Feeling anxious

My partner is due to go back to work after 3 months paternity leave, meaning I’ll be going it alone mostly during the day. I’m feeling incredibly anxious and worried about it. Will I be able to cope? Any advice would be greatly appreciated 💖
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I was really anxious too to be alone with the baby but you’ll be surprised how it’s not too different!

Like anything new it will be nerve wracking at first but you absolutely can do it and it will get easier I promise you!

I felt a little nervous about my partner going back to work too but it has been fine. You’ll find routines that work for you. My morning routine is: - Change and feed baby in bed - Either dress him for the day then and there unless I plan on giving him a bath - Go downstairs and put him in his bouncer/chair on the kitchen worktop so he can see me and get my breakfast - Carry him through to the dining room and put his chair on the table while I eat breakfast - I tend to show him a book while I have breakfast or just talk to him and pull faces etc - Give him vitamin D oil and wash his eyes with cooled boiled water - Then feed him again if needed, or keep him in his chair and put him in the bathroom while I shower, or if he’s sleepy put him in his pram and take that into the bathroom instead - Take him upstairs with me while I get dressed - put him in the middle of my bed, unless he’s asleep in the pram - I’ll leave him there and run upstairs to get dressed quickly

I find the bouncer/chair thing a godsend now he’s 3 months. We can ‘chat’ to each other while I do things and it keeps him entertained but I can also get stuff done like cook dinner - usually! Of course it depends on his mood/the day.

Also I find having a bit of a plan even a loose one for the week helps. If ive nothing on and Monday rolls around it can feel a lot trying to think of what to do so even just thinking today we’ll go to x for coffee. Obviously things have to be adaptable with baby but having a rough plan helps I think But also at the same time don’t put pressure on yourself to go to classes ect. Only if you want to and you feel it would be good for you

Wow. What a blessing to get all that time with him home. Most people do not have that luxury! I only get 3 months off as the mother.

It will be the isolation which will be the hardest. I would try and keep busy by going to the library for story time or the children’s centre for example. I imagine though if he was off for three months you have some routine already during the day so shouldn’t be too different. Maybe meet up with a friend for coffee. I was itching for my oh to go back to work at 2 weeks just so that I could get a routine going.

I was in you position and can say, while the anxiety is warranted in terms of feeling anxious about another new thing, you’ll also do amazing! Once you find your groove you’ll look back and realise there was nothing to worry about at all.

I've just had my second baby, and this time my husband has 14 weeks off. I'm already thinking what will it be like when he goes back to work. I'm hoping we'll have a fairly good routine by then so it won't feel too daunting. Last time he was home for 3 weeks and I was so worried but you do get through it. Try to go out and do things if you can

My husband just went back to work today! So far, little one and I have been able to stick with our routine.☺️ Having a loose plan in place for if things go crazy (with people who can be there for you) has helped me a ton!

You'll be okay mama! Try get help during the night and for bedtime. If you've got family or friends closeby don't be afraid to ask for help or a couple if hours to yourself. If you can try get out the house most days that helps x

My husband went back after 2 weeks. I was still healing and not in a good way and was extremely nervous. It’s hard, especially the isolation, but it’s amazing to have so much bonding time with baby. I try and go to at least 4 classes a week (baby sensory, music bugs etc.) which keeps me occupied and is also a nice way to meet others. As others have said, having a routine is key. My baby is now 6 months and life is so much easier.

You’ll get yourselfs in you’re own routine and find that it’ll be nice to have some time apart you’ll have different things to talk about when he gets home 💜

I’m in the same boat gf! My husband goes back to work in a little over a week and I’m stressing!

I was so anxious when my husband went back. He only got two weeks and I was bad in the baby blues. It’s so scary! My mum comes over often and it’s been 3 months. Now I’m feeling more confident in my skills but I do get very lonely at times. If you have a friend or family member who can pop over or go visit it will help a lot! I also found on days when I can’t go see anyone or my mum can’t see me I break it up into small sections in my head so it doesn’t feel like I’m waiting hours and hours for my husband to come home. I find if I’m getting really badly lonely we go for a walk

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