Possible gestational diabetes

Im 35 weeks and 2 days, had a scan today and they said baby's tummy area and head are quite large, he's weighing 7 pounds already, they're going to book me in for an appointment to prick my finger every day for 5 days to see if I actually have gestational diabetes! If I do, they may want to Induce me earlier or do c section, has anyone else had this? I'm going to stop eating sugar! Thanks! X
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Wow that's quite late to diagnose GD. I'd recommend going on gestational diabetes (.co. UK) website as cutting out sugar won't be enough. You have to go low carb and bulk up with protein too. I found that having cheese and peanut butter with most meals helped to curb the glucose spike

Don't stop eating sugar lol your allowed a certain amount. I have GD and I'm allowed to have sugar but I just limit it, same with carbs. My son is measuring big too (week and a half ahead) could just be a big baby. I wouldn't worry until there's something to worry about.. I would think if it was GD they would have caught it on your glucose test 🤨

I have GD diagnosed 2 weeks ago I’m 33+4 today.. baby is measuring big and I’ve been told I’ll most likely have c section or be induced early. Have a check up on Wednesday next week which will be another 2 weeks since my last scan and consultation x

It's got nothing to do with just sugar. Go on Gd website. I was induced at 38+5 because I ended up on metformin and insulin, couldn't control sugars first thing. I think every lady should be tested, they werent even going to test me until I brought it up at 28 weeks. I had to fast and have a special drink at hospital. Wait 2 hrs and have bloods done again. My sugars shot up. Try not to worry. Best of luck xx

I had GD, baby was measuring big, was induced early, and ended up having a c-section. I did everything to get my GD in check, but nothing really worked. It was a JOURNEY to say the least. We tried for natural labor, but he wasn't moving down so ended up doing the c-section. What they don't tell you about it is that you'll shake the whole time and when it's time to pull them out, it feels like you can't breathe. Other than that, it wasn't too bad and both things are totally normal for a c-section. I would reccomend getting an epidural as soon as possible. If you don't, they'll have to put you to sleep for it.

@Rebecca it’s called late stage GD when you get it that late. I passed my first one and then was retested at 35 weeks when I also came back with fetal Macrosomia. My baby was full sized head by 34 weeks.

I had GD got it at 32 weeks, was induced at 39+5, they told me baby was measuring big 10 pounds 2 they told me as an estimate, she came out at 8 pounds 2 so I wouldn’t worry about baby measuring big they aren’t accurate. I had to prick my finger when I woke up after breakfast, after dinner and after tea, towards the end my sugar levels just wouldn’t stay down so I had to get put on tablets x

@Karin me too but I was retested at 28 weeks, I didn't realize they did the 2nd test as late as 35 weeks here (I had my GD baby abroad) Good to know for the future though! Thanks!

So I was officially diagnosed with late stage GD at 36 weeks, but we also knew fetal Macrosomia runs in both the fathers and my side of the family. The doctors just weren’t prepared for my baby’s head to measure 36 week at the 31 week growth scan. They finally decided to retest for GD at 35 weeks. I had a ton of other complications suddenly pop up starting at 34 weeks. One of which was what they thought was a severe case of PUPPPs that erupted around my entire body everywhere but my face. Though we later found out it was PG. I had a scheduled c-section planned for 40 weeks, but they moved me up to 36w5d. I would have preferred to have waited because he did end up in the NICU for 6 days. However, I came back at risk for ICP and that can cause still birth after 37 weeks. Born 23 days early, my baby boy was 20inch 7lb 11.5oz. He’s extremely healthy now at 21 weeks old though so don’t let this scare you too much. He’s still a giant for his age.

@Rebecca oh my second test was also 28 weeks. I passed that one. I truly was only retested because my scans were coming back giant. Frankly, he’s still giant. His 4 month height was in the 99-100 percentile.😅😅

@Karin what’s ICP please?

@Emily it’s a liver condition during pregnancy where bile gets into your blood. One of the main warning signs is extreme itchiness of the hands and feet. It’s not actually related to GD. I somehow got both. But I also suffered postpartum heart failure after giving birth so my body just started having system failures near birth.

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