What's something you thought you'd never live through?

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I never thought I’d live through something like Covid and how the world was shut down and restrictive for so long.

I was raised in a Christian cult and had to "escape" it as a teen. At the time I thought I'd never be able to have freedom from it and thought that it would push me to end my life before I turned 18. I left the organization at age 16 after months of fighting and begging with my mother. From that I lost all of my friends and caused tension in my family. I never imagined I'd be happy again but here I am, I have a good relationship with my mom now, I have a few great friends, I married my best friend, and I became a mother of 2.

Thought I'd never live through the trauma and sa of the woman who birthed mes husband. I also didn't think I'm live past seven but I'm 21 now and I sure as hell thought I'd die during child birth worst and most traumatic experience of my life

My water breaking at 16 weeks and dealing with so much trauma from the hospital, NICU, constantly getting told me or baby or both of us would die. It was almost 2 years ago now and my daughter is okay, but I can’t even think about it without getting extreme anxiety and nausea.

Adulting... I’m still someones child, i’m too young for all this stress and responsibilities 😭😩🤣

I never thought I’d experience or live with PTSD. I was in survival mode every day and didn’t know what the light at the end of the tunnel was supposed to look like. I’m still here though, and most days I’m living more than surviving. 💕

I wanna say that I never thought I’d live through having to check if people I know are still alive everyday and ask them if they are killed for someone to call me and send me a picture so that I can really believe it. Only I am not really surprised by that. Uhm maybe realizing that my mom wasn’t the bad guy she was painted to be in my child mind and now I have to live with the fact that I lost 17 years with her.

Giving birth yesterday morning at 5am in my bathroom! Started cramping then felt the ring of fire, 2 pushes and she was out! I am still in shock and cramping pretty bad but glad she’s outta me and we’re both ok. The paramedics got there like 1-2 mins after she was born. I’m going to leave a note on my neighbors door with a cupcake or something tomorrow and tell them that I’m sorry for screaming so loud. I probably woke the whole neighborhood up and they probably thought I was getting murdered in there 😂 never screamed so loud in my entire life!

Literally getting hit by a car while walking to the bus stop, that adrenaline kicked in and I was able to limp to the bus stop. And then I felt the full injury and had to go the hospital. Thankful I'm alive.

Multiple genocides in my lifetime

Losing a pregnancy and all the emotional side effects of that

Globally probably the pandemic. What a weird time. But personally probably being SA’d as a child which I had actually convinced myself that it didn’t happen until this year when I plucked up the courage to talk to my sister about it only for her to of experienced it too.

Losing a younger sibling so unexpectedly & being single and pregnant to someone who hasn’t helped in any type of way

When I was 11 my whole family had to be hospitalised for carbon monoxide poisoning. We were “lucky” as my mum is diabetic so it was picked up early as she was admitted first. The run on the banks during the financial crash was a scary time especially as a couple of members of the family worked for northern rock.

Losing both my parents and my only sibling by the age of 32 🥺 The realisation that I'm completely on my own(no other family, just my children) hits me every now and then and it hits me hard

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I don't want to get into my situation, but I will say it's wild how your mind protects itself. I have a few years of almost no memory during the worst times. There are holes that I won't allow myself to remember.

I never thought I'd survive my abusive relationship. I'm "lucky" after his last attack he thought I was dead and left, that was my chance to never see him again. Also living with PTSD after that and trying to remake my life, finding my personality, fighting new fears... was challenging.

There's so much that's happened in the last 10 years I never thought would happen tbh. I lost my faith and left a cult and an abusive relationship as a man's second wife at 17. I married my childhood sweetheart, and had 3 miscarriages. After giving up on having kids I unexpectedly had a successful but difficult high-risk pregnancy. My husband and I bought my grandparents farm and now I'm homesteading and fixing up the only place that ever felt like home to me ♥️

I never thought I’d live through watching my younger cousin die. It’s taken 8 years and I’m finally starting to get over the trauma but I still get flashbacks and miss her every day. The scariest bit is, the evening before she passed we were finalising plans to spend the day together. That morning, my uncle called and said we needed to get to the hospital right away, and when we got there they were turning her life support off. She had meningitis.

I didn’t think I’d live thru the PTSD of holding my mom while she was having a heart attack saying “please don’t let me die Vic” 6 years later and I’m still here 👋

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