Boys and girls names

In need of help there big brothers name is Hunter.. any unique names anybody knows out there that would go well with there big brother Hunter? TIA 💋
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I had a friend whose brother was called Hunter as a nickname. Her name was Atlantè (pronounced Alanta)

Boys - Henry, Harry Girls - Harriet, Hannah

Charlotte, poppy

Harley and Hazel Hartley and Haven

Maybe Diana (the Roman Goddess of the hunt) for a girl. I like the suggestion of Henry for a boy's name.

@Fizzy that’s a beautiful name 😍

@Rachel I do like Henry - (Henny) and Harriet but my close friend has named her kids those names already and looking for unique as so many names are already taken up by family and friends :)

@Faria I like poppy, but to close to pop and big brother would get confused I think 🤔

@Himani I will be adding Hazel and Haven to the list :) I like both of them :)

@Janelle I do like Diana but to close to my name 😆 and Henry is my godson’s name but we call him Henny instead

How about Harrison instead of just Harry? Or Hudson?

@Rachel I do like Hudson 😍

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