pregnancy I didn't have a sweet tooth before nut this baby does. Midwives say as long as it's in moderation with eating right (e.g healthy meals, veg, protein etc) then it's fine. Tell him to back off.

@Harriet it’ll be at the hospital, i’m not sure when but my first proper midwife appointment is in october so i’m assuming it’ll be around then either just before or just after. i paid for my first scan because i was so nervous after going through so much drama involving my bd. & considering some pregnancy cravings include coal, & some women go through addiction while pregnant i think you’re doing pretty good on a slice of cake 🤣 if he carries on tell him he’s doing damage to your baby because of stress, it isnt fair on you or your little bean xx

I have a 4 year old daughter and a 5 month old daughter and I ate loads of chocolate with them both with my 5 month old I used 2 sit downstairs at night and just eat snacks everynight with my partner had a full bar of galaxy aswell as some sweets both my girls turned out fine x

I consumed so much sweet stuff (including lots of lucozade and an obscene amount of ice pops 😂) throughout my second and third trimesters and I gave birth to a very healthy baby boy 11 days ago who was of completely average weight! Also in my first trimester I really struggled with appetite and nausea, and pot noodles and pickled onion monster munch got me through it. Your other half is being a complete and utter asshole sorry to say. You’re going through so much mentally, physically, emotionally and you need to take care of yourself in any way that you find helps ❤️ you obviously care a great deal for your little one so he can shove it 😤

He would have a right heart attack if he saw my duet when I was pregnant😂😂

I don’t have a sweet tooth normally but pregnancy gave me one, I never liked fizzy drinks either but fanta is all that helped my morning sickness. I even had sugar in tea to keep me going and sweets to get me through work. I had healthy boy three months ago, currently breastfeeding and still grabbing the sweet treats for a quick fix. I do also make sure I eat plenty of fruit/veg protein and carbs too. My sister had her baby around the same time but she didn’t change her diet and consumed caffeine as normal and her boy was also fine. The stress is probably much worse for you and baby than some sugar, remember carbs is turned into sugar by our bodies and note bodies need a balance of everything xx

@Jasmine 🤣🤣❤️

Thank you so much everyone ✨

@Emma ice pops are a lifesaver

I think he is being dramatic, in my first trimester I had morning sickness so bad that only sour candy would help. So I would be sitting in bed at 5am eating a bag of sour candy. Also could only eat dark chocolate, even after having all that sugar (cola included) I tested negative for gestational diabetes. You’ll be 100% fine so will the baby

This is my first pregnancy and I’m not usually a sweet tooth but I am OBSESSED with cake and chocolate and everything sweet! I’ve told my widwife about all the sweet stuff I’ve been eating and she hasn’t raised any concerns. I’m 32 weeks and at no point has the extra sugar caused any problems. I’d say as long as you’re making an effort to eat a balanced diet otherwise then don’t feel guilty. Your partner needs a reality check. It’s appalling for them to accuse you of not caring about the baby. Eat the Percy pigs and enjoy every one of them! You deserve it x

Hun, I had cake, chocolate, sweets and this was before, during and after the pregnancy, my little boy is all fine 😂

I got a real sweet tooth when I was pregnant I wanted chocolate sodas extra sugar on whatever I could. I did try to limit it and control it but you got to do what you got to do and my daughter is health and thriving. You’ll have to watch you don’t get gestational diabetes but they’ll watch for it and your sweet tooth might only last the 1st trimester but he needs to chill

i’m pregnant with twins and i couldn’t do it without sugar sometimes. if you feel that you want some sweets. eat the sweets. your body is under a lot of pressure and is massively going to change. a bit of sugar isn’t going to harm you or your baby. if it makes you feel better then try eating natural sugars like fruit and things like that but even then, i’m 30 weeks and if i cut out sugar aswell as caffeine i would’ve lost it by now. as long as your eating healthy, nutritious meals otherwise, you absolutely will be fine. x

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My craving throughout my whole pregnancy was chocolate spread on toast. I must have gone through an unhealthy amount and my like girl is just perfect all be it a little crazy! You’ll be fine! X

You’ve given up everything else and he’s still moaning about abit of sugar?! How dare he say you’ll kill the baby that is not a way to talk to a pregnant woman wow he sounds like a total control freak sorry! Eat what you like just not to excess. And obv no seafood ect. Pregnancy is a time when you can eat and generally want to eat more and not feel guilty ! Enjoy your cravings x

