Any dentists on here?? Pls help 🤞🏻

I need some adult dental advice and I don’t know where else to turn 😫
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You can phone 111 & they can get you an emergency appointment if you need it

@Emma I had one yesterday but I just don’t know whether I’m being insane or not aha. Two weeks ago I went in for pain after struggling for 6 weeks trying to get an appt any sooner. Told I need a root canal on my 1st upper molar and there was an infection on the X-ray. She gave me metronidazole and I took the whole course of that but come Monday night, I wanted to rip my tooth out myself with a pair of pliers and my root canal isn’t until 7th Nov and apparently they can’t do it any earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️. I went in yesterday tho because of the pain and she went straight into numbing my gums and drilled into my tooth to remove the nerve. She said I should be pain free now while I wait for my root canal but if anything, it’s so much worse. I keep getting shooting pains along that gum line and it goes almost across my cheekbone and behind my ear & to just under my nose. I’m taking SO many painkillers just to keep it at bay as much as possible but there’s no way I’ll make it to 7th Nov like this 😭xx

Definitely phone, try and get another emergency appointment! Tell them how painful it is! 7th Nov is shocking wait!!!!

Hi, not a dentist but a trainee dental nurse.. as previously mentioned you should try 111 again for an emergency appointment again and honestly just keep trying because that’s what they’re there for. I can’t imagine having that sort of pain while having to care for a household. They may give you another course of antibiotics to help clear the infection out which will also reduce pain but give 111 a call again!!

@Kiomi hi lovely, thank you! It’s going to have to wait now until at least Tuesday as I just can’t afford to pay out again for another emergency appointment for this same issue. The first time I went, I said it was my back tooth and she basically told me that because the infection was on the 1st molar, despite no sensitivity to the cold stuff she put on or pain, that it would be from that tooth and didn’t look much further. I went back yesterday and it was a different dentist and she said “just an abscess but I’ll remove the nerve to stop your pain”. Came out hopeful but now I’m beyond in agony. I get shooting pains through my gum and around my jaw, cheekbone & sinus area…all on my left side. I think I have a lower impacted wisdom tooth that side (I had the top 2 extracted last year due to them impacted & cracking other teeth) and it feels similar there but I just can’t deal with the pain. X

I’ve been taking 400mg ibuprofen and 2 x 500mg of paracetamol every 4 hours, as well obscene amounts of orajel and Anbesol just to numb it for a brief few minutes every now and then. I just don’t know what else to do and the bs about not being able to fit me until 7th Nov is really taking its toll 😖

So sorry to hear that hun. I recommend you try Corsodyl mouth wash if you haven’t already. It’s an antiseptic mouthwash available over the counter. You can use it every day up to 2 weeks but no more as it can cause staining on your teeth OR you can get Corsodyl Daily mouth wash which is a bit gentler and can be used every day. You can try this in combination with warm salt water rinses. I’m wishing you some relief asap !! xx

@Courtney it has reached your trigeminal nerve. Its the worst pain imaginable next to childbirth. I had it a couple of years ago. My advice is to see if you can get it done privately. It will cost a lot but you absolutely cannot live like this until November. Might also be worth asking them to have another stab at taking the nerves out because that should have stopped the pain!

@Hayley would this be because of the possible infection or because of the nerve removal? She told me that the removal was successful and that the pain should stop once the ache from the anaesthetic wore off so I was hopeful I’d be better by now. Yesterday I had pain but not like this. I feel like my whole 3 back teeth that side are to blame from how bad this radiating stabbing pain is and I honestly am ready to just take a pair of pliers to them 😭🥲😅 I can’t afford to go private, I can’t even afford to go back for another emergency appointment. I’ve had 2 x £27 & the prescription cost for the metronidazole from first appt, which I know isn’t a lot but it’s all within the last 2 weeks and for the same issue x

@Courtney the decay in your tooth or infection has reached the trigeminal nerve (it sounds like). Taking the nerves out should completely get rid of the pain if that was the cause of it because thats half of the root canal. See if a dr can prescribe your some much stronger drugs for the pain. Over the counter stuff will not help that pain, I had to take amitriptyline and carbamazepine

@Hayley thank you lovely! I went to see the gp today and explained everything about how long it took for me to be seen by the dentist (i would call everyday to be told nothing available) etc. She went straight ahead and diagnosed it as Trigeminal Neuralgia. She said that either the infection has damaged the nerve OR that the dentist did during the anaesthetic process on Tuesday, which is when this really ramped up from being a tooth pain to face pain! She’s prescribed the Carbamazapine 100mg twice a day for now and then up it as and when needed. Referred me to neurology too for an MRI. Do you still have to take the tablets now? She made it seem like it would be a long term thing 😫 xx