@Sarah thank you so much this is really reassuring x he did actually apologise and say he’ll be more supportive it’s our first I know he’s worried still no excuses. Thank you so much for all your advise honestly it’s given me such piece of mind ❤️

@Yasmin I will defiantly ask to have this checked as it is a worry of mine and I’ll do my best to not have sugar everyday but your right I gotta do what I need to to get me through it

@Summer-Rose thank you girl you get it !! ❤️

@Bella he’s not normally like this but I know he’s worried because it’s our first and it’s taken me a while to fall pregnant so I was REALLY upset. We’ve spoken since and he said he will be supportive and if I want sugar he will be there for me with out the judgment. Still no excuses for what he said to be honest but I’m so happy you are all telling me it’s okay because honestly I’ve cut out everything els and I don’t know what I’d do with out sugar, even before the pregnancy I’ve always been a sweets kinda girly 😂🤷🏼‍♀️✨

Honestly thank you so much everyone the reassurance has put my mind and heart at ease. I appreciate every single one of you ❤️❤️

@Harriet in the first trimester it’s all about survival - I was so nauseous I didn’t eat anything that wasn’t beige for 13 weeks and my baby girl is now 24 weeks nearly and is currently kicking me and growing perfectly! He needs to back off - you need to have a bit of what you fancy cause your symptoms will change so frequently in those first few weeks that you may need some sugar for energy. Stressing you out is not good for you or the baby and will cause more harm potentially than a bit of sugar! This is a loooong journey through to birth and you need to be a team not him telling you what to eat or feel x

@Lizzie I agree ! I think I need to explain it to him in this way. I know he’s worried about me having sugar everyday so I told him I’ll do my best to not have it everyday because I know it’s not good but when I do have it I just don’t want it to be an argument but I think after today he now understands that and the stress around is probs more detrimental than the sugar. Learning to communicate with mental health problems and pregnancy hormones is a whole new level and I am doing my very best 🥲😅

@Harriet I’m pleased he’s apologised. Pregnancy can be hard enough without added stress. You don’t need to cut out everything if anything you’ll feel double worse getting withdrawals. Just a normal balanced healthy diet :)

@Bella you are a star xxx

Absolutely ridiculous. Sugar will not harm the baby (unless you started eating extreme amounts then I guess you could get diabetes and significant weight gain etc but from what you have said, that's FINE!). He needs to get a grip and shutup - I'd be fuming if my other half said this.

@Jess trust me I was livid, honestly was not okay in any way. I know I’m not a saint juggling my hormones as well I do have a short fuse but he apologised and said we’ll work through it together and the stress he’s adding isn’t okay x I do have like a fizzy drink a day and a pack of sweet but I’ve cut down alot one because I dont want the break outs and two because I haven’t had my bloods done yet and I’m not sure about the diabetes but he was wrong for what he said and I’m so happy I have so many of you lovely women telling me your stories and people who have carried or are carrying now x thank you for all the reassurance

Pregnancy gave me a massive sweet tooth and I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted 🤣 breastfeeding now and addicted to chocolate

That is awful for him not day, completely unfair and if I'm being honest it's something to really think about if he's already treating you like this, in my experience it only gets worse once baby is there. You can eat the sugar! My god people literally do crack while pregnant.yoire being amazing and cut out everything you should, you are even allowed 1 coffee a day, these things aren't like they used to be since the research has improved. And I just want to say, just incase the unthinkable did happen, you will not ever be responsible if you did have a miscarriage, that is absolutely awful of him to suggest. You would not be the reason for eating a bit of sugar I can promise you that x

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One of the only things that didn’t make me feel sick in my first trimester was Haribo Tangtastics I ate like 3 bags a week 🙈😬

That’s ridiculous. I understand wanting baby to have the best start, but saying you’ll kill your baby for eating cake? What world is he in? Tell him to look up the facts because he’s being ridiculous and an absolute prick to you.

Just be careful of gestational diabetes! It’s super common in pregnancy unfortunately, I had it without even having a sweet tooth it’s bizarre. It puts you in a higher risk pregnancy, you have to check your sugars multiple times daily, diet controlled & often babes grow “too big” and require induction etc due to it. Don’t feel guilty about having the cake just think the bigger picture and remember it’s not forever! You’ve got this mama! ❤️

Gosh my second pregnancy all I could manage was sweets 😂 There’s no reason to stop sugar. Sugar is in fruit etc. Honestly, I wouldn’t worry! Just eat everything in moderation.

@Sunny thank you so much I didn’t know this xxx

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