@Courtney no my nhs dentist misdiagnosed me with trigeminal neuralgia and referred me to a specialist. That took 4 months for me to receive a letter. The drs in A&E told me to get a second opinion on my tooth so we paid private and they took the pain away in 1 appointment. I then stopped the medication and had my root canal done privately

@Hayley ah thank you! The gp diagnosed it TN and put me on the meds but I’m just not convinced either. I think the dentists just haven’t done something right with my teeth. Right now, the only pain I have is from my back molar hitting my bottom teeth before I can close my mouth which is sending shocks through my jaw etc and possibly needing a filling? It’s still excruciating and yesterday I was literally curled up crying on the sofa during his nap 🙈 I can’t afford to go private as I’m a single mum but I can’t live like this until Nov either 😫. Might discuss possibility of a payment plan or something with the dentist to just get it done asap x

A root canal can go either way. Help with the pain or make it worse! I had a temporary root canal, and they took out the nerve, but the whole tooth was so far gone by the time I went back that it had to come out! Inded up ODing on paracetamol and ibuprofen that I ended up in hospital anyway 🤦‍♀️ I couldn't eat, I had to drink through a straw! It was awful! I ended up with 4 teeth taken out while under general. Wisdom was growing side ways and rotted and rotted through the one i had the RC on! I waited about 1.5 years to get these teeth sorted. By the last 3 months of waiting every day, I would be screaming and crying because of it, and that's where i accidentally took tomany pain meds, i would go through a pack of each day! Really messed up my liver!! I'd rather go through birth a million times over then put up with bad toothache! Just don't do what I did!

@Suzanne oh bless you! I’m kind of at this point already. I had a bit of a scream/cry breakdown at work who told me to see my doctor and that’s when she said TN. I saw dentist on Tuesday and she said earliest I can get my RC in for is 7th Nov but I physically can’t take it that long. I’m burning through paracetamol, codeine and ibuprofen too…and the amount of orajel I’ve gone through is ridiculous. I’ve spent over £200 on pain management/relief this month alone 🥲 I just can’t do it anymore. I couldn’t even manage some buttered bread last night. Soup is too hot and yogurt is too cold. I can’t drink unless through a straw either. I’m at the point where I just want them all ripped out 😫 xx

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@Courtney I was also like this, I still fear the pain I was in and said, "Please just rip all my teeth out so I never have to be in pain again! Well, it didn't happen 🤣 my dentist cancelled 4 appointments whilst I was waiting for my appointment when I had pain on a different occasion. I told them I'm taking over the recommended amount in pain pills and numbing gel! They got me in quicker than usual! Keep ringing them and tell them you're going through so many a day! Just don't say a pack as I had to have blood tests, and I was on drips for 10 hours! Harass them like mad! I even cried down the phone!

@Suzanne will deffo do this. I’m actually waiting on a 111 dentist call to discuss what’s going on and book an appt somewhere if needed. I was too nervous to admit I’d been taking more than the recommended amount in fear that they’ll drag social in or something as I’m a single mum and don’t want to be painted in a bad light when I just want the pain to go away. I’m in no way overdosing, I’m taking 2 paracetamol still regardless but 3-4 ibuprofen at a time and then every 4 hours still so I feel like it’s still within a reasonable range?🙈 but I just don’t want any hassle from them about it, if that makes sense? I did say I was using way too much gel than I know I should and she told me on the call last night not to use any more or take anything else until I speak to them but it’s been over 12 hours now and Im in agony. I had an unmedicated birth (not by choice either) but I swear childbirth was WAY easier than this!

@Courtney I'm a single mum. They asked me 3 times if I did this on purpose, and I said no. They didn't get social involved, and I discharged myself from the hospital against medical advice, and they still didn't ring them. You're technically overdosing. Your liver will be taking the impact more than anything else other than your stomach lining. Yeah, I couldn't take anymore until they rang me, but they were pretty quick at it and pretty quick telling me to come in ASAP! They know how painful toothache is! And know it's a ballsche waiting for them to be sorte, ring them back! I even forgot it comes through breast milk! So not only was I overdosing myself but technically my 1 yesr old too! Xx

@Courtney have you heard back? Xx

@Suzanne yes, literally at 12:15pm today so pretty much an entire 24 hours after my call 😅. They’ve scheduled an appointment for me tomorrow morning to see if they can do anything to help. She said it sounds like dentists have focused on the wrong tooth as I’m 99.9999% sure it’s my back one! Fingers crossed tomorrow I’ll have a bit of relief 😮‍💨🙏🤍

@Courtney i reallllly hope you get this sorted. I remember how bad it was

@Courtney Good luck! Hopefully, you'll feel some relief soon! Even if they have to remove it! Fingers crossed! Let me know how it goes xx

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